Thursday, April 19, 2012


I am busy working on an applique quilt that it taking quite a bit of time.  So I decided to take a brake and make some "POTHOLDERS".  They are a lot of fun to make it gave me the brake from some tedious work that I am doing.

You can make them all different sizes, shapes, can get all fancy with applique and embellishments, or just use up some of those scrap squares that you have laying around.  There is no right or wrong way to make them.

Just add batting to one of your squares, quilt as desired and add the binding.

You can use regular batting for inside but make sure it is 100% cotton for shrinkage.  If your potholder is being made to be used and not just for decoration, make sure it is thick enough for heat not to penetrate through to your hands. 

Here is a picture of a few of the Potholders that I had made.  You never know when you need that quick, small gift.

 So have fun and use your imagination.  Don't forget, Mothers day is coming soon, I am sure she would love something homemade.  

Well, I am back to my large quilt.  One day away was way, to long, but it helped clear my thoughts to proceed.  


Check my website gallery for more selections:

1 comment:

  1. My wife Beverly loves to quilt and seems to always have one on the go. But she likes to take a break from quilting once in a while to. She loves to make dresses for the granddaughters, and she enjoys all kinds of crafts. The pot holders you made are very nice and colorful, and I'm sure they were fun to make.


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