Sunday, April 12, 2015

"Have a Latte"... day one...

Today is the first day of the "Have a Latte" hop.  And I am lucky that today is also my day to show what I had made.

I think everybody in my family drinks coffee.  I remember when I was just a little girl, dunking my molasses bread in my mother's coffee.  I mean, this would be almost every morning.  Then when I got older in school I didn't like it much.  It was after I graduated High School when I started drinking it.  I honestly don't remember Latte's or Cappuccino's, though.  Mom always bought Maxwell House  (Good to the last drop!)

I want to raise my cup and thank Madame Samm and Joan at Moosestash Quilting for coming up with this idea and for all their hard work putting it all together for us.

"Have a Latte" by Dan DiPaolo (for Clothworks) is a beautiful fabric line, I couldn't wait to get my hands on It.  At first I had a hard time finding the fabric but not for long.  Now, it can be found almost everywhere.

I started by making a little mug rug.  

I love making them.  And this will work great for me in my room.

Ah, but I didn't stop there.  I had an idea.
I got out my pencil and paper and started to draw.  Look what I came up with:

Yup, our old friend "Garfield".
See, he also likes Latte's from morning 

Till night..

(guess it goes good with Lasagna, lol)

Now let's grab a cup of your favorite, and join me in seeing the other talented ladies are showing today.

  April 13

Opps, time to make another pot. 



  1. that is a latte smiles and lovely mug rugs and hanging

  2. I love your mugrug, I love the garfield, to cute.. I so remember Garfield to...

  3. Sweet mug rug and your Garfield quilt is amazing! Thank you for sharing.

  4. Love your mug rug . Garfield is just too cute.,and I must day and night . Who needs sleep anyway! LOL.

  5. Great looking mug rug, and Garfield is always a favorite!

  6. Your mug rug is great and the Garfield one is amazing! It made me smile (big smile). And I don't even drink coffee any more! Amazing!

  7. Your Garfield wall hanging is fantastic, and the mug rug is really nice too!

  8. Cute Jane!! Real cute. You did a great job on your mugrug and wall hanging.

  9. Love your mug rug and Garfield wall hanging, Jane!!!!

  10. What a great design!! So creative. Yup, just like Garfield, I don't function well without my Coffee!

  11. You are so creative with your little those Garfield's! So dang cute with their coffee mugs. Sweet looking mug rug, too!

  12. Your mug rug turned out great. I love the mini you made with Garfield!!

  13. Jane your mug rug is so sweet. Got to love Garfield. You did an amazing job . Thank you for sharing.

  14. Your mug rugs are wonderful, Jane. I love love the Garfield one! I am really enjoying my coffee break today .... mmmmmm! Thanks for sharing a cup of java with me this morning ... :) Pat

  15. Wow those Garfields are fabulous - looks like you had a lot of fun putting all this together. Love your mug rug too.

  16. hahaha! I LOVE YOUR GARFIELD!!!! So talented you are...those are fantastic!!!!!

  17. Your humor surely comes out in your quilts! My favorite is the Garfield! Very creative. Thanks for sharing with us all!

  18. Very cute. Your Garfield's are adorable.

  19. Hahahaha! I love the last cartoon!! Your mugrug and wall hanging are fabulous!


  20. Your mug rug is fantastic. The Garfield wall quilt is over-the-top adorable! Your drawing skills are fabulous. Beautiful work!

  21. What a nice smile you gave us this morning! Your mug rug and Garfield quilt are really adorable!

  22. You and Garfield have said it all. Great job on both the mug rug and the Garfield piece.

  23. LOL, so nice with Garfield, I can really understand him so well. I always carry my mug of coffee all day long, always sipping and enjoying coffee!
    Love your rugs and your sense of humour, well done!

  24. Garfield sure made me smile! Very cute. Cute mug rug too. Thank you so much for sharing.

  25. All of your projects are very pretty and colorful.

  26. The mug rug and Garfield quilt are adorable. You are so creative! Thanks for sharing your creations with us today.

  27. Jane this is so cute! What a fun thing to make! blessings, marlene

  28. Giggling and grinning as I read your post! Great projects Jane!

  29. Love the cute mug rugs and your cartoons are great. Fun post.

  30. Lovely! Garfield is so cool. I can see that you had a lot of fun with this one.

  31. Cute pieces, love your Garfield design.

  32. Very nice mug rug and uber clever Garfield you have created! Thank you sew very much for Latte Hopping and participating. Creative Latte Bliss...

  33. Oh, such sweet projects. You have a eye for Garfield and your drawing skills are amazing. Perfect work, Jane!

  34. Thanks for sharing - especially the cartoons. I laughed at the coffee pot talking to the tea kettle. Your mug rug is so sweet and one that will remind you everyday about the Latte hop whenever to have a cup.

  35. Garfield is so fun! thanks for sharing your work

  36. My kids are really loving Garfield, so it is right up my alley. Very cute mug rug as well.

  37. Such a cute mug rug. I really like the pieced block with the coffee design. It is really cute. I couldn't help but to smile at your Garfield. I feel like that some mornings.


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