Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Today, I am making my filling, Pumpkin Bread, and Pumpkin Pie.

Every year since we were married (and that will be 40 years come spring) everyone cane to our house for Thanksgiving.  We would have a big house full every year.  Now that we moved to Tennessee,  it is just the 4 of us.  I kinda miss it, but surly not the mess.  So to all those cooking tomorrow, my advice is      :)

I wanted to share with everyone our adventure.  This month our Quilt Guild went on a Field Trip.  Oh what fun we had.  First stop was a Quilt shop (of course)

"Back Yard Fabrics"
This is a great little quilt shop that has almost everything you need. 

When we were finished looking in every nook and cranny we were hungry. 
So we all headed to "Patty's.

"Patty's" is a country restaurant located in Kentucky at a place called "Land between the Lakes".  (Between Kentucky Lake and Barkley Lake)  The inside has a little country store and is decorated beautifully!   Check out the ceiling!

 They are well known for their Pork Chops.  (One order, one pork chop, will feed 2)   They do not skimp on anything they serve.  Just check out this piece of Lemon Meringue pie and the Apple pie:

Now, Patty's is open year round and at Christmas they decorate everything.  Here is the outside ppravillian.   They even got Santa's seat ready.

Their Water Wheel...

Also around the outside of Patty's there are the neatest little log cabins.  Inside are little shops, a jewelry shop, gift shop, dress shop, etc.  (You can get unique gifts.)

I couldn't resist a picture of the bird houses.  I thought they were adorable. 

We had a lot of fun, did a lot of laughing, lot of eating, (lot of spending) and made lots of memories.   

I hope you enjoyed seeing my pictures and hearing about our adventures.
For now, I got a dinner to prepare for.


1 comment:

StitchinByTheLake said... 1

What fun places to visit! Hope your Thanksgiving is full of fun even if it is going to be small. :) blessings, marlene