Monday, March 24, 2014

Flags on Sticks...

Today is the first day of the Flags on Sticks hop....AND I am excited to say that it is also my day.      

I want to thank Thearica Burroughs and Madame Samm for coming up with this great idea for a hop and for all their hard work getting it all together.

I always wanted a flag for outside, you know, one of those cute little inexpensive ones you put in your flower bed.  You can get so many different designs.   My husband, bless him, says that no one will see it for we live too far from the road.  Well, this was a great excuse for me to get small flag poll and I put it in front of my house next to the porch.  (Anyway, I will as soon as I get a flag)

For the flag I made,  I decided to make something for inside the house.  That way I didn't have to worry about the weather.  I also decided to so something for Easter.

Out came my pencil and paper....I came up with this:

I drew my pattern then transferred it to Steam a Seam.  I always have fun hunting for the fabrics in my scrap bins to find the fabric I want to use for each little piece in my applique.  (I also added the letters, flowers, and more smoke coming off the tires.) 

After I pressed and appliqued my pieces on, quilted in a grid pattern and added the binding.  (before any embellishments)

So, here it is finished:

 I seen a real cute holder for inside that I want but did not get back to the store to get it as of yet.  It is on my list, LOL.

OK, you seen mine... lets all go and see the rest: 
(Don't forget to bring your Pom Poms along and give a big cheer)  

  The rest of the schedule, goes like this.....

Thank you all so much for stopping by....


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:


  1. Your flag is sew adorably colorful and cute. Standout design and fabrics. This really says spring and Easter. Well done! ... :) Pat

  2. Well done, a wonderful Easter flag

  3. very cute bunny and perfect match for the spring daffodils! Thank you so much for sharing with us!!

  4. Love your sweet bunny flag! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Your little bunny flag is as cute as a button. Great work!

  6. OMGosh, that's sew cute Jane, I totally LOVE it!!!

  7. What a bright Easter quilted banner! I'd love to be on the road with that bunny -- he's going places. Thanks especially for sharing your design process with us.

  8. Jane, what an adorable Easter flag! That bunny is adorable. You'd better have that flag tied down or it's likely to disappear, it's so cute. You always come up with wonderful designs. The neighborhood will think you are hosting a block party. Thanks for sharing your amazing creativity.

  9. Ha, ha...cute bunny. What fun applique, and I love your daffodils too!

  10. He turned out adorable-I love it:@)

  11. Cute little flag! I can't draw worth beans, so I'm always amazed at anyone who can draw their own applique patterns.

  12. So lovely and adorable. The bunny is so cute.Thanks for sharing

  13. Your daffodils really are a nice setting for your cute Easter flag.

  14. Fantastic flag! You are very clever and talented.

  15. SSew very talented! I love him! Great job!

  16. OHHHH Jane I see it from way over here...bless your hubby, he has no idea how many superpowers us quilters have ...I LOVE THIS...totally sweet..and colourful and you have flowers in your garden....ahhhhhhhhhhh

  17. Oh Jane!!!! your flag is just adorable.!!!!

  18. Your flag makes me smile really big! Great job!

  19. Oh, that is just the cutest flag for Easter! I love your design!

  20. You certainly raised the bar with this little beauty, and on the first day, too!!

  21. Hi Jane, loved the flag. I admire anyone who can applique, as I am not very good at it, but keep having a go. Susie x

  22. How adorable!What a cute, fun flag!!!

  23. You did it again...created a masterpiece ! Happiness will be the vib walking to your house !

  24. Cute flag :) thanks for the pointer on transferring the pattern to steam a seam...gotta tuck that one away for the future.

  25. What a cute idea and well done!!

  26. Oh the flag looks just perfect set amongst the daffodils!

  27. Aww, what fun! He could grace any Easter celebration and receive a warm welcome. Thank you so much for sharing your design, and congratulations on making the Wall of Wow!

  28. Very cute and so springy!!! Great job.

  29. Adorable!!! Yours is the best one yet!!!

  30. What a great design. I love the fact you put the bunny in a car. So cute and perfect for the season!

  31. Your flag is super cute!!! I'd love it in front of my house...LOL I guess I'll have to get busy and see if I can come up with one of my own!!

  32. Adorable! Love your Easter Flag.

  33. You are so creative. what an adorable, stinkin cute flag! I'll show you mine on April 2nd. :)

  34. This is just so cute…great job!!! Thanks for sharing :)

  35. Such a cute Easter flag! I like your simple hanging loops for it.


  36. Jane,,,you never fail to make me smile! Love your flag,,,and I'd put it in my front garden!

  37. Too cute. I hope this is a sign that the Easter bunny will be good to you this year! :-)

  38. Wonderful design. Made for a terrific flag.

  39. How cute is this??!!! Love it!! :)
    Wish I could just pick up a pencil and draw like that. My oldest son has the knack! am loving the flags, might have to make me one.

  40. What a great design! Your Easter flag is fun and colourful and you found the perfect spot for it beside the pretty daffodils.

  41. Your flag is so cute. Wonderful to see something so cheery for the spring.

  42. It's great! Neat picture with the daffodils. You are extremely talented.

  43. So adorable! I've kind of been ignoring that Easter is coming, but this definitely sets the mood.

  44. So cute!! I love the photo with the daffodils :)


  45. Wonderful! I love your bunny design! Beth @ Words & Stitches (still frantically finishing my!)

  46. He is SEW cute! Great design. You have SEW much talent!

  47. Very cute and amazing how you can draw and then applique your quilt. Thank you sew very much for Hopping and Flag Flying...

  48. your bunny is so cute...
    and so much work...
    Great, I love it!

  49. Well this is just too cute for words! Love, love your bunny flag! :)

  50. what a fun flag for easter .... love the green car packed with wonderful colorful eggs....
    in stitches

  51. Ooops, I actually posted this on the wrong post. So I cut and pasted it here, too. Sorry.
    Easter is a comin' and your flag is perfect. You are a wonderful artist. Love how cheery the flag is and amongst the daffodils it looks marvelous. (Sure wish our spring was that far along; my dafs are still hiding underground!!!)

  52. I think it is not important who sees it as long as it makes you smile. Very cute little easter bunny in his car!

  53. Jane your flag is just too adorable. You are so talented! Great job!
    xo jan@ewnandsowfarm

  54. Ohhhh.. I wish I could applique like that. I'm so impressed (and a wee bit jealous too). XO

  55. You are quite the artist! The flag is so adorable!

  56. OMG Jane...that is just the cutest Easter flag...I can only dream that some day I will be able to draw. Luv the daffodils too. Our ground is still frozen and we had snow in Michigan today. Congratulations on your creativity honors...well deserved!! Happy stitching, Pauline

  57. What a cute flag. That bunny is going places. Great job, thanks for sharing.

  58. This is really fun, thanks for sharing.

  59. What a neat flag and your little bunny is adorable!!

  60. I have to say, this is just the cutest flag ever. It looks professionally made. Great Job, Jane!!
    Gmama Jane

  61. I just love your flag it is so adorable. And makes me think that just maybe spring is coming. It snowed so hard here yesterday I thought it will never go away.

  62. I love your little Easter rabbit, he's so cute driving in his car.

  63. Jane, your flag is amazing, not to mention, beautifully drawn, with a TON of top stitching!! Great job, Easter Bunny! :)

  64. This is the perfect flag for spring and Easter, I love your bunny soo much and my boys commented it as "cute"!! :-))

  65. Love your easter flag! Really love your daffodils that are blooming.


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