Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October Quilt Guild in Weakly Co TN

This month our Quilt Guild had a "Sit and Sew".  "What is that" you ask?  That is when you bring along what you are working on to the meeting.  Most bring in hand sewing but you can bring your machine if you wish.  Then we sit around, work on our projects and talk. 

This time Linda Arant brought in a project she needed help with.  Unfortunately, she broke  her  wrist and couldn't get it all done.  (Linda was working on a project for Greenbriar Assisted Living here in Martin, TN.)

It was a lot of fun, everyone worked together.

We also got a lesson from Gail Young on "Needle Turn Appliqué ".  She brought in some samples and did a wonderful job explaining how we can all master it.

We all got a 1 on 1 explination, and everyone was all ears.  She did a "Great" job,  Thank you Gail!

Two of her quilts she brought along as a sample:

Her "Snowmen" above and "Sue Bonnet Sue" below, both done by hand using her needle turn appliqué  technique.

We also had some "Beautiful" Show and Tell:

Tillie came up with a unique star quilt using up some of her scraps.

Close up:

Bette is working on this top:

This is Joyce's wool quilt.  She said it took her almost a year to complete.   All was done by hand.  (It would have taken me a lot longer then a year, that's for sure.)  She did a "Beautiful" job.

Nancy brought in her placemats.  You know making these is like making 8 mini quilts.  I liked her fabric choices.

And Barb brought in some great refreshments.  Every month she takes the time to bake for us.  Then she comes early to set it up and decorate  it in the theme of the  month.  (That also  includes a cold drink and fresh coffee. )

Thank you Barb... It is greatly appreciated!

We have a "GREAT" bunch of ladies.
Next month we are going on a field trip to "Back Yard Fabrics and then Patty's.
I can't wait!

I got a lot to do till then.  So back to my room I go.


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