Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dancing Spring in with "Ruffles"

I can't believe it is the last day.  How times flies when you are having fun.  Today is also my day.

Lets all give a BIG thank you to Madame Samm and Amy Warner for coming up with this "Ruffly" idea and putting it all together for us.  

I must say, I am not a "Ruffles" person.  I was not raised with fancy things.  Only practical, plus I had a big brother.  So when I got older and did get something a little fancy....he would tease me.  Then I had boys, and only grandsons.  Well, lets say this was a challenge.  I wanted to make something different. 

Then it hit me. We had such a cold winter, everyone can't wait for Spring and for everything to come alive again.  For the trees to bud, flowers to bloom, birds to, well, you get the idea.   I remember one day when my 2 aunts and mother were having fun in the yard at Easter.  So I decided to make them kicking up their heels and celebrating.  So I set the scene with a sky and some green grass.

OK, I drew my girls and now I need to make ruffles.
I don't know if I made them correctly, but I did this:
 I cut 1 inch strips, then with small dots of glue and my iron, I folded each end in.
Next I used a basting stitch on one end leaving lots of thread for pulling.
I then pulled to make my gathers.   

When I had all my applique on, I did some embellishing also,
I painted some glitter to the butterflies,

So lets see the girls, all in their Spring Dresses, 
kicking up their heels, celebrating the coming of Spring.
Here is Elsie:

All spruced up with ruffled collar, glitter glasses, those are little pearls I glued on, 
(oh, and real feathers for her hat)

Meet, Erma,
Bow on her hat and Rhinestone button on her fancy ruffled dress.

Last, but not least is the oldest sister, Effie:

Ruffled collar...oh, but she better watch, 
she is kicking so high her garter is showing

Unfortunately I no longer have my Aunts around anymore.  My mother came from a family of 17 (same mother - no twins)  She was the youngest, and turned 88 this year.  I told her how I made this and named them after her and her sisters.  She was excited!  I then mailed her a picture of my quilt and cannot wait for her response.  I want to take it to my Quilt Guild in April, then am going to send it to her.  She will be surprised.  


I sure miss my Aunt Elsie, I was VERY close to her.    Here are a few doilies she made me long time ago:  

OK, it may be the last day.....
but there are some beautiful "Ruffles" out there to be seen.
Here is the list for the day:

March 14th

I had seen sooo many beautiful projects, I can see more"Ruffles" in my future.
Till next time,


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:


  1. Oh my, your quilt is so cute. I love it, truly special.

  2. What a wonderful tribute to your Aunties and they look like they are having sew much fun! Thank you for sharing.

  3. Dancing Spring in Ruffles is so much fun and is a very happy tribute! You are so creative and those ladies certainly come to life in your quilt. Great!!!

  4. A gorgeous display; I love those tough ladies! Well done!

  5. Sew very cute. What wonderful details and a beautiful memory.

  6. OMG it's the cutest ever ... love the ruffles .. the shoes .. the hats ... your mother is going to be so surprised!!

  7. Your quilt is not only creative and beautiful, but it's also full of memories and meaning for you. Great job!

  8. Very creative! That is really cute.

  9. Your quilt is so adorable!! Great job!

  10. Your ladies are adorable! You really pulled the ruffles off in a fun way.

  11. LOL...I love this! You are so good with your ladies and their ruffles.
    I so enjoy seeing what you will make.

  12. I love your little fun tribute to your aunts!! Lots of beautiful details to enjoy in it!


  13. Thanks for sharing your fun piece, i especially love the garter.

  14. You are so talented, I love this picture you made!

  15. hi Jane,what a delightful tribute to aunts….oh yes kicking in the air for spring, I am so with them too….love the ruffles of course

  16. Just lovely...your mom will surely love it! Great project!

  17. What a special momento you've made here and it's a hoot! I bet your aunts were too.

  18. What a sweet quilt! I bet your mom will be happy to have it and tell everyone she knows how it came to be. Quilt guilds get first crack at it thought, be it a show or a guild show and tell. Well, right after us blog hoppers, I guess, LOL.

  19. How cute is this! I love them kicking up their legs. :) blessings, marlene

  20. What a cute and sweet tribute piece.

  21. What a great way to use ruffles. I have to say it is beautiful.

  22. How fun! Which one is your mom? She will love this!!!

  23. Wow is the first word I thought of when I saw your project. You are a very talented and creative lady. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Adorable! What a fun little quilt! Your mother will be so proud of it, I'm sure!

  25. Whimsical and fun. Just right when spring is around the corner. You are one creative sewist.

  26. What a wonderful art quilt ! Your Mom is going to cherish this ! Good luck in the quilt is deserving of a blue ribbon and then some !

  27. I love your Aunties. What fun to be part of that fun.I love it. Sweet memories. Thank you for sharing a special memory.

  28. Very cute and great memory for your mother

  29. I love it! You did a wonderful job designing these ladies! They look happy to see spring. Your Mom will really enjoy it!

  30. This is just the cutest little quilt…love those ladies with all their bling…your mother will love it!!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  31. That is just too cute. Your mom is going to love it. A beautiful tribute to your mom and aunts.

  32. That quilt is simply AWESOME! The family connection is what makes it so unique. Great job
    Gmama Jane

  33. I love it Jane , such a wonderful tribute to your aunts , your mother will be so pleased !

  34. Wow! I love your quilt! And your mom's family was HUGE! I thought my grandfather's family was big at 13!

  35. Now that is just adorable! I know I would love em all!

  36. Amazing. You are sew talented. You need to sell that pattern. All of us older quilters--and maybe some younger too--would love to make this quilt. Love it!

  37. This is just fabulous, Jane. I can almost hear some can-can music egging them along!! You did an amazing rendition of your aunts - I had a few aunts that would have joined in on the fun!! I love all the ruffles and the other details you added...glitter, bows, pearls, feathers...such fun!

  38. Your ruffles just made the quilt! Your mother will be thrilled when she gets this jewel. Thanks for including the tad of family history. I laughed and laughed at the garter. I remember one grandmother wearing a garter - it was very thick elastic. She had polio as an infant and was paralyzed on one side of her body. She was amazing. She did everything but drive. She couldn't wear a girdle and hose. She rolled the top of the hose in the garter. She didn't have fancy garters like your aunt. Thanks for participating and sharing your personal memory and a great, great quilt to inspire all of us.

  39. Look at those sassy ladies, lol! So cute! :)

  40. This is such a loving and fun tribute to your mother and your aunts. Fabulous tribute to Spring and Ruffles. Ruffles are Fabric's way of Smiling. Thank you sew very much for Hopping...

  41. Wonderful! I can almost hear the music as they kick up their heels. Just wonderful.

  42. I ADORE your little quilt! It made me smile to see your aunties kicking their heals, and the way that you embellished each one. So creative and cute! LOVE...

  43. What a lovely tribute. Your piece is GREAT. Oh, what fun I bet it was to make. And I see your aunt crocheted ruffled doilies! Reminds me of the work my grandma did. Thanks for sharing.

  44. What an awesome tribute to your mom and aunts. Your mom will LOVE it. It's beautiful and you did a fabulous job!

  45. What an awesome tribute to your mom and aunts. Your mom will LOVE it. It's beautiful and you did a fabulous job!

  46. okay, that quilt is darn cute!!

  47. Oh my goodness- those gals are adorable. What a hoot!
    xo jan

  48. This is great...and my husband's grandmother was named...Effie! :)

  49. So wonderful and a great tribute to your aunts.
    Thanks for sharing an awesome wall quilt.

  50. Amazing, I totally love it. It's obvious she was a very special Auntie.

  51. Love the ladies and the ruffles!


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