Monday, June 17, 2013

Learning to Quilt

I was never so proud as I was this past week.  Our niece and her family came to visit with us.  She has 3 beautiful girls.  The oldest is Noel and she wanted to learn to quilt.   Well, when I heard that, I got her this beautiful fabric:

Her favorite color is purple and she loves butterflies.  When I found this I knew it was perfect for her.

Her mother, father and great-grand mother, great-aunt and 2 little sisters were also coming.   I knew that they were only going to be here a week and that she would want to go sight seeing, swimming, etc. with the family.  That means not much time to sew.   So I pre cut all the fabric to 5 1/2 inch squares.

I cut equal amounts of each so she could lay them out in whatever design that she wanted.  Then I rearranged my room so that I could be right there with her working on my quilt at the same time.

What fun we had sewing together.  She was so proud and tried to hard to get all the seams perfect.

After her rows were made....time for Dinner and we all went fishing in our pond.  Here are her two sisters:

We had soooo much fun with these girls.  Noel even caught the biggest Bass. 

The next day was another busy one.  Then that night after dinner our son set up his Karaoke machine.  Those little ones just did not want to let go of the mic.  Tooooo Cute!!

Photo: Having fun sitting on the porch and singing

The next day, we had a  little more time to work together.  

She tried hard to get it done.  But I kept telling her to take her time.  She got all 10 rows finished.  Then laid them out and marked them as to which goes where.  She did a GREAT job.  She got all but the last 2 rows on.  

 Unfortunately, we did not have enough time to finish.  I cut her backing and batting and wrote notes for her to remind her how to finish it.  She is going to tie her blocks together instead of quilting it.  I am soooo proud of her.  She did GREAT, and was soooo careful to make perfect 1/4 inch seams.  She sure was the perfect student.  Who knows....maybe her quilts will be "Famous" someday!

What a good summer project.  We were sorry to see them all head home.  We are going to miss those girls. They take after their mother, beautiful, smart,  nothing gets in their way of what they want to do.   We will always be there for them all.

Well, off to my next project...


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:

1 comment:

LIFE is short, break the RULES. FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollably, and NEVER REGENT anything that made you smile. Your comments are one thing that makes me smile.