Thursday, January 17, 2013

Winner of "In with Words" Giveaway

I cannot believe that the "IN WITH WORDS" hop is over already.
Lets take a look at some of the words we learned:

GREAT                       We seen soooo many Great projects
DECLUTTER        That was a good one,  I need to declutter my quilt room
LAUGH                      Something we should all do every day
FRIENDSHIP      We all need friends, and need to learn to be better ones
SMILE                        Smile and the whole world will smile with you
TALENTED          That is what ALL quilters are!
WIMSEY                 We all need this in our lives
CLEVER                  I seen a lot of CLEVER ideas on this hop
INSPIRED              I don't know about you, but I got inspired by a lot of what I seen
BREATHE             After seeing all the beautiful work...I had to remember to breathe
FABRIC                   Something we ALL want and crave
BELIEVE               What we believe in, God, life, each other, etc.
LOVE                        To love one another
GRATEFUL        To be grateful for what I have
TRUTH                   Always tell the truth, it is easier than you think
THANKFUL        I am thankful for my family's good health, for my friends, etc.
ENJOY                     I ENJOYED each and every blog!

I could go on and on....There are so many "Words"!  Another BIG word is:

THANKS......A BIG THANKS   go out to Linda at Bumbling and Buzzing and Madame Samm for all their help and support through this hop.  They did a WONDERFUL job.

                               cat clapping. reply

                                  Clapping Racoon 

                         Begging cat claps her paws

Now excuse me while I go to to pick a name to win "Focus on the Center" book by Pat Sloan.  I have 136 comments (entries).   Here we go.......Are you all ready?????

And the winner is.............................................

Number 37..........LJ  (I will be sending you an e-mail shortly to verify your winnings)

Another "Word"


                          pandas clapping

REMINDER   Next hop is coming up,

"Dare to DRESDEN"
January 24th thru 31st
Sponsored by Christine Lewis at Quilt Monster in my Closet
Madame Samm at Sew We Quilt


Till then..

To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:

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LIFE is short, break the RULES. FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollably, and NEVER REGENT anything that made you smile. Your comments are one thing that makes me smile.