Friday, January 11, 2013

"IN WITH WORDS" Blog Hop & Giveaway

I can't believe it is 2013 already and we are in our first Blog hop of the year.  From what I seen so far, it sure is a GREAT one too!  Stop over at "Buzzing and Bumbling" with Linda and give her a big thanks for all her hard work.  And don't forget Madame Samm at "Sew WE Quilt".  She also needs a big thank you.  Then when you are there you can check out the rest of the schedule, for you don't want to miss a one blog.

I wanted to do something different for my day but fun.  So  I drew this:    (I call here Sallie) 

It started out with seeing her picture on the internet in one of those quilt picture sites.  I changed a few things on her, took away a few boxes and added more fabric. Drawing her was no problem.  But....then I had to make my pattern and number all the little pieces.  When I was done, well, lets say my picture looked really confusing, but I knew what was what. 

So, I got out my tote of scraps.  I just love the part of figuring out which fabrics to put where.

I had so many little pieces, that I divided them into little baggies until I was ready for them.  Next I cut to large pieces of fabric and sewn them together.  I carefully pressed and took off all the lint that I could.

Then I arranged "Sallie" onto the fabric.  There were a total of 105 pieces all together.  She had 28 bolts of fabric plus the fat quarter bundle on top.  I added an extra spool of thread to the one box and then plain white in the other box for batting.  It took a long time to put everything in place where I wanted them.  Then I carefully transferred to my ironing board and pressed.

I machine appliqued them on using  Monofilament thread.  I didn't want anything to take away from seeing "Sallie".  Then I used my fabric pens and added the extras:

.Next I made my letters.  I went to my Word Perfect program on my lap top and decided which font to use. I enlarged it to the size that I wanted and printed them out.  Next I cut each word out separately.

Because they are words, I had to trace them backward to trace onto my Steam-a-Seam.

The rest.......well, again, I changed a few things up at the last minute.  Instead of putting the full phrase that I first decided on.  "There is NO such thing as TOO much fabric"  I shortened it to "There's NO such thing as TOO much fabric"  

Oh, but I didn't stop my words there...I machine quilted an all over random pattern and in that I also added the words pins, needles, threads, rulers, etc.  (I hope you can make them out)

  So without further ado....Here it is......

TOTAL SIZE IS:  16" X 20 1/2"

I had made this wall hanging for my mother, (Home is Where the CAT is)  she loves cats.  At present time she has two, named after her late sister and mother. (Elsie and Alice)

And I must share my Quilting Lady with everyone.  My husband thought this one was so neat.  In fact, it is what inspired me to make "Sallie".  Oh, he really likes "Sallie" too.

Again, I want to thank Linda from "Buzzing and Bumbling" and Madam Samm.  They both did a wonderful job and worked hard getting this all together for us.  Now that you seen my "Words" go read some more great "Words" from all the other bloggers of today.

Jane's Fabrics (Jane R.)
Nuts 4 Redwork (Heide W.)
Bits and Pieces (Martha R.)
Life in Every Breath (Jennifer B.)
Quilting Lines (Patricia L.)
Meadowbrook  (Kristen K.)
Count It All Joy!  (Denise P.)
Sophie Junction (Sophie W.)

 The rest of the schedule goes as this:

Monday, January 14
Clothes and Crafts (Maria K.)
Simple Sew (Shirley T.)
Woolie Mammoth (Anna B.)
RocknQuilts (Mary Ann)
Quiltsmiles (Jane E.)

Tuesday, January 15
BQuiltin Studio  (Beverly K.)
Hill Valley Quilter (Britt-Inger)
Bumbleberry Stitches  (Theresa K.)
Buzzing and Bumbling  (Linda W.)
Outback Crafter (Debra S.)
In Stitches and Seams  (Annette S.)
Englating  (Marica from Sweden)
Stitchin by the Lake  (Marlene B.)
Selina Quilts  (Selina)
Sheila's Quilt World (Sheila M.)
Words & Stitches (Beth S.)

Wednesday, January 16
Quiltin' Jenny  (Jenny)
(Rosemary B.) at “that other blog”
Dachsies With Moxie  (Agnes B.)
Sew Many Yarns (Lyndsey M.)
Sew We Quilt  (Mdm. Samm)
The German Mom  (Tina S.)
Christa Quilts (Christa W.)

OK, I know what everyone is waiting for....oh yeah.  I have a REALLY GOOD GIVEAWAY.  My sponsor.  Missouri Quilts,  gave me this awsome book for the lucky winner.  It is....are you ready.....

OH YEAH, it is "Focus on the Center" by our good friend Pat Sloan.  This is a wonderful book with 8 great patterns of hers.  Each pattern is unique and I know you would enjoy making each one.

To enter is easy, be a follower and leave me a "WORD".  For a second entry... pass the WORD around and come back and tell me how you did it.   Then on January 16th I will go to and get a winner and post it right here, so do come back.



To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out Imy site at:


  1. OMG! This is amazing. You are very talented. Thanks for sharing your words and the process that went into creating this amazing piece!

  2. Your quilts are just too cute! Thank you for sharing. jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  3. oh my gosh, these are soooooo great!
    I can really relate to it all *g*

    love it!

  4. I LOVE Sallie and her piles of fabric.. Wow. So many little details.

  5. Here is my "word" for you:


    Why? Because they are Yummy and what you shared with us today was yummy too. :)

  6. Here is my "word" for you:


    Why? Because they are Yummy and what you shared with us today was yummy too. :)

  7. I am just amazed at your work, so neat, so perfect! Love it! Thanks for,sharing and the chance to win.

  8. Oh my, what an amzazingly talented person you are. I am gobsmacked that you cut out all those little pieces but it was so worth it as it turned into a wonderful little project. So glad I am already a follower so I didn't miss this.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  9. Oh wow this is just fabulous - I love the way you have done the extra quilting of the words too - I am knew to quilting but I will have to give that a go!

  10. Your artwork is fantastic. I enjoyed my visit. Thank you for sharing.

  11. These are wonderful, how clever you are - the look very intricate.

  12. Believe, really brilliant art quilt!

  13. Sallie is fabulous - I love her!
    My word today is 'Breathe' because sometimes I forget!!
    Thank you for sharing!

  14. Your Sallie is sew inspired. My favorite so far!! Beautiful job.

  15. I love love your quilt. It is sew awesome and cool. You are sew creative and amazing. Thanks for sharing

  16. I am in awe! I cannot get over how you did all those tee-niny pieces.

    Thanks for the tutorial (as if I could ever do that!) and letting us see how the project progressed. It's amazing!

    LOVE IT!

  17. Your pieces turned out really well. Everyone has such an imagination. Great job and thanks for having a give away.

  18. I love your quilted pictures, awesome! The 'You never have too much fabric' looks like me on the way to quilt retreat! Very nicely done!

    Happy quilting and thank you for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!

    cindy at quiltdoodledesigns dot com

  19. Love your quilting lady! Wonderful, happy wall hanging!

  20. full of humor ...YOUR words resonate with many of us...bravo

  21. Very wonderful project - the detail is amazing!

  22. "Whimsical" is the word for today!
    Great way to start the weekend! Hoping to see the day when I do 'have' too much fabric...oh what a day of creating that will be! :)

  23. Jane I am totally blown away by your creativity and by this wonderful work. I don't think I could have done so many little pieces - I can't even imagine it - but it is totally perfect. My word is "Nice." I'll be using it when I do my post for this hop. :) blessings, marlene

  24. Loved seeing your progress with this wonderful little quilt. It says everything. My word is Masterpiece. Judy C

  25. Love 'Sallie' as well as all you pieces. thank you for sharing with us today.

  26. Wow! I am so impressed! Love it, wish I had it. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    My word today...SMILE...I overslept, my post wasn't posted (it is now) and I feel like I was run over by a mack truck...a really big one. So you helped me SMILE with your precious Sallie.

  27. Amazing project! Love the details you shared in the creation process!

  28. I think I could use Sally here to help me get organized .... I think I even have a dolly for move stuff around..... sew cute thanks for sharing and hosting a great give away.
    in stitches

  29. Wow! I am amazed and inspired by your applique work! You are quite talented to work with all those tiny pieces. Great project!

  30. "AWESOME" are and your work is, too! You are quite the artist! Sallie is definitely awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  31. Wow they are all amazing , love your creativity !! I am a follower .

  32. I love how you used the words in the quilting.....I am going to use that bit of inspiration. Sallie is a busy her.

  33. WOW and WOW, you are so talented, I am already a follower, my word will be "wonderful", you did a wonderful job on a too cute, wish I could make it wall hanging.

  34. What amazing projects! My word is Happy!

  35. I've been enjoying your blog for quite some time. I pinned your wonderful quilt to one of my Pinterest boards in order to pass the word.

  36. So awesome! My word for you is CLEVER! :)

  37. I tweeted!

  38. You do such beautiful, beautiful work. I find these hops to be so inspiring when I see all of the great work of quilters like you. That's my word--INSPIRING!

  39. All those pieces, wow, you get an A+ for "perseverance" and creativity!
    Sew my words is going to be
    "AWESOME" !

  40. Sallie is cute and I <3 her since I <3 fabric. Also, as I <3 cats, I <3 the cat one you made for your mom. I am now a follower so I can see more of Sallie and your quilty goodness. Thanks for sharing ... :) Pat

  41. Love Sally.She is fantastic with that pile of fabrics.

  42. Friendly is my word for you.Thanks for sharing!!

  43. I am now a follower, your project was AWESOME

  44. Jane-She's awesome, perfect, what can I say! I am graphically challenged and jealous of your wonderful drawing abilities. The cats are adorable-I have 3 feline rescue kitties. From CA, thanks for sharing.

  45. I posted on facebook

  46. ENJOY!

    I've been a follower through emails and now signed up for GFC, too.

  47. My word was 'enjoy' and I just wished my husband a good day and to enjoy whatever may come his way. Afterall, we really must enjoy the journey wherever it takes us.

  48. I love that Sallie! You did a great job getting all those pieces together and the words are totally so true. Love it! My word says it all about your project: Groovy! :O)

  49. You hit the nail on the hard....never too much fabric. Love that project!

  50. Your Sallie is absolutely adorable! What a great "smile maker"!
    My word is "whimsy", because that is an important part of my life and it seems to be of yours, too!
    Great job, Jane!

  51. Love Sallie and company! Your are so talented

  52. I love your project. Now just where can I go get that pile of fabrics for my stash? :-) Thanks for sharing, just how it went together! And those cats!! Adorable!

  53. Sallie is fabulous! And your saying on the quilt is so true too!

  54. Love this, Sally is wonderful :) I love the box on top and the words you quilted in!!

  55. I shared your "Word" post today via my facebook page.

  56. I am now officially following you via email. I love love love your word project...It is just amazeing how you did it..Very talented my dear..

  57. Those quilts are so much fun. they definitely would make me smile every time I would see them. My word is Joy. I plan on finding joy more often and try to share it as well.

  58. WOW!!! WOW!!! Little Sally and her fabric are wonderful!!! Love it!!! I love the cats!!! Love them all!!! Thanks for the fun!!!!

  59. To share my word, I am returning a cookie tin to a friend who has been sick for awhile. I found a tea towel with the word joy in it and as it is one of her favorite words, thought I would put it in the tin to surprise her.

  60. You got me with "Sallie"! Would love to do her in Redwork. May I please? She would have her own special place in my sewing room.

  61. She is No 1 for me today, I still dont understand how you got her on the fabric. I am a follower.

    WORD: artistic

  62. I went to all the hops and left them some love

  63. I LOVE how you can just think it up and make it. I get stuck at"think it up"LOL. Wonderful job.

  64. My word is "laugh", because I had to laugh after seeing your quilts. They are so funny.You really made my day.
    You did a fantastic job in designing and making these. You are very creative.
    Thank you for a great giveaway. I follow through GFC.

  65. I love your wall hangings!!! I always love it when I find another quilter who likes to applique like I do - love fusible!!! Funny how Sally reminds me of me!!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  66. My word for you: BOOK. I can see Sallie in a book with many antics all along the pages. A book I would love to read.

  67. I love your Sallie! Can't we all relate! I also love that you quilted words on your project.

  68. How beautiful! I love all of your quilts - especially the cat quilt:)

  69. This is so cute and I just love Sallie she is all quilters. Thanks for sharing.

  70. So adorable!!!!
    My word is "Thankful"

  71. What a lovely post!! You did a tremendous job on this project!I'm a new follower

  72. LOL! I love it! Like something right out of a Norman Rockwell! Brilliant - thank you for sharing :)

  73. OMG my word for you would be Brilliant!!!

  74. Wow! You sure put a lot into this wall hanging! I love it! My word is "awesome" for your talent!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  75. She is brilliant - I love the threads at the top of her trolley cart!! My word is 'thanks' - thanks for sharing Sally today!!!

  76. Oh I just love your quilts. They are fun and inspiring. Wow, 105 pieces! Well done. Just great!

  77. your project is SO MUCH FUN! 100+ pieces, on my goodness! You are so brave!

  78. I am a follower and Oh My your quilt made me "SMILE" That is my word. Thanks for being part of the hop.

  79. There really is no such thing as too much fabric, for sure!! Love your quilts.

  80. I love Sallie! I believe we have the interest...FABRICS!...LOL! Beautiful projects today and also, I love cats too....Thanks for sharing today and look forward to seeing more projects from you...Judith, Texas

  81. That is over the top amazing! That is the coolest pattern and I sure hope you decide to make it available for purchase! (hint hint) Wonderful work!

  82. Hallo Jane,
    I love Sallie, the Quiltdiva and everything you shows.
    Thanks for the chance to win, I do follow you and I´m still hoping to welcome you to my blog too soon.

  83. Hallo Jane,
    I love Sallie, the Quiltdiva and everything you shows.
    Thanks for the chance to win, I do follow you and I´m still hoping to welcome you to my blog too soon.

  84. Sallie is quite the beauty! You did a wonderful job with her.

  85. Sallie the Sale Queen is adorable. Love your creativity ( could you ever imagine doing this without fusable-!?)

  86. agree with all your comments! Love to shop and love cats!

  87. Love your quilt, amazing detail. My word is "creative".

  88. Sally is so freaking cute! You are quite creative and very talented.

  89. WOW is the only word I can think of! Jane, this is amsolutely amazing! Thanks so much for sharing & inspiring me!

  90. I shared on FB,,,,but not for another chance to win. I'm in awe, Jane.

  91. WoW! Love your Sallie! You are so clever and talented to design her. Thanks for sharing all your projects with us, great job! Oh, my word today is "Friendship".

    Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


  92. My word today is Friendship and I shared that with my girlfriend today at lunch. I thanked her for being a great friend and a wonderful sewing buddy.

    Thanks again for a chance to win.


  93. Rosemary B here:
    Happy Saturday :-)
    I have been following for a billion years already.
    Your blog and your ideas are always the best. I love this, it is so cute.
    Love the colors and everything!
    I also really like the other two projects you made. They are sweet. I bet your mom loves that little quilt you made her, it is adorable!
    thank you for sharing all of your massive creativity in this hop

  94. These are so much fun! Smile is my word because you made me smile!

  95. "Improvisational"... describing the neat developments made on your fun and fabulous mini quilts. From the initial sketchs to the piles of fabrics (which we all love!)also, inscribing with quilted words that has resulted in a delightfully unique expression of your passion! I feel quite inspired:) grace(at)amnet(dot)net(dot) au

  96. I see Sally doesn't dilly dally!
    Excellent work.

  97. Congratulations! Your wall hanging is awesome. So creative!

  98. My "word" would have to be "laugh". Because this is how I look when I go to the fabric store. Someone has taken a picture of me.

  99. Thanks for SHARING the beautiful project. My Words "SHARING"

  100. How perfct is Sallie! What a great project and loved your creativity!
    Thank you so much for sharing, I loved it! Jane

  101. SUPER-DUPER! is all I can say!Your little Sallie is adorable. Thanks for the inspiration to by more fabric :) janita

  102. SUPER-DUPER! is all I can say!Your little Sallie is adorable. Thanks for the inspiration to by more fabric :) janita

  103. I adore Sallie! It turned out really cute! My word is Grateful. Because I want to get ALL the negativity out of my life, and when all that negative is gone, it becomes a feeling of gratitude.

  104. I passed my word to others in the blog hop today. Thanks for sharing your projects again ;) I forgot to tell you I adore the kitty one as well.

  105. I'm so honored my book is your giveaway!!! Thank you.. and I love the saying.. TRUTH!

    I hope you'll check out my daily blog.. my day is the last day

    Pat Sloan
    Radio show Host... The Voice of Quilting

  106. Today is the 13th and I just stumbled on this whole Word blog hop. I have a lot of catching up to do.

    Great design! I just love the way you turned a drawing into a quilt and didn't lose the details!!!

  107. WOW!! I have to leave you two words: Awesome Creativity! Love your integration of words throughout!

  108. Wow,beautiful! Love Sallie and all your other mini's too! Thanks for sharing :)

  109. Amazing!
    Love them all! Congrats on being one of the chosen.

  110. Sallie is fantastic, it's fab the way you've done the pile of fabric! The words in the quilting are wonderful too

  111. Wonderful contribution to InYourWord's Bloghop!

  112. Your Sally quilt is wonderful! I can definitely relate to the words. The cats and the quilting lady are fun too. My word for 2013 is DECLUTTER. There is too much stuff around this house!

  113. I passed the word around on Twitter. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. My word is renew.
    gfc follower: nicolesender

  116. I like you and follow you on Facebook. I love your WORD wall hangings. Thank you for a chance at the giveaway.

  117. oh my how cute!! thanks for sharing

  118. All by hand; I am impressed. Thanks for sharing. I am a follower.


LIFE is short, break the RULES. FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollably, and NEVER REGENT anything that made you smile. Your comments are one thing that makes me smile.