Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Bird Tree hop....My Day!

I know everyone had a hard winter this year but Spring is finally here for some others right around the corner.  So those birds are singing and having a High ol' Time.

Well today is my day for the "Bird Tree" hop.

I must say that I have been watching the birds all Winter, same as a lot of yous.  I feel bad for them in the cold and snow so have been feeding them regularly.   I had more and different kinds this year than ever.

They fly in and out of out trees, all tring to get to get their share of Sunfower seeds.   Sometimes I even see the larger birds pushing the little ones off the feeders purch, wanting all the seeds for themselves. So, I throw seeds on the ground for them.  But, lately, I  have heard chirping and singing in our Oak tree that was louder than before,  I kept watching and seen the Wrens, Gold Finches, Robins, Bluebirds, and Cardinals all fly into this tree.  Now they have been in there for awhile.  Like they were having a meeting or something.  So, I snuck up on them to take a picture....

Why, there are all dressed up and ready to go to the Nashville to the "Bluebird Cafe" to hear "Ryan Rooster Lee and the Outlaw Band"!!!

I hope I did not bore you with my story.  When I first signed up for this hop, well, anyone who knows me, knows I got out my pencil and started to draw.

AND being close to Nashville, AND my son singing and playing the bass in the "Ryan Rooster Lee and the Outlaw Band" . 
(What's a mother to do, lol)

Hay, look, someone else is hopping a ride to Nashville, lol

I also made myself another pincushion.  I seen pictures of bird pincushions, and well, this is what I came up with....

I think this will work...

Then I made a Hummingbird Mug Rug:

Thank you so much Madame Samm and Lana for coming up with this hop and for all your hard work in putting it all together for us.  We all do appreciate it.

Before I end, I also want to share another little story.  See, my husband and I used to have a perminate site on Chincoteague Island, VA.  We would go there as much as work would allow us in the summer months.  Everytime we were there, we had a Seagull that was always be on our site.  (Always hunting for scraps)  We called him "R-55".  Well, my husband made me this for my flower bed:

(Not exactly a Seagull, but I like him.  He will always remind us of our good times there.)

Ok, now lets grab some coffee and fly out to see all the other beautiful creations these talented ladies made today:

Thursday, March 19



  1. JANE!!!! Your creations are EXCELLENT! It took my breath away when I saw that you DREW that and then brought it to LIFE! What a GREAT TALENT! All of your projects are ADORABLE! BRAVO!

  2. Jane you really are a bird lover. Your bird quilt design is outstanding! The quilt sings happy!

  3. very fine details, lovely bird projects

  4. Lovely birdies! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Love your bird projects! Thanks for sharing.

  6. Love the Bluebird Cafe creation. With their fancy hats looks like they are ready for a chirping good time. Seriously sweet.

  7. Ha....Love your story and your birdies are the best!

  8. Jane your drawing is wow, your very talented and you brought it to life with that great table runner. Is the picture altered with the wood pecker and the I guess it's a squirrel. That's an amazing picture, please tell me about it !

  9. Jane your meeting birds quilt is so charming and beautiful! You're such a talented artist; I wish I could draw like you!

  10. Very cute design. Love those birds.

  11. What a fun wall hanging. Very cute! Great pincushion and mug rug too.

  12. I am so in love with that bird band! :) I would for sure be their groupie! blessings, marlene

  13. What fun! Those birds are going to have a hoot of a time! The PC and mug rug are really nice too. Thanks for sharing the fun today!

  14. oh that piece is fantastic!!!!! great color

  15. What sweet bird projects Jane and your husband is just as talented as you!

  16. Love your projects, Jane, and I especially like your garden seagull!

  17. Great projects and what a wonderful seagull.

  18. Oh, I am so envious of your great talent. What fabulous birds you have created! And that garden bird is a hoot!

  19. I love the wallhanging quilt you created... each bird with it's own personality!

  20. I love, love, love those sweet lady birds all dressed up and ready to party! You are so talented with your sewing and drawing. Sweet pincushion, too! Cute story and bobbing head bird, too. :O)

  21. That is soooo cute! I love what you did in dressing your birds for Nashville and the pincushion is so cute too. Your husband is as clever as you are with his bird!!

  22. Jane, your little story and all the birdy creations are so much fun!
    Great job!

  23. Well, you have been busy. Your birds are so fun and creative...such personality!

  24. Absolutely fantastic Love your artistic ability and I saw that newscast too with a squirrel catching a ride- how hysterical!
    Thanks for sharing some great projects.

  25. So many lovely ideas. That wallhanging is just dang cool tho. Love IT!!!

    Your drawing talent is also very amazing.. so much fun!! Wish I could do that to.

  26. Love your design you drew up, very cute!

  27. Ha ha, what a fun stop this was. I loved the story and the little quilt that inspired it. And your little pincushion is very cute. Sure to be useful too. Thank you for sharing with us.

  28. Your husbands bird is fantastic. Your quilt is beautiful.

  29. How very clever of you to create this fun and fabulous quilt for Tree Bird Hop. If I were closer to Nashville I would be going to hear this band! Thank you sew very much for Tree Bird Hopping and participating. Creative Bird Bliss...

  30. All of your projects are lovely, but I just LOVE the bird quilt design you drew and stitched. Wow! Great job.

  31. Lovely collection of projects, love the not quite sea gull your husband made for you too. Very talented family.

  32. The little bird quilt you designed is gorgeous!

  33. Now I love that! I wish I could draw... but alas, I can't even draw a stick figure right. lol

  34. wow, your drawings are beautiful and they translated into fabric with such flair!

  35. You've made me smile this morning while reading your post - very nice. Loved the little quilt in your oak tree! You are a true artist. There is always room for another pincushion - whereever I am, the pincushions are always at another station!! I think that's a new variety of bird in your flower bed; perhaps you should call the local Bird Watchers Club and see what they think! lol

  36. You are so funny! You made me feel as though I were with you in your garden, admiring the birds!
    Love how your drawing has come to life!

  37. Such fun happy projects! Love them all. That pin cushion is too cute!

  38. Love all of your projects, they are so creative and the birds made me smile. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Wow They are just fabulous Jane!! Thanks for sharing them with us today Jane. Keep making the patterns you're own.



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