Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rocking to the 60's & giveaway

Today is day one of the  "Lets Twist to the 60's Blog Hop!  YEAH

I am so proud to be on the first day.  I couldn't wait till this came to see what all everyone one made.  This hop has brought sooo many memories up for me.  I could write a book!

First before I get carried away, I want to give a great big THANKS to Madame Samm and  Mary Winger for all their hard work and for coming up with this GREAT idea for a hop.

At first, I really had no idea as to where to begin.  So many things happened in the 60's.  I started school in 1961 (course I am only 31, LOL).  My dad and uncle built our home in 1962, we moved from Palmyra to Annville.  (PA). In 1963, my mother took me to "Dutch Days in Hershey".  Which is a really big thing up there.  Oh, I had a wonderful good time,

                                                      Hershey Community Archives

Then in 1964 my mother got her first brand new car, a Pontiac Tempest.  Also the first McDonald's opened and charged 15 cents for a burger.

                                             McDonalds Corporation First McDonalds Restaurant Kids

Then in 1965 my brother graduated from High School and I was allowed to get a membership to the local Swimming pool for the summer.  (Now that was a really big thing for me).  Also in 1965 the Beatles became popular.  That is when I had my big fight with my brother.  He said they would outdo Elvis Presley in the music industry (he hated Elvis and Elvis was my dream)  I said Elvis would always be "King".

                                                      Elvis Presley Biography - Facts, Birthday, Life Story - Biography.

 Then in 1966, Hershey park added 6 new Kiddie rides to their park and became one of the best "vacation" areas to visit.  Gee, I practically grew up there.  At this age, I had no idea what that meant.  Then in the summer of 1967, my Aunt and Uncle took me on my first airplane ride on a TWA.  We went to ND to see my Uncle and his family in the Army.  I also started High School that fall.  Then in 1968, my brother got married.   It was also a big year for Hershey, for the Name "Hershey Chocolate Corp." (original name) became "Hershey Foods Corp." (oh, and they raised the price of the Chocolate bar from 5 cents to 10 cents). 

                                                          Hershey Community Archives | Hershey's Milk Chocolate: Bar

Then in 1969, the "Monorail" opened in Hershey park.  This was a ride that went all around the park.  You could get on it in the park, or at the Hershey factory. Cost to ride it...50 cents.  Oh, and the best news, the I got my drivers licence in the end of 1969 and boy was I proud! The price of gas, 32 cents a gallon.  I remember putting $2.00 in the car before bringing it back to my dad.

Enough of reminiscing....I decided to draw my famous "Sally and the famous Volkswagon.

Anyway, I drew a girl with Hip Hugger, Bell Bottoms, a Naru Shirt, a vest, a Headband and of coarse Go Go Boots.  Now she is holding a record....Could it be the new "Beatles", "The Who", "Beach Boys"???  Or Elvis???

Now the car, of course a Volkswagen with a peace sign and the daisy on the door.  Remember "Flower Power", the "Hippies" oh, and "Woodstock"? (Course I was too young for all that...but sure heard a lot about it back then.  Being PA Dutch I grew up in a strict home.  It actually wasn't a bad thing though.)

Well, I got it all together and quilted in a grid pattern.  I don't know if you can see, but I used Batiks for the car, the daisy, and light background.


Did you know that the Smiley Face was invented in the 60's and not by Forrest Gump??  LOL.

Hay, I got my coffee (which I really need) and I am ready to go see who else is "Twisting to the 60's today"  Come join me.......

September 25

Here is the rest of the schedule, please, don't miss a one.


Oh, enough of my History, how about a giveaway?

They are the sweetest patterns.  Both were never used, brand new.  One on the left is "Homespun Friends" Angel.  When completed he will be 22 inches tall.  The other one is "Wendy's Cotton Thread Cottage" Angel.  She will be 17 inches when completed.

To enter, just be a follower and leave me a comment.  Tell me, who is your favorite, Elvis Presley or The Beatles?

Make sure I can get in contact with you.  I will post a winner on October 5th.  So good luck to you all.

Until then....


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at: http://janesquilting.com


  1. Love your bug. My mom drove one in the 60s and I remember her letting me shift gears. She loved Elvis. I think the Beatles would have been my choice. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I never went to Hershey Park, but love all the history. We had the bug and the van (my Dad's no less). I was at Woodstock! Elvis and the Beatles weren't big on my list - Jimmy Hendrix & Mick Jagger.

  3. Love you VW! The new ones are no where as cool as the original. Thank you for sharing.

  4. This is great. I love your mini quilt. So very pretty

  5. It has to be the Beatles, sorry, I'm British and listened to them all the time, Helen

  6. I love your bug is is so awesome. And yes bugs are typical for the sixties.
    Thanks for sharing your creativity

  7. Jaaaaa, the beetle, I love it! Thanks for all the pictures you posted, it was really interesting!

  8. My neighbour's daughter still drives a red VW Beetle! complete with stickers!
    I love the Beatles!

  9. Far out man! Your bug is really fantastic! I will be sharing a story about my sisters doodlebug tomorrow on my blog. You will have to come over. :)

  10. Jane, love your beetle! I remember all those things you mentioned. I had a teenage sister whom I adored and she had lots of records and all the cool stuff. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  11. Ohhh Jane...such lovely memories...and your project is super groovy..my first car was a bug ...ohhh and I spent my summers in Pa and NJ, so many fond memories of hershey park...who is Elvis ? lol

  12. I love the Bug... I learned to drive in on, back then :-)
    And we visited Graceland in April..
    Love your mini quilt.

  13. Great story! And I love your VW beetle! So sixties! :D

  14. Cute little quilt! That looks like me... back in the day. Gotta pick Beatles, but Elvis was sooooo hot! Thanks for the wonderful memories!

  15. Nice mini quilt...great memories. At one time we had a bug too...not that I remember much if anything of the 60's, I was born June of 69 :)

  16. I certainly am a follower....and love your post. Your project is just adorable Jane!!

  17. What a fun quilt, and so beautifully done!

  18. That is so cute! OMG! What a great trip down memory lane... Beatles!

  19. What a great post and the memories it brings back!! Our McDonalds was just down from the high school stadium. Love your little bug and the Beatles were always my favorite!

  20. Oh yeah baby, I remember them "slug bugs" ! LOL Love it!

  21. Your little scene is adorable!!!
    I'll have to say the Beatles were my favorite. I never really got "into" Elvis.

  22. Your little scene is adorable!!!
    I'll have to say the Beatles were my favorite. I never really got "into" Elvis.

  23. What a cute quilt ! I had a baby blue VW, it was so fun to drive!

  24. Very pretty, Jane. This certainly brings back a lot of memories. And good ones at that. Thanks for sharing.
    I love (still) Elvis and the Beatles so it would be hard to choose between them,but I guess it would have to be Elvis. His love songs still make me melt.LOL

  25. Love your hippie woman and the bug! That was my first car a red VW : )

  26. Congratulations on being on day 1! You've got many great memories and your quilt speaks to most of them - no choco! LOL!

  27. What a wonderful VW picture! Memories...I like both Elvis and The Beatles(said like that"Really big shew" guy).

  28. Wow, great walk down memory lane. Your table topper is outta sight...groovy bug!

  29. Love your VW bug and bell bottoms. Brings back a lot of memories for me as my best friend had one when we were in nurses training and we had a lot of fun in it. Thanks for sharing and bringing back all of the wonderful memories.

  30. Jane that's a groovy Love Bug! The first album I ever bought was the Beatles. I think I got it from Kmart for something like $3.17. While I liked the Beatles better as a kid growing up, I think Elvis was a better performer looking back at them today.

  31. Thanks for sharing your history of the 60's with us! That was fun to read :D

  32. Love you table topper!
    So creative!

    I loved both Elvis and the Beatles...really hard to pick one.

    I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win the boy and girl angels. They would be great to add to my collection of boy and girl angels.

  33. Love you table topper!
    So creative!

    I loved both Elvis and the Beatles...really hard to pick one.

    I am a follower. Thanks for the chance to win the boy and girl angels. They would be great to add to my collection of boy and girl angels.

  34. The Beatles all the way--yeah, yeah, yeah!

  35. Thank you for being part of this hop. Your quilt is so cute. The "bug" is so cute! Great job. I grew up in a strict home too. I took my first plane ride in 1964. How daring we were!

  36. Your post brings back so many memories. Thanks for sharing. Elvis Presley is my favorite.

  37. Neither. I travel to the beat of a different drum.

    Your project is groovy! Gotta love the bug. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  38. Liked Elvis but the Beatles really made a change in our culture I think. Thanks for the chance to win.

  39. Love your tribute to the "60's project! I graduated from college in the late sixties and had a VW bug! Too bad Hershey's has moved their production to Mexico as I stopped buy them when they did! Thanks for sharing.

  40. I had a Navy blue 69 bug. Loved it for each and every one of the 110,000 miles I put on it. Your red one is spot on. Great job.

  41. Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane -- I remember the McDonald's 15 cent burgers, and chanting the slogan to try to get a free one!

  42. What a cute mini quilt! That bug is sweeeeeet! Very clever
    I choose The Beatles


  43. I love your Bug. I so very very much want one of the originals. Great quilt!

  44. Elvis...my hero and Hershey is great..

  45. You don't need to enter me in the giveaway for the patterns, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed this post! I, too, remember 5-cent Hershey bars...

  46. Hi!!! Love flower power!!! Too cute!!! Bell Bottoms!!! Wow!!! Elvis!!! Elvis!!! Elvis!!!

  47. Love that beetle bug car. Cutest little quilt. And such a blast from the past with the first McDonald's! Loved it all.

  48. Well, this brought back memories!! I graduated in 1964, got married and had babies. I love your mini quilt..I love Elvis!! Always will. I follow you every day...

  49. Love the bug. And the bell bottoms. Groovy.
    Too hard to choose between Elvis or the Beetles. Music from both resonates in my memory.

  50. I owned a real VW bug..Red!! Love your groovy little quilt! This is My era!!
    Gmama Jane

  51. Love your bug. My stepdad always had VW Bugs. Make me think of him. Thanks for sharing.

  52. Jane, that's really cool man! Ha ha. Love it and your memories.

  53. You done 60's good with VW, Mod gal, peace sign, flower power--Love it. Elvis, of course!

  54. Love your love bug..... and the trip down memory lane even if some of it I was a bit too young to remember as well.
    thanks for sharing

  55. I love your beatle bug! Elvis is my favorite!

  56. Your Beetle Bug and Girlie are adorable - Great job.
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  57. Love that bug! Very clever. I would have to go with Elvis on this one. ;)

  58. The Beatles are my choice. I lived near Hershey, too. Thanks for the memories.

  59. Love the VW, perfect for this hop!

  60. Love your 60's quilt. I learned how to drive stick in a Bug.

  61. I have enjoyed your walk down memory lane and how it evolved into your very groovy quilt. I learned how to drive in a Volkswagen in the 60's. Thank you for hopping. Creative Bliss...

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Your VW bug spoke to my heart! My favorite of the day. I remember, very well, a guy who I fell deeply in love with and his blue VW bug. Unfortunately, he wasn't in love with me! On one occasion, we stuffed 10 college kids into his bug. What fun we had in the late 60's! Thank you for bringing back those wonderful memories.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  64. I love your VW, they don't make great cars anymore :(
    Elvis or the Beatles, that's like apples and pears, I love them both!

  65. The 60's decade was one filled with many memories for you. I think you have captured the 60's extremely well with your Beetle Bug and 60's girl mini quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  66. What a fun little quilt! Love the bug....pun intended! I also loved the memories! So great to hear all these stories. Now I was born outside of the sixties (just)but the music lives on, doesn't it. I love the Beatles AND Elvis.... Sjeez.....you are going to make me break into song soon....Trust me, that is not a good thing! Thanks for the post. I loved it.

  67. Jane, I love your bell bottoms and all the rest. Reminds me so much of my 60's.

  68. Oh so cute! I loved my bell bottoms! :) blessings, marlene

  69. Great visit.... great Decade.... Stay Happy

  70. Oh, I say Elvis all the way LOL, thanks for the giveaway.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  71. That is really cool! I love those cars.

  72. That is really cool! I love those cars.

  73. Wonderful post lovely quilt, very well done! Thanks for sharing Jane ☺

  74. Fun to look back with you in your post, Jane. Cute wall hanging and the VW bug was a good choice!

    I would be the Beatles. I got my own transistor radio to haul around when I was 12 and that was when the Beatles were first coming up. THX for the giveaway opportunity.

  75. I love your "groovy girl" and that hot VW! Excellent job!

  76. What an adorable quilt! I think Elvis is the King. I remember the Beatles being on The Ed Sullivan Show and couldn't understand why the girls were fainting. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. My maternal grandmother was PA Dutch. Thanks for participating.

  77. Thanks for the memories. You nailed the sixties with your quilt; you said it all and said it well. Way cool!!

  78. I remember walking to our McDonald's that looked like that:) LOL. Showing my age.


LIFE is short, break the RULES. FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollably, and NEVER REGENT anything that made you smile. Your comments are one thing that makes me smile.