Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oh those Wonky Stars

Star light, Star bright.  
The first star I see tonight.  
I wish I May, I wish I might.  
Have the wish I wish tonight.

 Oh, how many times did I say that when I was little.   I remember a time my brother (which was 7 years older)  told me not to look at any other stars that night for my wish to come true.    I would spend the rest of the night not looking up.  Now, back then, we played outside till mom called us in for a bath to go to bed.  I use to walk around bumping into things for fear of seeing a star.  Then he would laugh and laugh.  I caught on to that one pretty quick.  But you know, I was bad....I taught my grandsons the same poem and one night I told them the same thing.  Oh, what fun I had with them.  LOL.  Then after a while I did tell them the truth.

Anyway, In the beginning of summer, I got these cool looking fat quarters.  (17 total, each a different color)  At that time I had no idea as to what I was going to do with them.  But I just loved all the bright colors  and the swirling white showing them all off.  I also was smart enough when I got them, to get enough of the gray for a boarder.  Well, I seen this pattern of "Crazy" stars.  Now, did you ever see a pattern and just have to make it...well, this was one for me.  I thought it neat and right away I thought of these fat quarters.

For one star, I cut five 3 1/2 inch squares.  Four of these squares, I cut diagonally, the fourth one is the center of the star.  I kept each star together.  I cut six stars out of each color.

After all squares were cut, I sewed them onto my white 3 1/2 inch squares.  But when I did I sewed them on crooked.  (hence..."Crazy" or as I started calling them "Wonky")

Oh, these are easy and fun.  Just make sure if you do this not to get too carried away for you could loose the color completely when you sew them together.

Keeping all my colors together I numbered each color.  Then drew my quilt I had to make a pattern so used my pencil to color in the stars and then numbered them (it made it easier for me for I do not have a design wall)  I hope you can figure it out.  I know it would be a lot easier to find who designed this quilt and get the pattern.  But I don't remember where I seen it.  When I see a picture in a catalog, or magazine that I think I would like to try to make, I quick draw a sample in my tablet so not to forget.  Anyway, this is what I came up with.....

I took my time and put them all together.  I did find that when I numbered the fabrics I just laid them out and numbered them.  Also on the quilt, I just made sure that there were no 2 numbers together.  Not realizing that sometimes colors were too close.  Oh well, I will put a "Designer Wall" on my Christmas list. Gee, that list is getting long.  Hope Christmas comes soon.  LOL  

I carefully sewed my blocks together like this:

Then started putting them together, very carefully.  I didn't have to worry about points, that was a good thing.  But making sure the colors lined up were another.

I pinned a label on each block after they were sewn, so not to get mixed up.  I found if I labeled them and kept all in order, it made things so much easier.  There was a total of 16 blocks,  30 squares to a block.  (480 squares total)

This was such a fun quilt to make.  After I got it all sewn together, I quilted it on my machine in all over swirls to match the swirls in the fabric.  

Next was to put the binding on (which here is where I used the extra gray fabric that I bought.)

NOW  a quick reminder:    Don't forget the "WICKED"  blog hop is getting ready to start.  You will not want to miss a thing with this hop.  You will see the "Cutest, Scariest" things ever!!!
Starts October 22.  Go to Madame Samm

I hope to see you all there.

Till then:


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:


  1. You found the perfect way to use those brights. Your quilt looks wonderful!

  2. Oh, the fabrics are great, the pattern is fun and I really would like to try this. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ohhh,LOVE this and the fabrics. Do you know what fabric line they are?


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