Monday, March 20, 2017

Its Quilt Quazy Queen Week

Yup, That's right.  It's Quilt Quazy Queen week, and today is my day.

Well, believe me....I am a Quazy Quilter!

I am one that everything has to be orderly and in its proper place.  The only time its messed up is when I am sewing.  At the end if each day, I put everything back till the next day.

Let me show you my room and how I keep things orderly.


My husband hung large white shelves all around my room.   I keep different items in each tote.   7 with Fat Quarters in,  one has small printed scraps, one with plain scraps, one with strips, another with squares, one with rectangles, 2 with assorted size Batiks. 

 Then I have 2 book cases, one wood and one Tuppermaid.  On the book shelves I keep my fabric assorted in stacks from 1/4 yard to 7 yards.

Also, on one shelf I have my magazines assorted by month and year.

I found 2 thread holders at a flea market last summer, for $1.00.  I couldn't believe it!  So I hung them together.

This is a corner desk we used to keep our computer on.  We no longer have our computer, we went to a lap too and our phones.  So the desk turned into my cutting table/design table/sewing table. 

In this basket I keep the fabric and designs of the project I want to do next.
Now, don't get me wrong, even though I keep things in order, I normally have 2 different projects going at once.  But keep them together.

  Such as one could be blocks, which I stack together neatly on my desk as I make them to put together. 

While another could be arranged on my design wall.  When I am working in my room I have it a mess, but I guarantee, at the end of the day all is put away till the next day.   Even my machine gets its cover on at the end if the day.

 I also will not start another project till one of these are completed.  

My partner in crime, taking a nap.  She loves being close to me, so she has a bed in almost every room of our house.  So no matter which room I am in, she goes to that bed, lol.
Now, I must say, I feel I am a very lucky quilter.  My husband purchased a long arm machine for me 3 years ago.  Not only that...Last summer he built onto our house making a room just for my machine.  He is just wonderful and supports my quilting 100%.  He is also very handy, when I say built my room, he did it ALL
 (except for some painting that I helped with)

My machine, which I love playing with!

We love going into thrift shoos and second hand stores.  (You never know what you can find.)  Last fall we stopped in this shop owned by a retired couple who bought furniture from estate sales.  He found this oak gun cabinet and said it would be perfect to display quilts.  He added some shelf's and put a board on top.  Perfect!

He even made me a quilt rack.  It will hold a quilt up to 98 inches long.  And check it out, he put my name in it!

Then he made a Spool holder to hold my larger spools of thread.
My son made me the shelf and stained it to match all the other woodwork.
Oh, and a large basket on the floor is to keep my pantographs in.

I also purchased 2 plastic drawer sets to put rulers, pins, small toppers, etc.

My toy machine collection on a shelf above French doors that lead into our Dining Room.

Another great find... This was a beat, large oval table with 3 chairs that we found for 
$ 20.00.  He cut it round, put an edge on it, sanded, stained and Wa Laa, I got the perfect table for my room.  I made chair pads and as you can see...Perfect!  (I tell you, this Quazy Quilting Queen is truly lucky to have such a wonderful man.)

Thank you Marian for all your hard work.  I must say, I am really enjoying seeing everyone's quilt rooms and am getting more ideas as to make mine better.


Marian at Seams to Be Sew  not only has been hard at work organizing the hop, she has some very sweet giveaways. She will have special giveaways each day on her blog as the host so plan on visiting, and the special giveaways change throughout the hop. Look for many more exciting companies you love already!

All giveaways are open to everyone, but before entering the drawing for these 3 giveaways--Terial Arts, Quilters Dream and Martelli, you must agree to pay your own shipping costs should you win. *Northcott FQ fabrics have free shipping.

USA Priority Mail: 6.75
Canada: 15.50
International: 23.50

Marttelli Notions

Northcott Fabrics
(This giveaway will fave FREE shipping) 

And last but not least, EQ7 is givi g a 30% discount for the length of the hop!

Use the code that follows.

Promo code: EQHOP2017
The code is good from 3/16/2017 to 3/27/2017
Exclusions: Electric Quilt 7, EQ7 Migration Kit, Upgrade from EQ Mini to EQ7, EQ Mini Migration Kit, EQ Academy classes, and EQ University classes.

(This code is also good for Upgrades from EQ6 to EQ7, and also the EQStitch.)

I now want to invite you to visit the other Quazy Quilting Queens that are showing their special rooms today. 

March 20

Below is the schedule for the rest of this
 Quazy hop!

March 21
March 22
Happy Quilting Everyone!!


Anita Jackson @ Domestic Felicity said...

A Toy Machine Collection! What great fun! And such a nice space to sew in!

Grandma said...

Nice setup for sewing, thanks for sharing.

Kwilt Krazy said...

Isn't it wonderful to have a handy husband. I have one of those too! Your space is wonderful! Have a sewing fun day!

Angie said...

Sew cool of your husband to customize lots of things for you! Good luck everyone in the giveaways!! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom

mumbird3 said...

Lovew where you uput your toy sewing machines!!! Nice sewing set up!!!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

What a beautiful room Jane! I'm like you, I work better in a organized space. Your husband is definitely a keeper! A longarm AND a room for! What a clever idea to buy the oval table and then make it round. Thanks for the tour!

QuiltShopGal said...

You have a great sewing room with plenty of storage space. Fun to see how you organized it.


Calicojoan said...

What a great room. Love your window toppers and that little table. What a great find! Creative bliss in your space!

Kelley L. said...

Love your room! The quilt on the rack is beautiful!

Kathleen Trail said...

OH my...i love the chickens :) I keep projects in white baskets too, some are started and some are waiting :)

Marian said...

I love love love love LOVE this room and it's space and the toy machines are to die for... I want some... dang... those are really cool.

I also am thinking you have one really great husband there who anticipates your needs and then goes out of his way to create it for you.. What a wonderful and talented man you have there...

Organized.. WoW... I like to think I'm a little bit organized, but you are way out there... I'm in awe... Clean.. I'm definitely not into that, it seems one should be clean when you start sewing, but I'm lucky if I got the area where I'm sewing clean enough.. LOL :) I'm trying to be better about that. Anyway, I'm so happy you shared with us today Jane.

cjmont said...

you are so lucky to have such great space and such a handy husband.

Tami Von Zalez said...

What a mighty good man! I've had to put together my own sewing space.

Pamela said...

You are so neat and tidy! I need to take lessons :)

Lori said...

what a wonderful sewing space. you have a very talented and special husband. So cool. I love the mini quilt on the wall where the rooster is hugging the chickens.

GranChris said...

I like your thread holders. Wonderful room.

Anna brown said...

Wow you got it togeather....and yess you never know what great things you will find secand hand shopping...

rosemaryschild said...

WOW! You are incredibly organized-I too am a believer "a place for everything and everything in its place", Thank you for sharing, Susan

Tu-Na Quilts said...

Hi, Jane! Lovely quilt rooms you have. Most people are happy to get one but it looks like you have two. What brand of longarm do you have? I've been thinking of getting one so am looking for tips from owners of one. Karen

@lutzcats said...

WHAT A GUY! He loves seeing you create and be happy. And a quilt inspector kitty general is a true bonus! Love you singer cover, had to zoom in on that one.

@lutzcats said...

WHAT A GUY! He loves seeing you create and be happy. And a quilt inspector kitty general is a true bonus! Love you singer cover, had to zoom in on that one.

Monica said...

Wow you're lucky. My dad did similar things for my mom (a seamstress) but my husband is not so handy. But a great guy nonetheless. Thanks for sharing

PuppyPaws said...

It's so nice to have kitty help.

allthingzsewn said...

You don't get any better than that.

quilter said...

Great job, my cats say HI!

Lisa England said...

Wow, your sewing areas are fabulous and how wonderful for your husband to build all that stuff for you! Thanks for the inspiration.

Joan said...

Two great sewing areas instead of just one, lucky you! That husband of yours definitely sounds like a keeper!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - your space is so tidy and organized. I am envious! Thanks!

Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

Carol said...

LOVE your space and little toy machines. But really DROOLING over the oak cabinet. I love, love, love oak furniture. Thanks for the tour.

Trudy Keller said...

Thanks for the chance to win. Love your sewing room.

wendy said...

You have a great sewing room along with a very handy hubby, what a blessing! I love your little machines. I was fortunate to acquire one from my mother in law and I really cherish it.Thanks for sharing!

Cecilia said...

I love the gun cabinet turned quilt cabinet! I may have to borrow that id a. I have a gun cabinet that my father gave me and this would be a great way to use it!

Amanda Best said...

How wonderful that your husband not only got you a long arm, but built a new room for it!!! That is awesome, you are a lucky quilter!!!

apple blossom said...

lovely work space.

Rhonda Best said...

I have to admire your tidiness, very unlike me. I always have a bunch of projects going at one time, in quite a mess.

MoeWest said...

You have a wonderful sewing studio!

Anonymous said...

What a great workroom you have. I'm jealous. =) You have a special husband if he would look at a gun cabinet and think, "Great place for quilts." LOL

Pamela said...

I am swooning over your sewing rooms and all your wonderful toys! It sounds like you have a wonderful husband too! Thanks for sharing all the photos. It gave me some organization ideas.

scottylover said...

That is one talented hubby you have there! Thanks for sharing your room. I have found a couple of ideas that I really like.

Sandy A

cindy m said...

Your space is lovely! I am so envious! But now have a lot of good ideas too! Thanks!
lstangl482 at aol dot com

Scrapatches said...

You are a quasy lucky quilty queen to have such a handy hubby and son. Beautiful sewing and quilting spaces kept beautifully. Your quilts and wips are beautiful, too. Thank you for inviting us to share your happy place today ... :) Pat

Beth said...

Each of the blocks on your design wall is quite pretty--how will you decide where to begin? At least you've narrowed it down to those three!

Bobbie said...

Jane, you are a queen to your handy man king. The two of you make a beautifully, talented team. Your rooms are very nicely organized and that makes for a wonderful space to be creative in. Thank you for sharing!

JANET said...

Great room! Someone gave me a china cabinet that is full of fabric right now, but I was looking at it the other day and thought what a great place for finished quilts. Yours (gun cabinet) makes me want to sew up the fabric in there so that I can put my quilts in it!

Vicki H said...

I love your sewing room. I wish my husband had building talents like yours, he indeed treats you as a queen.

BarefootThunder said...

Nice to have the space to add on, sure wish I did, we all need bigger sewing spaces!!
Do I see a treadle in your collection? Do you use it? I have one and keep saying I need to find the time to practice.
Your Solstice blocks are lovely, thanks for sharing it all.

OhioLori said...

Wow!! How fun to tour your Rooms....Beautiful!! & your Husband is Awesome too!

Amy said...

Beautiful sewing area. I have one of those handy supporting husbands as well. They make life so enjoyable. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

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Val said...

Hello Jane
You are truly a very talented quilter - and what a lucky girl you are to have all your sewing gear as well as a very supportive other half!
I'm not criticising, but I have seen this a lot - that some people don't actually realise where some phrases come from.

This excerpt from one of your blog posts two years ago:
Another great find... This was a beat, large oval table with 3 chairs that we found for
$ 20.00. He cut it round, put an edge on it, sanded, stained and Wa Laa, I got the perfect table for my room. I made chair pads and as you can see...Perfect!

I am in France currently, and to present a job-well-done in the French language is Voila - pronounced Vwahlah. (Don't forget the 'V' at the beginning.)

A lot of folk have, I believe, misunderstood the origin and typed it as you have - Wa Laa - although this is incorrect. It should be typed Voila!

Please don't take this as criticism, it is just explaining how so many people perhaps do not appreciate just where the phrase comes from.

I started quilting just a couple of years ago, and I sure envy those, like you, who are so talented.

Best wishes, Val.

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