Tuesday, February 3, 2015

We Support You, Today and Everyday!

Today is my day and I have to say that this is the most heart warming hop I ever seen.
We are supporting our ladies and everyone else who are dear to us that faces the challenges trying to fight this horrible disease.

I want to give Madame Samm a big thank you for this hop and supporting all those in style with her beautiful pattern.

I also want to let you know, the "We Support You" Friendship pattern is available for purchase for $ 12.00 by emailing Madame Samm directly at:

And I want to give  Pat from Life the the Scrapatch a big thank you for all her hard work and support cheering us on.

Cancer has struck so many in our family.  My cousin was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 11 years ago, all three of her children shaved their hair off to support her.  She fought long and heard but unfortunately lost the battle a year later.

My father also was diagnosed with prostrate cancer a year after his retirement.  He was one of the lucky ones that went into remission and (knock on wood) still no sign of it returning.  The sad thing is while he was fighting, so was 2 of his brothers, they were not as lucky and we lost them both.

I feel very proud to be in this hop and to show my support.

On a lighter note.....Sally has been very busy quilting with her Aunt and they made a Friendship Quilt to show their support.

(I shrank the pattern but don't know by how much cause I drew it instead of using the printer.)

(Close up of their quilt)

Then I made this, again shrinking the pattern a little..

I appliqued the bra and heart.  The hanger and bra straps, I embroidered. 
Perfect for my coffee in my room.

Ok, I think I bored you enough, ah, but don't quit yet.   Fill your coffee cup cause here are the links to others that are showing their Support today:



  1. Your quilt is fantastic as is your mug rug! Thank you for sharing.

  2. You did a lovely job on your quilt, and mug rug. I love how it turned out. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Your mini quilt and mug rug are both adorable!

  4. Ha! Love your quilt - very special!

  5. Jane,
    They are both just adorable. I love the colors that you chose for you mug rug, "sew" stylish. Beautiful show of support.

  6. Jane, your mini quilt with Sally and her Aunt is just as cute as can be and the mug rug is perfect for your cuppa Joe. Thanks for sharing your support!! Happy stitching, Pauline

  7. The mini quilt is gorgeous, and so is the mug rug!

  8. Your quilt is gorgeous. It shows the meaning of this hop perfectly. The mug rug is just ridiculously cute! Amazing work.

  9. OH your quilt is sweet and so is your mug rug.

  10. I love the sweet mini quilt and the mug rug is beautiful. Both projects are terrific! Love the take on the serenity prayer.

  11. The quilt is wonderful, and I really love your mug rug!

  12. Oh your quilt and mug rug are just darling. Thanks for sharing.

  13. As a 1 year Breast Cancer survivor I am really enjoying seeing all the hard work and thought that everyone has put into the survivor projects. cancer runs in my family to. My grandmother had breast cancer, my baby sister had breast cancer, I had breast cancer my niece has stage 4 ovarian cancer , not to mention the various aunts and cousins with other types of cancers........It is hard walking around knowing you have these cancerous genes and wondering what next or who next will be diagnosed with something.

  14. Super cute, love how small you made it!

  15. Lovely little projects, Great job!

  16. Cute, cute quilt and mug rug! Thanks for showing your support!

  17. stunning idea....love the snapshot of a quilt show lol
    and your mug rug is gorgeous....

  18. Beautiful work for such a great cause.

  19. I'm so sorry you lost loved ones to this terrible disease. I love both your projects - I need to make a couple of mug rugs like that for friends! blessings, marlene

  20. Those are so cute. That mug rug is a great idea and the mug goes with it so well.

  21. I am just so I'm impressed with your creations! Well done.

  22. Adorable quilt and mug rug! What a great tribute to those fighting cancer!

  23. Jane how wonderful that you made the small quilt that shows love and support. I also love the mug rug. Thank you for sharing your story.

  24. What cool projects, love both the mug rug and the mini.. Great Job!!

  25. The friendship quilt is fantastic and I love the mug rug. Adorable!

  26. Wonderful projects. I love your black and white mugrug and the two toned bra to match. Perfect for keeping those memories of all you have lost close to you each day.

  27. Adorable mini quilt and mug rug, Jane!

    The mini is sew mini! I could never sew that small. Very sweet layout. Thanks to Sally and her aunt for sewing their support!

    Thanks to you, too, for this inspiring mug rug. I love the layout of the blocks and the use of color. It looks perfect with your mug.

    Thank you for joining in the hop ... {{{quilty hugs}}} ... <3 Pat

  28. Cute projects! I love the miniature bras.

  29. Your little quilt is such a fun one. So adorable to see you are inspiring the younger ones in a show of support no less! LOVE your mug rug...kind of wish I had that bra, it is adorable. Thank you for your post and best wishes to you and your family. ~Cori

  30. Sorry for all of your losses. What a cute cheery quilt and your mug rug is excellent!

  31. love those little bras.... great job!!in stitches

  32. Love your little quilt and the quilters. And that mug rug is sew sweet. What a sweet picture of your cousin. A great tribute to her. Love the support you are showing.

  33. Jane, Your always have very creative projects. The quilt is amazing. I am in awe of those who can draw and create. It is fantastic. I love the mug rug with the pink ribbon and heart, too. The ribbon fills in that gap that so many of us hate in those bras - lol. Great job.

  34. You certainly didn't bore me with your post. Your family has been through so much and will be in my prayers. Your creations are so very fun, whimsical and just plain adorable! Thanks for sharing your talents with us. :-)

  35. Your mug rug is fabulous as well as your quilt! Thanks for sharing. Oh, congrats on being the Wow pick of the day!!

  36. The quilt and the mug rug are beautiful. I really like the pink ribbon holding the 'cups' together.

  37. Simply wonderful. The quilt is so sweet and the mug rug perfect. Love the black, white, and pink together.
    Support the cause and the girls!

  38. Such a cute quilt and mug rug. Sweet!

  39. I love both of your projects. They are just too cute!

  40. THat is the sweetest quilt and your mug rug is inspirational. Very special projects and full of love and support.


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