Oh, I had so many ideas for this hop.....Then all of a sudden I got bombarded with a lot of other things that had to take priority. UGH!!
Then I decided to do a silhouette wall hanging. So I drew this: (ended up making 2.)

I was starting to get carried away with my pumpkins and it didn't look right to me to have a dog standing on them. Then again, some say that it is not a dog but another cat?? Spooky, huh??
Now my son said that my phone will take better pictures than my camera. I can read that there are more Pixels and with my camera I sometimes have a hard time keeping them clear. I guess I shake the camera too much. He said that phone will always take clear pictures for me. Well, I somehow can still get blurry pictures. He just laughs.
Then these came to mind. Gee, I got Christmas, and colors to match my decor, so why not "Halloween"?
I got all sizes: 9 1/2 inch round, 6 inch round, and 4 inch round.
T'was the week before All Hallows Eve
My nose was so stuffy that I couldn't breathe.
The beasties and ghoulies all were creeping,
(It was late at night, I should've been sleeping).
I heard their sighs, I heard their moans,
Their rattling chains and creaking bones;
But I didn't get scared, didn't wish them away
'Cuz I like to hear ghoulies and beasties at play.
These creatures, you see, were very polite
Each time that I sneezed they'd say "Gesundheit"
With Cider in hand, I am ready to Fly over to these other "Wickedly" great project...come join me...
October 25th
And here is next weeks schedule:
October 28th
I Piece 2-Mary
October 29th
October 30th
October 31st
Now for my "Treat". I purchased this cute Halloween fabric and did not get a chance to use it. I know someone will have a lot of fun with it. It is 1 yard, not cut, not washed.
To enter is easy. Just leave me a comment. I will run my giveaway through the hop and post a winner on November 1st. It is open to ANYONE! Just make sure I can contact you. I will go to the random.org to pick my winner.
Oh, and don't forget the giveaway for the EQ 7 will end on the 28th. To enter please see my post below.
Now I must fly, I got lots to do........
To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at: http://janesquilting.com