I am so proud to be on the first day. I couldn't wait till this came to see what all everyone one made. This hop has brought sooo many memories up for me. I could write a book!
First before I get carried away, I want to give a great big THANKS to Madame Samm and Mary Winger for all their hard work and for coming up with this GREAT idea for a hop.
At first, I really had no idea as to where to begin. So many things happened in the 60's. I started school in 1961 (course I am only 31, LOL). My dad and uncle built our home in 1962, we moved from Palmyra to Annville. (PA). In 1963, my mother took me to "Dutch Days in Hershey". Which is a really big thing up there. Oh, I had a wonderful good time,

Then in 1964 my mother got her first brand new car, a Pontiac Tempest. Also the first McDonald's opened and charged 15 cents for a burger.

Then in 1965 my brother graduated from High School and I was allowed to get a membership to the local Swimming pool for the summer. (Now that was a really big thing for me). Also in 1965 the Beatles became popular. That is when I had my big fight with my brother. He said they would outdo Elvis Presley in the music industry (he hated Elvis and Elvis was my dream) I said Elvis would always be "King".

Then in 1966, Hershey park added 6 new Kiddie rides to their park and became one of the best "vacation" areas to visit. Gee, I practically grew up there. At this age, I had no idea what that meant. Then in the summer of 1967, my Aunt and Uncle took me on my first airplane ride on a TWA. We went to ND to see my Uncle and his family in the Army. I also started High School that fall. Then in 1968, my brother got married. It was also a big year for Hershey, for the Name "Hershey Chocolate Corp." (original name) became "Hershey Foods Corp." (oh, and they raised the price of the Chocolate bar from 5 cents to 10 cents).

Then in 1969, the "Monorail" opened in Hershey park. This was a ride that went all around the park. You could get on it in the park, or at the Hershey factory. Cost to ride it...50 cents. Oh, and the best news, the I got my drivers licence in the end of 1969 and boy was I proud! The price of gas, 32 cents a gallon. I remember putting $2.00 in the car before bringing it back to my dad.
Enough of reminiscing....I decided to draw my famous "Sally and the famous Volkswagon.
Anyway, I drew a girl with Hip Hugger, Bell Bottoms, a Naru Shirt, a vest, a Headband and of coarse Go Go Boots. Now she is holding a record....Could it be the new "Beatles", "The Who", "Beach Boys"??? Or Elvis???
Now the car, of course a Volkswagen with a peace sign and the daisy on the door. Remember "Flower Power", the "Hippies" oh, and "Woodstock"? (Course I was too young for all that...but sure heard a lot about it back then. Being PA Dutch I grew up in a strict home. It actually wasn't a bad thing though.)
Well, I got it all together and quilted in a grid pattern. I don't know if you can see, but I used Batiks for the car, the daisy, and light background.
Did you know that the Smiley Face was invented in the 60's and not by Forrest Gump?? LOL.
Hay, I got my coffee (which I really need) and I am ready to go see who else is "Twisting to the 60's today" Come join me.......
September 25
Here is the rest of the schedule, please, don't miss a one.
September 26
September 27
September 30
October 1
October 2
October 3
October 4
Oh, enough of my History, how about a giveaway?
They are the sweetest patterns. Both were never used, brand new. One on the left is "Homespun Friends" Angel. When completed he will be 22 inches tall. The other one is "Wendy's Cotton Thread Cottage" Angel. She will be 17 inches when completed.
To enter, just be a follower and leave me a comment. Tell me, who is your favorite, Elvis Presley or The Beatles?
Make sure I can get in contact with you. I will post a winner on October 5th. So good luck to you all.
Until then....
To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at: http://janesquilting.com