Friday, January 4, 2013

Snowmen Table Topper

Yesterday we got some snow flurry's and it looked so pretty coming down.  It was not a lot just enough to give the birdhouses a white roof. It was only making the roads wet, but it sure looked pretty.

So I got to thinking, how about making a Snowman table topper?  I got out my blue fabric that looked like snowflakes.

I added a dark blue and a white to my snowflake fabrics.  I wanted to have a little contrast.  Anyway, I came up with this block.  It is made of 2 inch squares and measures 10 1/2 inches.  I made a total of 5 of these blocks.  

Then I made my snowmen.  I wanted one for each corner.  I made their hats and scarfs out of my scrap bin.  

I placed them diagonally onto a 10 inch block.  Two facing to the left and two facing to the right.  I used my machine and appliqued them with the blanket stitch and invisible thread.  

I put them all together with a 1 inch sashing around all the blocks.  I machine quilted it in an all over random pattern, going around the snowmen to accent them.  I then painted eyes on the four snowmen with black dimensional fabric paint.

The total size of the table topper is:  36 1/2" X 36 1/2".  


Don't forget about the blog hop coming up starting January 7th.  

This is the first one of the year and it is starting with a big BANG!  You don't want to miss the tutorials, beautiful work of fellow quilters, and the Giveaways.  Check out the full schedule at:

One of my great sponsors gave me something special that everyone will, come on back on January 11th (that is my day to post) and enter my giveaway.  


Meanwhile you can check out their site at: .   They have some great sales going on for the new year.   

Till then you will find me in my room just a quilting.........



To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:


Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 1

love the table topper....the snowmen are too cute!! All set here for the hop.....I'm on the 8th.

Needled Mom said... 2

Very cute and your snowmen are so sweet.

evelyn said... 3

One day! Wow! I love the topper. Snowmen are my favorite, and I love the pattern that you used.