Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Winner of "Meet and Greet"

Every morning for the last few days, I got up, poured a cup of coffee, got comfy and read some blogs...

I seen such beautiful projects.  I was completely blown away every morning.  (I don't have good Internet reception at my house.  Seems mornings is the best)

Anyone who missed the "Meet and Greet" hop, go to Madame Samm for the complete list of those who percipatated.  I promise, you will truly enjoy seeing all these talented ladies work.  And all the creativity.

As for me, I am working on some UFO's and trying to organize my room.  My partner in crime has better ideas.

Well, I will let her go, she looks too comfy to bother.

Anyway, I went to and got  a winner for my Honeycomb Bella  Solids.


CONGRATULATIONS!   I will be emailing you shortly for conformation. 

Thank you all for joining in with the "Meet and Greet".   I was so happy to see all of yous.  AND Thank you so much, Madame Samm  for coming up wth the idea and setting it all up.

Till next time......



  1. Love the comfy dog!!! Congratulations, Susie.

  2. Congratulations to Susie! Okay, that dog is hilarious and totally made my it!


LIFE is short, break the RULES. FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollably, and NEVER REGENT anything that made you smile. Your comments are one thing that makes me smile.