Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tick Tock, It's Rush Hour time

Rush, rush rush....seems we all do it or did it at one time or another.  In most cases it is because we don't  want too.  Fortunately, I am now retired and try not to "Rush" anymore.  (Neither are my helpers, Tamo and KC)

This hop was one that  I  did not rush with at all.  I was ready way ahead of time.

Thank you soo much Madame Samm  and Carol for coming up with this great theme and for all your hard work.

I made 3 different projects.

My first was well needed.  I always keep a calander on my desk at my computer.  I am one that loves being organized and also writing everything down.  My calendar not only keeps Birthdays, Anniversaries, appointments, but things I want to accomplish that day.  Also notes as to what I did accomplished  that day.   I needed to get a new holder, but we are 17 miles from our nearest store and I only go twice a month.  Unfortunately,  I keep forgetting.  So I got this idea:

I made a pocket using black fabric, and placed a thin piece of cardboard inside.  Not knowing, but it should  have been a  little heavier piece.

It is not perfect...but it sure works good for what I want it to do.  

My second is a wall hanging:
(I always say to myself.  Get your work done, then quilt.  That way I can quilt as long as I want and not worry about getting other things done.  Before, I had to wait till after 5:00, when I got home.)

My third and last is a mug rug.

I like to enjoy a good cup of coffee when drawing, or designing my next idea.  (Coffee  isn't bad but when I have a cold drink, it sweats.) 

(I usually  grab a few cookies too.  
Chocolate of course)

Oh, I almost forgot my pin cushion.  Isn't  it cute?  Holds lots of pins and a tape measure.  I have it sitting on my cutting table in the corner.

I purchased this a week ago when I went to Jackson with my husband.  I thought it was too cute to pass up.  Plus I can use it as a pattern. :)

Now it is time to put my mug rug to use.  I am going to pour myself a cup of coffee and see what others had made.

Come join me.  Here is today's list:

Check out the full schedule here.

Till next time,




    here is the correct link to the next blogger....will return later..

  2. What great projects, I especially love your wallhanging! Did you make the sewing machine pincushion, sew sweet. Thank you for sharing.

  3. For a second there I was thinking "poor girl" No quilting till after 5---then took a better look at the clock hands! You got me. Cute entries, Jane!

  4. Great projects, love the wall hanging!

  5. Love your projects and your helper too!! The sewing machine is adorable
    Gmama Jane

  6. Love your projects and your helper too!! The sewing machine is adorable
    Gmama Jane

  7. That journal is perfect. What a clever idea! The wallhanging is very sweet. No more watching the clock until it is time to quilt! The mug rug is perfect. It is always time for tea (well, for me anyway). Thank you for sharing!

  8. That journal is perfect. What a clever idea! The wallhanging is very sweet. No more watching the clock until it is time to quilt! The mug rug is perfect. It is always time for tea (well, for me anyway). Thank you for sharing!

  9. Being retired - after 5 is every hour - cute. Love the idea for the calendar, noted. Thank you for sharing today.

  10. You got a lot done for the hop. Lots of useful and fun projects!

  11. Great projects Jane. Love the clock always at 5. Great idea! Your pin cushion is too cute!

  12. Great group of projects; they're all wonderful!

  13. Like your calendar idea...they are practical but always so boring looking. A mug rug is essential for that perpetual cup of coffee or tea, and cute clock idea!

  14. Just wonderful Jane!! Love your 5 o'clock clock!!!!

  15. Jane your 5 clock clock very cool..your mini quilts for your mugs, totally there with you ....rushed no way, i am so relaxed

  16. Love what you have made, especially the mug rug, I like how the butterflies seem to be coming from the clock, great work.

  17. Great job on your projects. And I love your pin cushion. Great find!

  18. Pretty projects, great job :) Lovve those butterflies!

  19. I love your calendar holder! That will certainly come in handy and keep things neat and organized!
    Your mug rug and pin cushion are also perfect for your sewing room!!

  20. That sewing machine pincushion is just too it! I like your kind of clock!

  21. I love, love, love your wall hanging. It gives a new meaning to 5 o'clock somewhere. It's always 5 o'clock. Too cute. Sweet projects, Jane.

  22. Very nice. I like the calendar mat. The mug rug is a great idea too.

  23. Love your projects. The 5 o'clock clock is priceless! The butterfly cutouts on the mug rug are such a special touch.

  24. What great projects you made! Your little mug rug is so cute.

  25. These are so cute!!! What a SWEET JOB you did!!! And that pin cushion...adorable!
    Thank you for sharing!!!

  26. Can I also add... THAT WALL HANGING is ABSOLUTELY RIGHT ON!!!!
    Way to go! I loved these projects!

  27. All the things you made are great....but I Love, love the after 5 ! Sew cute !

  28. What fun. From your personal calendar to your quilting clock. (although I would probably reverse the order) no cleaning until after 5p, or maybe 9p cause I go to bed soon. hahahahaha Hey, I wanna come over for coffee and choco cookies too! :-)

  29. The clock wallhanging is fantastic. I wish I could stop working after 5. The pincushion is fantastic. Love the sewing machine shape.

  30. Wonderful pieces and the sewing machine pin cushion is so cute.

  31. Oh, I love your calendar holder!! I used one on my desk when I was teaching!! I also really like the generous size of your mug rug - I need to make mine bigger!! (More cookies, you know!) That sewing machine is fabulous!! I can see why you just had to have it!!!

  32. Darling, just darling! Love the Wall hanging and Mug Rug. Sew much detail, beautiful!! Thanks for sharing!!
    Huggs, Nancy

  33. I really like all your patterns. And I think your helpers are gorgeous too. Glad you find time to sew, I need a clock like that. ;)

  34. It is truly 5 between the numbers too; how fun. Like your wall hanging to check the clock. So many fun ideas on this Rush Hour Blog Hop! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylink[dot]net

  35. Cute projects! Love the clock with all fives!

  36. Very nice calendar pad and mug rug. LOVE the wall hanging with all the numbers a 5. Just too cute.

  37. Awesome projects. I adore your calendar holder. I would love to make one for my desk at school. It is always 5:00 somewhere. Seems to me there was a song like that?? :)

  38. Your 5 O Clock is perfect. The rest of your projects are darn cute. The mug rug makes for a great place to start the day.

  39. How clever of you to make your calendar desk pad. I am like you about having that calendar handy. Thanks for the idea.

  40. How clever of you to make your calendar desk pad. I am like you about having that calendar handy. Thanks for the idea.

  41. I smiled when I looked closer and realized that every number on your clock was a 5. Cute. I like to sew in the morning because that is when I am the most creative and fresh. Have a wonderful day. Janita

  42. Hi!!! Wow!!! I love your calendar holder!!! Great idea!!! Your mug rug and wall hanging are adorable too!!!!

  43. Hi Jane! You win the prize for thinking outside the box! The calendar cover has gotten me thinking! Your mug rug, though, is so creative! The butterflies leaving the face of the! Thanks for your post!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Great projects and very practical which I always like. Thank you sew very much for sharing and hopping. Creative Rush Hour Bliss...

  46. Cute, cute projects! Thanks for sharing.

  47. Your projects are great. That sewing machine pincushion is too wonderful.

  48. i like the clock with the butterflies!

  49. Jane I love your calendar holder! I wish I'd thought of that when I was working...I don't use that kind of calendar any more. :) And that wall hanging - what a great idea. Any time is quilting time! blessings, marlene

  50. Creative projects, I love the wall hanging lol

  51. Great idea for a calendar holder. Loving your clock!

  52. That sewing machine pin cushion is too cute! Love your projects too. What a clever idea for a calendar holder. Everything is lovely!

  53. You did a wonderful job on all your projects. I love your wallhanging. So cute.

  54. I totally love your wall hanging. Five o'clock it is - time to sew - way cute!! Thanks for sharing; so fun.

  55. Your projects are just so great. I especially like the clock (Quilting Time).

  56. What cute projects. And 5 o'clock quilting is a perfect quilting time.

  57. What beautiful projects! The little cut outs of time flying is just genius! Great work.

  58. Very nice - especially the wall hanging. Thanks for sharing!

  59. Wow, all of your stuff is awesome! The sewing machine cushion is too cute, I would have picked it up, too, lol.

    I especially love your calendar mat/cozy (?) - I like to write things down, too! I don't trust having things like that in a computer/on a phone :s

  60. What fun and creative projects! You did a wonderful job. Thanks for sharing your creations with us!

  61. love the wall hanging. and the pincushion is just adorable. nice job


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