Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Twas the Night, my turn

I must say, this is one of the best hops I was ever in.  A BIG HUGE THANK YOU to Madame Samm and Marlene for coming up with this great idea to exchange gifts with other talented quilters.

The gifts we made for each others and those on our Christmas lists, were to be made in 3 hours or less.

First, let me show you what I received from Leah at Quilted Delights.

Everything came in this beautiful bag:

2 little hand "snap" coin purses:

Inside were these mouth watering chocolates:

A cute needle holder,

3 cute scrubbies,
(I seen dishcloths, but these are smaller, and work so much better) favorite candy, how I'd you know Leah? 

Here are all my wonderful gifts together:  
(Minus the candy...I couldn't help myself)

Thank you sooooo much Leah.

I myself, had a rough month, but I did get a few wallets made:

And a few small wallets for our neices:

I am working on making each of our neices a Christmas Stocking.  (A Santa, a snowman, and an Angel)  (believe it or not I have been working on them for almost 2 weeks, yup, it's been a rough month) 

I did get some pincushions made.  I could hand sew these while sitting in my chair.  

I also want to make each of our neices a doll.  I chose these fabrics.

I made these small dolls the day this hop was announced.  They didn't  turn out quite like what I wanted, so I plan on keeping them for samples.  These were like a test I know just how I want to make them.

Now let's go see what others are sharing this Season.

Before you leave, I want to introduce you to my new tool.  I LOVE IT!!!   That is my "Beam n' Read".  The BEST gift anyone could get.....

I could tell you all about the extra wide personal light from 6 LED's, that DON'T get hot and will not disturb others.

I could tell you how you can switch from 6 LED's to using only 3 LED's and about the adjustible strap.

I could tell you how you can plug it in to household currant (which the cord does not get into your way at all) or use 4 AA batteries (that can last up to 50 hours) and go anywhere with it.  Oh, and how it comes with a large acrylic magnifier and 2 clip on filters for night vision.


The best part to me is that with my bad eyes, I can see.  Now, that is what means the most to me!
I now can do any close up work and see.  Whether it be my embroidery or painting.  I can see like I did when I was in my 20's!  All I can say is Thank you Very Much!!!!

Now, come join me and see what others are making for Christmas.     I don't  know about you but I am getting so many ideas as what I can make.  (YEAH!)



  1. What cute projects, I do love those little dolls! Thank you for sharing and Happy Holidays!!!

  2. Great gifts - love the little needle case you received - sweet.
    Great sharing ideas too.

  3. Lovely projects, Jane! You received great gifts and made so many adorable items.
    That Beam N Read sounds like a fantastic thing, maybe I should put it on my wish list for Christmas?!

  4. I hope you get to feeling better soon, Love that pincushion with the triangles, it looks so interesting. With the beam and read light, is it like working in daylight? I can't work at night or when it is cloudy, so my winter days are always a little less creative.

  5. such sweet treats Jane....great projects indeed...and yes beam n read is a delightful find..

  6. Jane you did get some great gifts! I can't believe you didn't save some of the chocolate to share! blessings, marlene

  7. Eating all the chocolate...LOL I would have too ! Great gifts you made and received !

  8. Leah sent some wonderful goodies. Enjoy! Love all of your extra projects, especially that cute cat face! Hope you get some more time for sewing and have a Merry Christmas!

  9. Great gifts, Jane. love thos scrubbies. Sorry you are having a rough month, but you did get some things made and I love the ideas you are giving me.

  10. The projects you made are so cute and clever. So many ideas!

  11. Leah made some wonderful gifts for you! I really like the drawstring bag and needle book. And you gave us some great ideas; those stocking will be so sweet when finished.

  12. Some lovely gifts you received. And great gifts you're making. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Great projects here, so glad you shared!

  14. Sorry about your month. I do hope things get better so you can enjoy your holidays. The gifts you received are lovely. The only thing better than money in a coin purse is chocolate! ;) Don't blame you for "cashing" in. Love the gift ideas you shared The kitty pincushion is really cute. Thanks for sharing them all with us. Take care.

  15. Wonderful package lucky girl. Lots of projects to share. I love the little pin cushion kitty!

  16. I hope you're soon feeling well enough to work on your projects! The wallets you made are beautiful, and the little dolls are adorable too.

  17. Leah gave you some cute gifts and yummy treats...lucky you! For having a rough month you certainly shared some great ideas. Hope you feel better!

  18. If you don't want the dolls, I have a place for them.
    Great gifts received...scrubbies are interesting. I fully understand having a bad month during this blog mother has been in hospital with several followup doctor visits. Some days life gets in the way of our stitching fun. Feel better soon.

  19. Great Job Jane! Hope you are doing better by now and thank you for sharing all of the projects you have ... lovely gifts you received also ... best wishes to you...

  20. A Beam & Read is on my wish list!!
    Some nice gifts that you received!!

  21. I think your wallets turned out very nice and your dolls are too cute! I hope the rest of the month is a better one for you. Merry Christmas, Jane!

  22. Great wallets. They will make lovely gifts.

  23. What great projects! Those pin cushions are xxx o pretty, too, I would want to sew just to pull them out!

  24. Your goodie was full of great gifts. Loved the bag. Your pin cushions are adorable especially the one with the triangles. would like one of those myself.

  25. Love your projects! Great gift ideas :)

  26. What nice gifts! That needlecase is so sweet.

  27. What a pretty collection of gifts - I love the drawstring bag - I've made so many of those. And thank you for sharing a variety of wonderful quick sew gift ideas. I've not seen the wallets before - those would be a wonderful way to give money to teens. Hope you feel better soon!

  28. Cute dolls! Sweet gifts too! Beam N Read is on my Christmas list :)

  29. Looks like you've been busy! Those kisses are good. Have you tried the Dove chocolates with the peppermint bark on top? Yum.

  30. Jane, I love those cute little wallets and pincushions. The little kitty is adorable. Leah sent you some very cute presents, too. Thank you for sharing today.

  31. Love the kitty pin cushion, and the wallets look fabulous! Thank you for sharing your ideas with us today!

  32. Such great gifts. Love the cute pincushions.

  33. Great gifts in that pretty drawstring bag! I love those little scrubbies,they are my favorite because they work so well.
    The test dolls are really cute and that flying geese pincushion is sweet!

  34. This is sew much fun to see what you received and what you made. Sorry you had a rough month and prayers for a much better rest of the year. Thank you sew very much for participating and swapping/hopping. Creative T'Was the Night Bliss...

  35. You received some great gifts, as well as giving us some ideas for quick gifts too. I especially love the little cat pin cushion.

  36. Those kisses are super good. You received great gifts and have great ideas for others. Wallets are great gifts. Everyone seems to love the beam n read.

  37. Aw, those dolls are sweet and I'm sure the ones you make to give will be very appreciated, Jane.

    Enjoy those lovely gifts from Leah and thanks for sharing some gift making ideas with us!

  38. Thanks for sharing all this holiday inspiration!

  39. Such a lovely collection of gifts you received. The gifts you made are pretty cool too. Really like the stockings and the dolls are a wonderful idea.

  40. Hi Jane! I am sorry it has been such a rough month. I hope things will get better. I really like your wallets. Thanks for your post.

  41. It isn't any fun feeling bad during the holidays. I do hope you are back to 100% by next Thursday and can enjoy Turkey day.

    Your gifts are really nice and if you are like me, half the chocolate is already gone. :)

    You may have felt bad but what you made for the hop is great and very inspiring. Feel better soon!

  42. Those are lovely little gifties from your blogging elf - loved the needlebook. Wallets are always appreciated - very neat. The pincushion with the prairie points was sweet. Hope December will be a better month for you. Happy Holidays.

  43. very fun gifts. I like the wallets you made. they look like they would be quite a lot of fun.

  44. Great projects! Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing!

  45. Sorry you've had a rough month! But you did manange to make some cute things. The dolls look great tho! Very nice gifts you received.

  46. Hello Jane, hope next month treats you better. Love the wallets, such a great idea for teens. Leah made you some beautiful gifts. Have a wonderful holiday season!

  47. More fabulous ideas for quick gifts - starting with Leah's - a great idea to wrap them all up in a drawstring bag. Love her knitted scrubbers. And for having a rough month, you've accomplished so much! That little kitty pincushion is adorable! Hope you get feeling better soon!

  48. many ideas! My new "wanna try that" list is getting so long. And your post has added some more. Lots of great gifts received and made.

  49. Beautiful gifts for Leah...thanks for sharing your quick gift ideas Jane. This has been a fun hop with lots of inspiration!! Happy Holidays!!

  50. Hello Jane,
    you had very nice gifts from Leah!
    Thank you for sharing your ideas for quick gifts, wonderful!

  51. Wow! All your projects are wonderful! Love the wallets and that cat pin cushion... oh my it is too cute!!


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