Wednesday, June 5, 2013

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY...Summer is Here!!

BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, That is what I am anyway.  Our son has moved from Hershey, PA down here close to us in TN this weekend.  YEAH!!  Oh, I forgot what a mess, confusion, boxes, etc.

He rented the largest truck he could, loaded it in one day, then the next morning headed down.  He and his fiance drove 22 hours striaght to get here.  They came straight to our house, ate and had to meet the realtor for settlement.  Then fell asleep till the next day.  

I was told that  their 2 dogs, Deliah (a St. Bernard) and Morgan (a Pit Bull) rode in the back seat of his fiance car.  She said they were no problem at all, stayed laying down as long as the car was moving.  They stopped regular to let them out, run, give them water and eat.    I thought they looked so cute...this is when they got back in to go to their house.  They just sat so patiently till we were all ready to go.

What a weekend.  Monday, I went with to take the truck back to Jackson, then to put the electiric in their name, post office, etc.  

Yesterday I got caught up on the "Say it with Flowers" Blog hop.  WOW, did you see all those beautiful flowers??  I was total amazed at all the beautiful projects everyone had.  The creations and ideas, well, I was truly amazed and I enjoyed reading each and every blog.  

A  GREAT BIG thank you to CAROL at Just Let Me Quilt  and MADAME SAMM  at Sew We Quilt  for all their hard work and for making another great hop for all of us.  

Well, unfortunaltely I did not get any quilting done this past week and half...but I got this great pattern from a friend and I can't wait to start it.

Before I do...
I want to announce my winner for the 
CD  from Electric Quilt company...."Quilt Designs".  

Here I go to and it says..........


I will be e-mailing you shortly to verify your winnings. 


As soon as I do.....I am off to my quilt room digging into my scraps and starting "Bountiful Beauties".

Till next time..........


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:

1 comment:

  1. Congratualtiosn to Bonnie. What a fun hop. I love to visit all of them that Madam Samm hosts. Is that a Amy Bradley Pattern. I have allways wanted to try one of those. They look like a lot of fun.


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