Monday, January 5, 2015

Time Marches On

At our house we celebrated Christmas on New Years day.  You see, my husband has a 15 passanger van and drives for the local Amish.  You would be suprised how much they travel.  This year he went to quite a few  "Amish Weddings" (in multiple states)
And quite a few Funerals.  It seems as when an Amish family  has a wedding, all the relatives come, no matter where they live.  Same goes for funerals.  Anyway, this Christmas he took a family back to their home town in MO for Christmas.  So he was not home.  We have no little ones anymore and well, we all know you got to make the money while you can.

While he was gone I got a lot of quilting done,

(Lots of stockings made and a Snowman topper for our neice.)

(Our neices daughters)

(A flannel Snowman quilt for my daughter-in-law)

lots of cookies made, and spent time with my son and his wife.

Christmas was great at our house....especially for me.  Look what I got from my wonderful husband got me:


And my son and his wife got me lots of fabric:

My son also put in 3 extra shelives in my closet which gave me more room to spread out.

Oh, what to make first?  
I am thinking of making a special cover for my new machine. 

I hope you all had as happy of a Christmas as I had.

Oh, I also want to remind everyone of the "Tammy for all Season's" hop coming up.

Starts January 9th.  I am almost completed with mine.  Hope to see you all there.
For the full schedule go to:
Madame Samm


1 comment:

  1. Your husband wins the #1 Husband award!!! His gift says he knows you!!! Is that a featherweight? My husband also got me a Singer from 1907 but it's just eye candy for now since it will take some TLC to get it working. It sure is "purty" though.
    Gmama Jane


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