Monday, March 10, 2014

Did you Spring forward?

Did you Spring forward?  I sure did, I am ready for Spring!  They say that March can either come in like a Lamb and our like a Lion or in like a Lion and out like a Lamb.  Well it sure came in like a Lion.

What a week last week for us here in West, TN.  Our weather went to 60 degrees one day to 20 degrees the next.  That day, Monday, we also got approximately 2 inches of ice and 1/2 inch snow on top.  Well needless to say, it put everyone in a total stand still for 2 days.

To me.....I hate saying it for I kinda felt guilty.....was perfect for quilting and just doing what I wanted to do.  (We hardly ever get these days in this busy world)

First things first, I sat and had a cup of coffee and watched the news.  This is what I seen right outside my window:

I was not the only one watching the birds....

I know the weather was distracting to others, but we were fortunate that it did not shut off our electric, and no damage was done anywhere.  Sometimes we must just stop and smell the roses, in this case, Mother Nature.

By Wednesday, our temperature started rising, everything started melting.  That was also the first day of the "Think Ruffles" hop.

Did you check it out?  If not, please go do so.  Here is last weeks schedule:

March 5th

March 6th

March 7th

 By Saturday, we reached 64 degrees and the ice was almost all gone.  Everything is now muddy and water running everywhere.  I must say, I did get my "Ruffles" project done.  ( I had some help, LOL)

Now this week we are to reach 75....Oh, my.   (I only wish it would stay)

  I have been seeing some really beautiful ruffles out there.

 Here is the list for this week, I hope you join me:

March 11th

March 12th 

March 13th

March 14th


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:


  1. Thankfully we only got a little sleet here during that storm but it did stay on my deck for three days. And today the jonquils have completely bloomed and the forsythia and tulip trees are about halfway out! blessings, marlene

  2. I'm sorry, but I am unable to read the black text of your post against the dark green foliage background. Your pictures look like you did some fun projects, tho. Will check back later to see if somehow my computer display is messed up and your site is fine. Brenda


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