Thursday, January 22, 2015

Beautiful Show & Tell Quilts

I know this is a dreary day in January, So I thought I would share some Beautiful quilts that I have seen.

This month at our Quilt Guild, (here in Weakly County, TN)  we had some beautiful show and tell items.

This was pieced and quilted by our president, Joyce Fratini 

This one was pieced and quilted, by
 Nancy Biggs. 

Nancy Biggs topper she is in the making for her door, for next Christmas.

Above is a very soft flannel quilt pieced by Gail Young and quilted by Jane Capriotti. 

A Shadow box quilt, pieced and quilted by Monica Elling.

This one was pieced and quilted by
 Linda Arant. 

Another one of Linda Arant's quilts

Above is a Tree skirt that Tillie Merwin, pieced and quilted.

Linda DeBoard's mug rugs.  She made quite a few and gave them away with matching mugs, for Christmas. 

Ida Webb is making a "Fun and Done" quilt.  She brought in a sample of 4 blocks she had made.  Next month she will be demonstration to us all, as to how it is done.
(Quilting as you go) 

We were also blessed with one of the cutest guests.  Monica Elling brought along her grandson.  He was all smiles throughout the meeting.

I hope you enjoyed seeing everyone's creations.  I myself love seeing what others do and their techniques.   It is a great way for me to get ideas and get my juices flowing

Before I leave you....I want to remind everyone of the next up coming hop.

"We Support You"
Starts Thursday,  January 29th
I myself can't wait to see what everyone had made.  Hope to see you there.

Oh, and it may be a dreary morning, but I was outside yesterday walking around our property, and I noticed my Roses are starting to grow.  So..... I have high hopes, Spring will be here soon!


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