Saturday, April 28, 2012

Painting Rocks

OK, it is Spring for sure,  the weather is getting warmer each day and everything is sooo green and fresh, the birds are singing.  It is time to freshen up my part.  I like to add different items to my flower beds to help set them off.  I have a variety of ceramics, and rocks (yes rocks).  So in the spring I spot paint to freshen them up and make them look good.  This year I found two new flat rocks to add to my one bed.

To paint these rocks I will need:

Water (to clean my brushes)
Cleaner  (to clean rocks)
  Spray Polyurethane
My 2 flat rocks (of course)

First I scrub my rocks with a good cleaner.  This will ensure that the paint will stick to the rock.  Then I pick a base color to pain the whole rock.  With these rocks I made one white, and the other light pink.  Also I painted the sides of the rocks to help set them off.

Then I decided what I wanted to paint on the rock.  You can do flowers, butterflies, birds, etc.  Let your imagination flow and have fun with it. 

When you are finished and happy with your design, spray with Polyurethane so they will stay fresh in the weather.    

Here is a large rock that my sister-in-law brought me from the mountains of PA, years ago when we lived in VA.  It looked so neat, that we brought it along with us when we moved to TN.

SHOES??  Yes, those are work shoes that were (at one time) my husbands.  The things you can do to spruce up your flowers beds.....why it is endless.

I now have a few more flowers to plant and I am done.  Then it is back to quilting.  Just wait till you see my Rose quilt that I am making.  It is taking a long time.....but well worth it.


And don't forget to take time out to smell the roses and enjoy the day.

Check my website gallery for more selections:

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