Monday, October 6, 2014

It's Pumpkin Time!!

Fall, the time of year when you see pumpkins everywhere.  I never knew there were so many recipes for pumpkins.  You name it and someone is making it with Pumpkins.  At our house, we love Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Bread, Pumpkin Cookies, and my favorite is Pumpkin Roll.

(Look he is trying to hide, lol)

I always had a lot of fun over the next few Holidays with my kids.  (Actually, I always had a lot of fun with my kids)  But now that they are  all grown....guess I have to make my own fun,  :)   

I got a new pattern and a new tool at the Paducah Quilt show this past April.   (The Lil twister)  

I finally had the chance to make this quilt and try my ruler out.

As you can see, I made lots of 3 inch squares, carefully sewing them together here the pattern suggested.

Here, as above you can see how I cut with my Lil Twister Tool.  (Which was a 2 inch square)

The tricky part, which really wasn't  tricky, I just had to be careful.  Alter each row was cut, your turned them to the right and sewed them together.   After a few rows I could see the pattern and felt more at ease.  I was afraid I was going to get them mixed up and not notice it, until it would be too late.  I was in visioning a lot of ripping.

Actually, no ripping!  I was proud of myself!.  Till I quilted it.   I did an all over random quilting.  I am not sure if I had stretched it too hard on my frame (cause of all the bias ends) or did too much quilting.  But I just don't like how it tuned out.  Guess I will just have to do it again!

For now it will do, but I am going to use this tool again, that's for sure!   It was too much fun.   (I just loved these colors too.)

For now I am too busy.   I got some ideas as to what I am making for the next hop.

Wendy and Madame Samm are brewing up a doozy this time.

"Black Cat Crossing"
Starts October  20th

I can't  wait and I  sure hope to see you all there.

Till then,



  1. Jane, I love how this pattern turned out! You and that little tool created something cool!! I'll have to look into it, because I can't figure out what you did for it to look so unique! Thanks for sharing!!
    Huggs, Nancy

  2. Your Little Twister is beautiful!


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