Saturday, August 27, 2016

Delectable Mountains

I don't know about anyone else, but my summer is going way too fast, or is it?   Now, I must admit I like the sun, vacations, shore, etc.  Even the hot sunny days, 
but this Humidity!
Well,  it's got to go!  (I don't know about where you live, but it has been extra hot here.) and I am SOOOO ready for Fall!

One good thing, I have been doing a lot of quilting (staying in the air).  I have even been making Christmas presents.  
(Just trying to think cool, lol) 

I was wandering, have you ever saw this pattern?   
"The Delectable Mountains" 
by Scrappy Mountains Majesty's

The ladies in our club got together and made this quilt together.

It is actually an easy block to make.  The perfect strip quilt block.

You start with two 10 inch blocks and make 2 HST's with them. Then cut in strips to make two opposite blocks.

Now, I am sorry, I cannot go into detail  because, well, I don't want to get into trouble with the designer.  You will have to buy the pattern.

I can say those two HST's will make 2 blocks. 

Ah, the fun part is how you put your blocks together.   There are so many variations.

I used blues, trees, and grays tone on tone fabrics.

This one is mine.  
It ended up 69" X  74"

Each ladies quilt was different. 

One person made a wall hanging.

Oh what fun we had that day.

But for now I am going to make myself a Chocolate Milkshake, and back to my machine I go.


Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Paducah National Quilt Museum

Last week our Quilt Guild went on an excursion!  Oh, what fun we had.

First stop was at a nearby shop called "Back Yard Fabrics" in Mayfield Kentucky.  They had beautiful fabrics.  

Dana, the owner, had cute quilts hung all over.  If you didn't get ideas there... Well, something is wrong!!

Another adorable Christmas Quilt.

From there we headed to the National Quilt Museum in Oaducah, Kentucky.

I am sure most everyone heard of this museum.  

We were all excited to see inside and to check out all the quilts.

I was disappointed in one thing only.  They would not let anyone take any pictures.  In fact, they were insisting you turn your phone off.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I love taking pictures, expicially quilts!!!

I managed to survive without my phone.  I was mesmerized by all the quilts.  They were amazing.  I never seen such beautiful workmanship.  And the little mini quilts just blew me away!  I would recommend a trip to Paducah to all quilters.  

Well, all I can say is,  I was so in "Ahhh" that I forgot all about taking pictures after we left and stopped at Hancock's in Paducah, lol.    😄

(sad but true, I'm sorry)

Ok, back to my room...
Lots going on in there.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My NEW Shelves

As most of you know, my dear husband has built on a room to the back of our house for my long arm machine.  The outside is now completely done and he is on the down hill side with the inside.

Inside, the bath is completely finished. The drywall in the room itself was put up this past week and he is now smutching the drywall, preparing it for paint.  I am getting so excited,

After the painting, the moulding and trim goes up, then the floors. guessed it, it will be ready for my machine and decorations.

Now I have a table, lots of wall hangings, but I needed shelves to hold my books, clock, toy machine, pictures of my grandsons, etc.

Well, I decided to make one!

Here is my clock.....

My daughter-in-law says that I have the clock set for wine time, lol.

Pictures of my Grandsons, David, 10 and Daniel 12.  Oh, and our baby, Tamo.

I made my shelves 8 inches high.  For books, I did some Applique, some I wrote on, some were ribbons that were on Fat Quarters when I purchased them but most of them are the written part of a salvage edge of my fabric stash.

I added my Toy Singer, a jar of buttons, a pincushion, clock, and I had to put my cat on.  (She is always with me)

Here are my grandsons, aren't they handsome?
I also added my scissors, markers, flowers, oh, and my antique iron.
I quilted each shelf with straight lines and, or a grid pattern

Total size is:  
26 1/2"  X  38 1/2"

I got the idea to make shelves from some quilts I seen online.  I seen shelves for libraries, and even picture quilts (which would be a great idea).  I only ever seen bed size though, and also never any that used the salvage edge for books.  I had to put my own twist on it, and make it mine.

OK, I got lots of other ideas and things I want to make for in my new room.  So off I go....will show you later.....