Monday, October 27, 2014

It's Black Cat Crossing w/Giveaway!

Good morning, and what a GREAT morning it is.  Today is my day to show what I have made for the "Black Cat Crossing" and I am so ready.

I want to thank Madame Samm and Wicked Wendy for all their hard work putting this all together for us.  I must admit, I love these "Spooky" hops.  Thanks guys!

Well, I got out my trusty pencil and paper and started to draw.  Oh, this time  I came up with two designs this time.

First one is this little guy:

I needed something narrow and long to put on top of my table where I keep my one plant.  (The table looked so plain.)

I found some skeleton fabric that seemed to match.  (Unfortunately, I  didn't get to purchase any of those beautiful Maywood fabrics.  I used what I found in my stash.)

Here he is....All ready for Halloween:

I used my fabric paints to help set him off.
(Check out the glittered glasses)


Then I drew this little guy:

I machine appliqued them both with monofilament thread.

I didn't have a lot of the orange fabric, so I used both the orange and black for a small boarder.

(Again I used my fabric paints)

Oh, I got just the spot for him for Halloween.

Ok, now that you seen mine...let's grab some treats,

And check out what the rest of us "goblins" have made:

Still with me?  Didn't  get scared off yet?
Well I got a giveaway (Treat) for
one of yous.

This adorable pattern for "Grace".  She is an 18 inch Angel.  Brand new, (I took her out of the wrapper to get a clearer picture.)

Rules, you ask???
Just leave me a comment.
Everyone is eligible, I will ship anywhere.  Just make sure I have your e-mail address so I can contact you.
Contest ends November 1st.  That is when I will announce a winner.
So, good luck 

When Witches go riding 
And Black Cats are seen.,
The moon laughs and whispers
It tis Halloween!



  1. Wow, both of your designs are so adorable!!! Two completely different cats...both purrfect!!!

  2. Your table runners are fantastic! You are a very talented artist. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Love, love your two runners. You have a very artistic flair from paper to fabric.

  4. The cat with the "sassy glasses" is great! I love how both of your projects turned out!

  5. Your table runners are gorgeous. My favourite is the second one.

  6. Both your table runner are just too cute. Love them both.

  7. Oh, Jane, you have turned your wonderful drawings into fabric works of art. Love your black cats and all the details. You made me smile from start to finish.

  8. Wow! So Artistic!! I Love both your Runners, so creative! I really enjoyed your post with the Cartoons and poems too!! Thanks so much for sharing with us!!
    Huggs, Nancy

  9. Lovely table runners; you are very talented in both drawing and quilting!

  10. Love both of your table runners.

  11. Love both of your table runners. You did a great job at drawing the cats. You're quite an artist! Thanks for sharing!

  12. They are completely adorable! I love the glittery glasses! And the pumpkin kitty. They are sooo cute! The catnav might be the reason my cat is meowing so loudly when in the car. Come to think of it, we always drive straight to the vet. Haven't got lost yet! Makes you wonder huh!

  13. wow both of your finishes are so beautiful.,.i love them so much...
    great giveaway..please count me in..
    thank you
    love cucki x

  14. Olá! Amei seu quilt, uma mistura de terror com uma pitada de comédia. Feliz Halloween!

  15. Sew creative...what fun runners! Love them both.

  16. Happy Halloween. Your table runners are perfection and really great Halloween decor. I love it that you created your own artwork too!

    Happy Halloween.

  17. Jane I love your project. Don't include me in the giveaway. I wanted to comment on your lovely runner

  18. Good Morning jane...your drawings coming to life are PURRFect...both projects are such a are such an artiste in all genres...

  19. Love your table runners, they are fabulous!!!

  20. Love your drawings. You really translated them into fabric wonderfully.

  21. You are such a talented artist! Your projects are wonderful.

  22. You are very talented. Love all the projects and those cats are hilarious. Thanks for showing your creative side.

  23. You are an artist. Your kitties are cuties.

  24. Your cat runners are so cute! I love the skinny legged cat the best... he's so full of personality. Love your original designs combined with painting techniques...fabulous!

  25. wow!! You draw so well! Love your project.

  26. Wow, those are great runners! I love your drawings.

  27. Love your funny-not spooky-designs. Happy halloween.

  28. Those runner are so cute. I love the way you can draw up the most adorable designs!

  29. Wow, wow, wow! I love the jack o'lantern and the cat, but especially the glitter glasses. Your designs are lovely!!

  30. Your projects are both adorable! Wow! Great job!

  31. You are a very talented lady. I wouldn't dream of trying to draw something and have it actually looking half way decent. Love the table runners.

  32. I just love your table runners with the cats they are great and also the two cats at the begining of your post, you are funny. Thank you for the giveaway.

  33. Jane I'm so jealous that you can just pick up a pencil and draw things! These are both darling - love the face on that first one! Please don't consider me for the drawing....I'm determined to finish UFOs! blessings, marlene

  34. Fun projects, I especially like that first kitty and his smile!

  35. Hi!!! Wow!!! Wonderful art!!!! Purfect I should say and so fun!!!! Thank You

  36. hahahaha! Cute Cartoons! I was SUPRISED at the actual size of that first little table quilt!!! NICE!!!!!
    and the second one is just as ADORABLE!
    I sure wish I could draw like that and then make it come ALIVE!!! GREAT JOB!!!!

  37. Great job! I'm always amazed when someone can draw something and then create the matching applique.

  38. Your drawings are just fabulous and I love how you turned them into such cute fabric pieces. Very clever!

  39. Wow, how talented you are. " I want to make something, I'll just draw a pattern." How awesome it would be to do that. Love both your projects, great use of color on both. (I gotta admit to getting side tracked by your little kitty in the right hand column that purrs and chases the mouse icon. Don't even know how long I played with her. LOL)

  40. You're amazing. That's a lot of work. Love the glitter glasses!

  41. Fabulous artwork turned applique! I love those runners and the bling and quilting you added made them spooktacular...very creepy! :O)

  42. Neat wacky cat, cute table topper and the little purses.

    Patricia C

  43. Wonderful runners. You are very talented. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway.

  44. Awe sew cute! Your drawings are much better than mine LOL. I haven't used fabric paint yet. I have some I just need to try it. You did an excellent job on both of your designs. Thanks for the chance to win and Happy Halloween!

  45. Those made perfect decorations for your tables!! You are very talented at drawing those designs too!!

  46. Waoh, yo are such a gifted drawer, I wish I could do the same. I think I just forget a lot, when I see my kiddies drawing, I always say to myself, try again, just forget rules and everything, draw! Your cats are adorable, I really love love both of your table runners!

  47. Jane, your table runners are so delightful. You definitely put a smile on my face.You are very talented and creative. Thank you for sharing.(The picture of the two kitties is so sweet)

  48. Your table runners are fabulous! I wish I could draw but somehow I was standing in a different line when that talent was passed out so I have to rely on others. Thanks for sharing.

  49. You are so darn talented. Wonderful runners. And the mini humor was a welcome addition to the day.

  50. Love those table runners. You are so talented! Thanks so much for sharing.

  51. your designs are very nice!You are talented!

  52. Your characters are wonderful, they make beautiful runners. Happy hallowe'en.

  53. Wickedly Clever of you to draw and create your table runners. I also enjoyed your cartoons and images. Thank you sew very much for participating and hopping. Creative Black Cat Crossing Bliss...

  54. Your designs are beautiful! Thank you for sharing the drawings. The cats are so cute!!


  55. I love your cat sitting next to the pumpkin, it's sew sweet! And I think the black and orange border is just right. Thank you for sharing your projects!

  56. Fun sense of humor mixed in with some fabric and thread. Great creative work. Fun, fun, fun.

  57. Your table runners are fabulous! Love your artistic flair. Thanks for sharing.

  58. Cute projects! I love that you made your own cat for the project!

  59. How original-I couldn't draw a picture if my life depended on it, let alone copy it with fabric. Love both runners, and your use of fabric paint. Awesome job. Great giveaway too.

  60. You always put a smile on my face with your designs! Perfect for the hop!

  61. Your drawing skills are pretty awesome Jane. Your expressive faces on the cats are what gives it that sparkle!!
    Nicely done!
    Gmama Jane

  62. Your drawing skills are pretty awesome Jane. Your expressive faces on the cats are what gives it that sparkle!!
    Nicely done!
    Gmama Jane

  63. You are so very creative and talented. Your table runners are fabulous! I also love the first pic of the two kittens together ... so adorable.

  64. Your table runners are spectacular. The fact that you drew them out and them made them. Well, I am impressed!
    Great job,.

  65. you did a beautiful job on your projects. Thanks for the chance to win the angel pattern

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  66. I love how you take your drawings and turn them into fabric delights. Wonderful projects! Love both the cats!

  67. Loooove the 2nd Ttable topper best...soooo cute! Both are Awesome tho! (also love the Kittie's at top...about bad luck...gave me a good giggle! Thanks!)

  68. Very cute, great idea for your bedroom for a little Halloween fun.
    Carole @ From My Carolina Home

  69. Thanks for sharing - esp. the cartoons. I loved the last one. lol Your creations are marvelous - such an artist. Great additions to your Halloween decor.

  70. Love these! I love cats, so right up my alley. I am jealous of your ability to do this!!

  71. Jane, you are so talented to be able to draw. My son can draw and I don't know where that gene came from because I sure can't! The table runners are very nice!

  72. Those are some really cute drawings and they make such cute projects.

  73. Love your runners but especially the cute black cat with the pumpkin.

  74. What wonderful projects! You are a very talented lady and I admire your ability to sketch the drawings and make them a reality with fabric. Thanks for sharing your creations with us.

  75. Your runners are lovely. That angel looks like it would be fun to make.


  76. Great designs! Can't choose which is my favorite.

  77. Very fun post. :D I just *love* your kitties - you're so creative!

  78. So very original and fabulous Jane! Thank you so for sharing your creativity!

  79. Oh how I love your sketching abilities! Both of your projects are fantastic! So much fun. Happy Halloween!

  80. Love your projects! Love your comics!

  81. The plant stand runner is adorable. Your drawing made a really sweet table topper.

  82. Oh, your creativity has me smiling! Those kitties have such personality and you have a flair for design. Well done!

  83. Such an artist! I can only dream. Keep up the embroidery i love to see the shiny threads telling a story.

  84. I love your creativity--both designs are wonderful and what great projects you made from them. Thanks so much for sharing.

  85. Jane....these are so frickin cute...I'm jealous of your artistic talent. I love both projects...can't pick a favorite, they are both awesome!! Thanks for sharing your talent!!


LIFE is short, break the RULES. FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollably, and NEVER REGENT anything that made you smile. Your comments are one thing that makes me smile.