Thursday, July 17, 2014

Weddings and Mennonites

As I am sure all my readers know, August 1st our son is getting married to his long time girlfriend.  We are all excited.  Ever so often we have dinner and sit outside at his fire ring going over all we have to do.

It is getting close now.  Her gown has been altered and ready, his suit, my dress, flowers, etc.  It is just to do all the odds and ends.  We will leave for PA early Wednesday so we have plenty of time to set it all up.

Now the next day our nephew is getting married.  I asked everyone's opinion as to which quilt to give them as a present.  Well, with lots of thought, research, and help from all my fellow quilters.  I decided to give them this quilt:

See his wife to be is Mennonite and our nephew is going Mennonite.   I learned there are different orders of Mennonites.   She is old order from Ephrata,  PA.  I learned that Mennonites are a branch of the Christian church,  with roots in the radical wing of the 16th century Protestant Reformation.   Part of the group known as Anabiptist (because they re-baptise adult believers)

(Our nephew Shawn, and his fiancé)

Mennonites got their name from Menno Simons,  a Dutch priest who converted to the Anabiptist faith and helped lead them.

The Mennonite were of German heritage.  The Amish separated from Mennonite in the late 1600's.  Known for their plain dress and complete rejection to modern technology.   The both came to America in the 1800's, first settling in PA.

Anyway to make a long story short, unlike the Amish, they have electric, they do drive vehicles (but everything on the vehicle must be black, bumpers, grilks, etc.)  They dress plain, with plain darker colors (not bright colors nor prints), their head dress is smaller, and they have interest in English outside the church.  (Amish are a tight community in themselves).  

So knowing all this, I know they will use this quilt.  They are not into the bright colors nor the newer, brighter fabrics.

It is going to be a very busy weekend.  After their wedding our son has a gig planned with his friends.  We will be going to listen to him and the others sing.

Look out.....their will be lots of pictures.

Two weddings.....oh, lots to do....later,


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Help, I need your Opinion

HELP, I would love to have your opinion on this.  

You see, my son is getting married on August 1st in PA.  So we have a lot to get and organize.  It isn't easy, getting it all together living 956 miles away.  But my son and his fiancé are troopers and all is getting done.

My problem is my nephew is getting married the next day.  (Gonna be a busy weekend)  Well, I would like to give him and his wife to be, one of my quilts.  But it seems as we each have a different opinion as to which one.  We have no idea as to what their colors are.  The only thing we do know is he is marrying a Menonite girl.  (and she is sweet, a school teacher)

I would truly appreciate your input as to which quilt you think would be appropriate.

First,   is:  
"Buzz Saw",    79" X 83"

Second, is:
 "Proud Honeysuckle"   79" X 79"

Third, is:
"Scrappy Batiks"   72" X 78"

Last but not least...
Forth, is:
"Wonky Stars"  60" X 72"

Ok, these are the four that each one of us picked to give as a wedding present.  I only wish I had more time to make a special one just for them.  My family says one of these will be perfect.

NOW, which one do you think I should give them?

Thank you all for your help.  Now I got lots of table toppers that I am making.  Then I need to find a dress.  Oh, then to make a silk pouch.