Friday, March 13, 2015

I Hear Birds Chirping...

I hear birds chirping away.  Yes, Spring is coming faster than you think.  It is just around the corner.   We had a rough winter here in West TN.   Being stuck inside all winter, I enjoyed feeding the birds and watching them.

The view from my 
sewing room window:

We had so many different kinds this year.

I laughed when I seen our decoy ducks on our the pond.  

Fortunately, we did not get much snow and  here our snow does not last long.  It was gone in just a few days.


Those are not the only birds I hear chirping!

TODAY starts the Bird Tree hop...

And I can't wait to see the beautiful creations these talented ladies made.

Please come join me. 
Here is Today's schedule:

For the rest of the schedule, go to:



1 comment:

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 1

ohhhhh I wish I had those lovely littl birds here!! we still have about 90 or so centimetres of snow on the ground and more coming on Sunday. when will we see Spring??? Lol