Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It's Coming, It's Coming!!!

It's coming...what you may ask?  Well, Summer, the Easter Bunny, etc.

But most of all a Wedding!!!

We are all excited, our son and his fiance decided to get married this summer.... YEAH!!   I am ecstatic!

Oh, that is not all that is coming....

This hop is very different.  Everyone will be showing off their Super Powers.  Pease don't miss it.

Starts on Friday...for a full schedule go to Pauline at Quilt and Queen

Hope to see you all there.  Until then, oh I am going to go help a bride find that special Wedding Gown.

To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at: http://janesquilting.com

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my daughter is getting married this summer too! I know she is not marrying your son because I know my future SIL's mom doesn't quilt :( Weddings are so exciting and full of promise - I look forward to hearing about, and seeing pictures, from your son's wedding!


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