Friday, May 29, 2015

Let's get Organized

I know I haven't been on here for a while.  I have been so busy with Flowers, Gardening, went to Quilt show,  Shop hops, etc.  And of course quilting.  I have been working on a large Pinapple Paper piece quilt that is almost finished.  Top is ready to quilt, finally!  Well, everytime I finish one project, I clean and organize before starting another.

My next project was that I had to make a cover for my Featherweight.  My husband got it for me for Christmas and I have been so busy using it and having fun, that I decided it needed attention too.

I made an appliqué for the front:

 I decided to put a pocket on the side, to keep my sissors with it.  

Also, I wanted it kinda stiff so it would cover it and not lean on it.

I even added a little handle for the top take it on and off my machine.

I love using it....makes me feel like I am playing with a toy.
Speaking of toys, he got me one for my birthday, (made in  a 1919)....

Isn't it adorable?  It even works.  (I know what I want to collect.)

After I got my cover done, I did some cleaning and organizing in my room.

I added small spools of thread to a jar,

Some buttons on other jars,

I even made a new ironing board cover:

Now I am ready to cut my next quilt out.  I have all the fabric and my pattern in a basket all ready to go.

My next quilt is going to be a black and white Log Cabin with bright stars appliqued in the center.

And here is my boss, KC.  She was just so exhausted when I got done. 
(Don't she look mad?  It's like I bothered her, taking her picture, lol)

I hope I did not bore you too much with my room.  I would live to see where YOU quilt!

Till next time....



  1. Love your "STABLE" Syndrome photo. I feel pretty safe in assuming that most of us quilters are victims of this! LOL!! Great projects your working on to deal with it!

  2. Pretty machine cover. I need to make one for my Viking. Have not started a new quilt yet, so should start on a machine cover.

  3. Est ce que vous donnez le patron merci noelle.


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