Thursday, October 24, 2013

Tis "'wickedly" Good!

Yes, it "Tis Wickedly Good" and it is Friday and my day to show you what "Wicked" things I made.  I was sooo happy when Madame Samm had posted to sign up for this Hop.  I couldn't wait!  Not only to make something "Frightful" but to see all the other projects that were stirred up.   So let me give a BIG thank you to both Madame Samm and to Wendy  for hosting this great hop.  I can imagined that it is a lot of work.  And we all do appreciate it.

Oh, I had so many ideas for this hop.....Then all of a sudden I got bombarded with a lot of other things that had to take priority.  UGH!!  
Then I decided to do a silhouette wall hanging.   So I drew this:   (ended up making 2.)

I was starting to get carried away with my pumpkins and it didn't look right to me to have a dog standing on them.  Then again, some say that it is not a dog but another cat??  Spooky, huh??


Now my son said that my phone will take better pictures than my camera.  I can read that there are more Pixels and with my camera I sometimes have a hard time keeping them clear.  I guess I shake the camera too much.  He said that phone will always take clear pictures for me.   Well, I somehow can still get blurry pictures.  He just laughs.

Then these came to mind.  Gee, I got Christmas, and colors to match my decor, so why not "Halloween"?

I got all sizes:  9 1/2 inch round,  6 inch round, and 4 inch round.

T'was the week before All Hallows Eve
My nose was so stuffy that I couldn't breathe.
The beasties and ghoulies all were creeping,
(It was late at night, I should've been sleeping).
I heard their sighs, I heard their moans,
Their rattling chains and creaking bones;
But I didn't get scared, didn't wish them away
'Cuz I like to hear ghoulies and beasties at play.
These creatures, you see, were very polite
Each time that I sneezed they'd say "Gesundheit"

With Cider in hand, I am ready to Fly over to these other "Wickedly" great project...come join me...

       October 25th

And here is next weeks schedule:

       October 28th
I Piece 2-Mary

             October 29th

           October 30th

           October 31st

Now for my "Treat".   I purchased this cute Halloween fabric and did not get a chance to use it.   I know someone will have a lot of fun with it.   It is 1 yard, not cut, not washed.

To enter is easy.  Just leave me a comment.  I will run my giveaway through the hop and post a winner on November 1st.  It is open to ANYONE! Just make sure I can contact you.  I will go to the to pick my winner.  

Oh, and don't forget the giveaway for the EQ 7 will end on the 28th.  To enter please see my post below.

Now I must fly, I got lots to do........


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:


Judy B said... 1

Your pet quilts are sew cute and of course your doilies are fantastic! Thank you for sharing.

Vroomans' Quilts said... 2

Very cute minis but I just adore the doilies - so delicate and a special treat to the holiday decor.

Sunshine Girl said... 3

Wow lovely projects there and I love the witch sitting on the doily - very spooky! Thanks for sharing.

Heleen Groot said... 4

The pets do look wicked in those quilts! I adore the doilies. Great fun! Thank you for that poem, I loved it and it made me smile!

Kay said... 5

The quilts are great but I especially like the Halloween doilies. Learning tot crochet is on my list of things I really want to do. Thanks for a great giveaway too.

Britt-Inger said... 6

Your wall quilts are so cute. And the dollies are awesome. Thanks for sharing your creativity and being part of this hop

Betsy said... 7

My mother in law used to make me lots of doilies. I like how you made yours to match the holiday!

Michele said... 8

Cute, cute and the doilies remind me of my grandmothers. I wish they would have taught me to make those while they were still alive.

Elizabeth Coughlin said... 9

Great job on the quilts, and the doilies are really sweet!

Marjorie's Busy Corner said... 10

Great projects the dolies too thanks for the great giveaway

Sparky said... 11

Purrring to your projects with all the Halloweenie in me...lovely silouhettes....and love your witch on her rocker...big hands lol

Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek] said... 12

Lovin the cat and lovin the doilies!! Thanks for sharing such fun inspiration!

StitchinByTheLake said... 13

So, so cute Jane! I can't draw stick figures so I'm always envious of what others can create. Blessings, Marlene

Linda said... 14

Your projects are great, whether dog or cat! Great job!

Jeanne Gwin said... 15

How fun you are. The witch is adorable. And those doilies, now you have made me want to crochet.

Margaret said... 16

I love those doilies They really set things off. Thanks for sharing

Nadine said... 17

Your silhouette quilts are too sweet, Jane! I have to say, I've gotten better pictures our of my iPad than I have out of my DSLR camera at times, so your son knows what's up. Now I use my iPad first and resort to the camera if that doesn't work out! Thanks for sharing your lovely work. :-)

Vicki H said... 18

Love your silhouettes and the doilies are awesome. Thanks for sharing.

gpc said... 19

What fantastic projects! Those doilies really pop! :)

Needled Mom said... 20

Very nice projects. Your doilies are just beautiful.

Just Quilt It said... 21

Oh, my, you are very talented to draw such cute, fun patterns. They turned out great! I really love them, and the doilies are great, too!

MalinisQuilts said... 22

Beautiful projects! And little circle crochets are awesome! The witch is super cute!

Createology said... 23

Wicked BOO-tiful quilts. Thank you for joining this Wicked hop. This is such fun...

Carla said... 24

Love the doilies and the sihlouettes. Great projects for Halloween.

Ann said... 25

Love the applique. But I really love the crochet doilies. Had not thought of doing orange and black what a great idea...Now where is my crochet hooks? Thanks for a chance to win . So enjoying tis years ho!

Daryl @ Patchouli Moon Studio said... 26

Wickedly wonderful projects! said... 27

Great projects. Love the doilies though the best.

Leah said... 28

I like the silhouettes for Halloween mixed with the pumpkins. Great project. Your crochet doilies are perfect too!

Unknown said... 29

You are so clever to be able to draw a design and then sew it up! Nice job even if your pic is a tiny bit blurry...

Unknown said... 30

your silhouettes are great the poem perfect... but the doilies are just the thing...

tink's mom said... 31

Great job on the pet quilts and the halloween doilies are wonderful.

Stitches said... 32


Calicojoan said... 33

Tooo cute! Love the doilies!

Vera said... 34

Nice projects and fun pics :-)

Tammy said... 35

These are fabulous. I love that you were able to draw your own patterns. That just amazes me. Thank you for shareing your talents with us.

Connie Kresin Campbell said... 36

What neat projects and I really like your dog on the pumpkins!!

Rebeckah Austin said... 37

Oh these are great!

Amanda Best said... 38

I love your cat and dog wall hangings! They are precious!

BizyStitches said... 39

Your projects are really fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

charlotte said... 40

Very nice job on your projects.

Rina Mason said... 41

Wicked good job on all your projects. As I'm a cat person I really love your black cat but think the dog is equally cute. Love the doilies!

Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said... 42

cute wall hanging! and I love the doilies. Of course you need Halloween ones!

:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

Quilting Tangent said... 43

Nice projects, lovely poem. Pretty fabric panel.
Happy Spooky Halloween!

Dawn Frisch said... 44

Great projects!! Just love those Halloween Wall hangings!!
Happy Halloween!!

lefuntz said... 45

Spooktacular wall hangings! (I wish I could draw.) Love the witch too. My favorite part of your post is the picture of the cat and dog with the pumpkins. What a purrfect ending!

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said... 46

Thanks for sharing your wicked projects. Such fun!

Linda C said... 47

Way to go, Jane! You made some really cute pieces for the hop of your own design.

THX for the giveaway opportunity. You are right that someone will love that fabric!

Brandy said... 48

Jane, I just love your doilies! Your quilt projects are great too... but the doilies are gorgeous! I'm inspired, now I just need to see if I have any orange in that big pile of thread... Thank you for the inspiration!

Anonymous said... 49

Love your crocheted doilies-don't often see them in those colors. Thanks for sharing.

Nancy said... 50

I was impressed with the silhouettes, but then saw the crocheted doiles and thought about all the ideas you came up with and how great they were. I would never have thought of Halloween doiles. I love Halloween and the fabric would be used in more wallhangings or table runners, etc.

MoeWest said... 51

I like your Wicked silhouettes and the beautiful doilies! I never mastered crochet but I have many lovely doilies made by my MIL. Thanks for the giveaway.

Marla's Crafts said... 52

Love the little projects. The give away looks great to. Thanks for the chance to win.

jan said... 53

Love your Silhouettes! And the crocheted doilies
Great job
xo jan@sewandsowfarm

Scrapatches said... 54

I love your designs and projects. Looks like a long nosed poochie with alert ears to me in the second quilt. The crocheted doilies are a colorful way to warm your home ... thanks for sharing and for a chance to win ... :) Pat

Margaret said... 55

Excellent job. I truly admire your drawing talents.

Marcy said... 56

Those doilies are great--who would have thought! You must have the first set in Halloween colors. The mini quilts are adorable and not a bit wicked. The background color really sets it off.

Judy Cooper Textile Artist said... 57

Great projects! Love the witch sitting on the doilies.

Renea said... 58

Love the doilies. Reminds me of my grandmother. She was always making doilies but I don't think she ever made Halloween ones. Thanks for the giveaway.

Sandy said... 59

Cute wallhangings and darling doilies. Thanks for sharing with us.

Suze said... 60

I love your projects. I love the eye expression of the one kitty. You are very clever to think of orange, black and white doilies. They are perfect for the season. The one is adorable under your rocking witch. You do amazing quilting and crocheting. Thanks for participating and sharing your amazing creativity.

Gill said... 61

Great projects! I especially like the cat!
Thanks for sharing!

leanne said... 62

love your silhouette wall hangings - they're really sweet (and scary too!) and your wicked witch is just so cool - thanks for sharing and the giveaway :)

M-R Charbonneau said... 63

Very cute minis! Great doilies too. Great job! Thanks for the giveaway!

e said... 64

Gorgeous, unique projects. Love your Witch.

Mary said... 65

Love your cute quilts. The silhouettes are super. Love the doilies as well.

Quilt n Queen said... 66

Jane, your silhouettes wall hangings are just a little spooky...not too wicked. Luv the wicked witch in the rocker!! Thanks for sharing!! Happy Haunting, Pauline

LJ said... 67

Two really cute quilts. The dog is definitely a more creative idea but cats do go with Halloween.

Janarama said... 68

Great idea to make doilies in Halloween colors! Love them and your little quilts too.

DeAnna said... 69

Great projects. The doilies are awesome. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway chance.

Bonnie Pfrimmer said... 70

I love your dollies!!! So colorful and halloweenish. The minies are just as wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

Audrey said... 71

Great mini wall hangings. Thanks for showing the sketch-to-quilt. Your doilies are unique. I adore them. Thanks for sharing and offering the opportunity to participate in a giveaway. Happy Halloween.

Debi said... 72

Very impressive! Of course I love the kitty wall hanging. LOL on taking photos I'm there with you sister. Thanks for sharing a fun post.

Unknown said... 73

All your projects are great, thanks for the giveaway.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

Verna Groger said... 74

Thanks for all your great information! I would love to learn how to design with EQ 7.

niniandthesea said... 75

I love your doilies! That's beautiful work. I am a fan of silhouettes, yours are great! Thanx for the giveaway!


Vickie said... 76

Witchy grannie has a beautiful rug to rock on ! I don't crochet so i truly admire people who do !

Carol Swift said... 77

Wickedly cute pet projects and doiles! Thanks for sharing!

Kathy H said... 78

Very cute little quilts and I love the doilies. Have usually just seen them (and used them too) in tans. Love the Halloween colors.

Sallie said... 79

Love your cat designs. Thanks for sharing!

Robin said... 80

Great job Jane! I love the kittie walking on the jacks. Too funny!!

Scrapbook-ChickADoodle said... 81

Very creative projects! I especially like the cat mini quilt. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win.

Mrs.Pickles said... 82

aww so cute thanks for sharing

Mara said... 83

Very wicked silhouettes indeed.

Shannon said... 84

Your wall hangings are so cute. The doilies are great!! So cool!!