Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Our Guild shows their Talents

Summer is here in full force.  I don't know what it is like at your house but here is quite busy.  Between gardening, spraying weeds (with all our rain they seem to be determined to grow more this year)  I have been making a lot of small items, topper, potholders, oven mitts, etc.  Trying to use up some of my scraps.

We had a great time at our last Guild meeting.   Shirley Murphy "Wowed" us  some of her beautiful work.  Most of her quilts were hand quilted.  And I must say, with very small stitches and beautiful designes.

She also shared a sad story with us.  Seems as she moved in earlier this spring.  She did not move far so like a lot of us, used garbage bags to put some cloths, bedding, our fabric, etc. in.  She made a large mistake by putting one of her favorite quilts in one.  At the same time she was packing, she also donated unwanted items to Goodwill.  To make a long story short, when she was unpacking, she could not find her quilt.   All her cloths and other bedding was there, but of all bags, that one is missing.  She said she even found the bag with all her scraps in and the scraps to that quilt were in it.  Of all bags to be lost!  She thinks someone accidentally grabbed that bag to go to Goodwill.  She says she hopes were ever it is, that it's being enjoyed.
Moral to her story, when transporting, Never put them in garbage bags!  Make sure you can see them.

The "Wedding Ring" she just finished for her granddaughter. 

She also sells her quilts locally. 

She made her son this one years ago, all by hand.  He claims he wouldn't sell this one for $ 1,000.00.
(The back had his football logo on along with his name.)

We also had a tutorial on folded flowers and then our show and tell.

Gail Young made some really cute baby quilts.

She also made this larger child's quilt.  (Some little girl is going to be happy.)

Margie Cannon did a beautiful job on her first log cabin.  I love the colors.

This Log Cabin was made by the women in Margie's church.  Every year they make a quilt and then raffle it off donating the money to a local charity. 

An array of flowers by Joyce Fratini. 

Colorful Maple leaves by Joyce Fratini. 

Isn't her quilting magnificent? 

Debbie White and her uniquely done, sampler quilt. 

 I hope you enjoyed our "Show and Tell".  Sometimes it is nice to take a break from what we are doing and just stop and smell the roses.  (OR should I say check out more quilts?  lol)

Till next time.....


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