Wednesday, September 3, 2014

See you in September...Is here already! !

I was so excited to see the post Madame
Samm had for this hop.  After this long summer I was ready, I really missed everyone and our hops.  Gingham,  now that got me thinking.  Would you believe I have nothing in Gingham?   Yeah, suprised me too!

But, before I get carried away showing you what I made this past summer and what I came up with,  I want to give a big thank you to Sherri Gallagher of Living with a Purpose and Madame Samm.  They did a terrific job coming up with this idea for a hop and putting it all together.

Thank you both!!!!

Now for Gingham!  I must say,  when I think if Gingham,  I think of country, and when I think of country... I think of Minnie Pearl.  She was a great country performer and raised a lot of money in her life for cancer and the MDA foundation.

She was born Sara Ophelia Colley on October 25, 1912 in Centerville, TN  (The youngest of 5 children and nicknamed Minnie)

One of her earlier jobs was working for the Atlantic based Wayne P. Swell Producing Co.  There she met an elderly woman whose  "Country-Fried  Manerisms" and speaking inspired her.

She started speaking in Womens clubs and a gentleman from Nashville happened to hear one of her shows and was very impressed, right from her opening line:   "How- www - DEE-E-E-E-E, I'm jes so proud to be here!"  This line led her to to the Grand old Opry.  

She always wore a cheerful Hillbilly get-up.  A frilly gingham dress with puffy sleeves and a straw hat with a price tag on of $ 1.98.  She bought her first outfit for less than $ 10.00.  She forgot to remove the tag from the dime store flowers and the audience loved it.  So it became her trademark.

After successfully battling breast cancer, she donated a lot of time and money to the Nashville Cancer Center.  She also helped Jerry Lewis with the MDA marathon,  in raising money.

(Her home outside Nashville)

She received the American Cancer Society Award and the Natonal Medal of Honor.

Minnie suffered a stroke in 1991 bringing her carer to an end.  She died March 4, 1996 in the Nashville Nursing home at the age of 83.

Her favorite lines were:  

Kissing a man with a beard is a lot like going through a little brush to get there.

The doctor must have put my pacemaker in wrong.  Every time my husband kisses me, the garage door opens.

Getting married is a lot like getting into a tub of hat water.  After you get used to it, it ain't so hot.

(I am sure everyone remembers "Hee Haw")

She was a great woman and I got lots of ideas as to what to make with gingham.  

So after reminiscing on my childhood and times watching "HeeHaw",  I thought long and hard, grabbed my pencil and paper and started to draw.  

Well, I came up with this: 

I bet you thought it would have something to do with Minnie Pearl.   :)

When I Riley Blake's gingham I just loved them!  All those bright colors!

I decided to make a baby quilt.   When I purchased my gingham,  I couldn't decide what colors to get, so I got an assorted pack.

(Some day,  I would like to make a  gingham dress like Minnie Pearl used to wear.  :)

Oh what a busy summer I had.  As most of you know, our biggest event was the wedding of our son and his wonderful wife.    They had gotten the wedding together down here in west TN but the actual wedding ceramony was in PA.

  I made 27 small toppers for the tables and 1 large one for the bridal table.

At the same time, I made 2 Mickey Mouse quilts.

I also started an embroidery project.  With the wedding and all the running,  it felt good just to sit and relax in the evening.  But not being able to quilt, that was hard.  My husband teased me and said I was going through withdrawal.   :)

So I got out this pattern my friend gave me.  I added some extra to it, you know me, I could never just follow directions.

Well it took most of the summer to finish it.

This pattern was actually for a table topper.  But I had no need for a topper like this.  I always make myself block toppers.  You know, the ones that I could put a centerpiece on (I love fresh flowers from my flower beds)  So they have to be practical and washable.  Anyway, I decide to make my own design around the embroidery and make it a walk hanging.  I came up with this.

I also made 4 Fall placemats:

Then I was asked to make a Football Quilt with purple and gray.  These are the colors of one of our local high school.   I also added their mascot, a Bulldog.

Ok, enough of my summer, I want to go see what others have done on their summer.   Also see what they have made with Gingham. 
Come join me! 
Here is the list of today's:

Thank you for dropping by,



  1. You have really been sewing up a storm! I can't pick just one as they are all beautiful! Thank you for sharing your summer.

  2. My goodness!! Your sewing machine must have been humming through the whole summer. Beautiful work.

  3. I enjoyed reading about Minnie Pearl. Thank you. I hadn't thought of her for a long time, but what an incredibly funny lady she was. You really did a lot this summer and a wedding too. WOW. Very cute baby quilt, but everything is beautiful.

  4. You've been a very busy lady! Thanks for the information about Minnie Pearl. I knew she was very giving, but I didn't know just how much or her history. Thanks for sharing your creations with us today. :-)

  5. What a fun post - Minnie Pearl was one of my favorites as a kid. My, that is a LOT of projects, and a wedding! What a busy summer you've had! Congratulations to your son and his new bride.

  6. Jane, Thank you for sharing a snippet of your summer. Minnie certainly was a great lady with a big heart. I love the bear surrounded with the gingham stars. What a great baby quilt! The table decorations for the wedding are phenomenal. How did you have time to do anything else? Any TWO Mickey quilts!! I can tell you are ready for fall. Thanks for including the wedding picture. You had a busy, busy summer and were very prolific. Thanks for participating in this hop, sharing all your accomplishments, and being a great inspiration.

  7. Wow, you have been busy. I love the baby quilt.

  8. Great reading on Minnie Pearl...loved her when I was younger. Your summer has been plentiful for sure...lovely projects...congrats on accomplishing so much!

  9. Heavens Jane you've been one busy lady! What a lovely idea to do table toppers for the wedding, and certainly something your sweet couple will remember forever. The baby quilt is adorable! And that embroidery - well I love embroidery so I certainly was jealous of this completion! It's time to get out the fall decorations so you're all set! blessings, marlene

  10. WoW girl! You had a busy busy summer! Love your projects... don't know which one is my favorite... So I will just choose them all.

    Thank you also for the trip down memory lane of Minnie Pearl. My family was always camped out in front of the television to watch HeeHaw every week. Loved that show! Hey Grandpa! What's for supper?

  11. I love your post especially the story of Minnie Pearl....your gingham project is a delight ...and girlfriend all of that sewing over the

  12. I am exhausted, Jane! You didn't waste one minute :) remembering Minnie Pearl was a treat, thank you. I also found gingham for the first time this summer. It is addictive, isn't it. Thanks for a great post!

  13. Wow you have been busy! Beautiful projects!

  14. Wow! You must be exhausted! However look at all the beautiful things you have made!! I absolutely love your gingham piece!

  15. I really enjoyed reading about Minnie Pearl. We used to watch the Grand Ole Opry every week and I thought she was so funny. My goodness you have been a busy girl ! Everything is just great and you already have a cute gingham baby quilt ready for the newly weds first baby ! Smart thinking !!

  16. Tell me,did you sleep one night during this summer? I mean, all these table toppers and this teddy quilt and and and.... or did you drink nearly 10 liters of coffee every 24 hours? Waoh!
    I loved your story and all the pics, just fantastic, that made this woman so different!

  17. Beautiful projects! Love those flower toppers. You have had a very productive summer!

  18. Beautiful gingham star quilt! I love your fall leaf placemats, too. Beautiful fabrics.

    The wedding table toppers and bride and groom table runner are wonderful! What I labor of love. I made quilts for my daughter's reception tables last year and know what a meaningful gift this is. Best wishes to the happy couple!

    Thank you for sharing all your summer projects. You are sew accomplished! ... :) Pat

  19. Oh my..... you have been one busy lady! I'm surprised that you got so many great projects done and even during wedding season. Congrats on your son's wedding. Love all of the projects and learning more about Minnie Pearl. I remember her clearly and always enjoyed her sense of humor. Thanks for sharing toda!

  20. Thank you for the read on Minnie Pearl, she was a lady of and before her time. What a lovely baby quilt that evolved from your reminiscing.

  21. I remember Minnie Pearl and Hee Haw too!
    I love the multi colored gingham stars and your sweet little bear on your quilt!
    I know you wowed the wedding guests with all your lovely table runners!! What a lot of work! The things we do for our kids!!!
    The two Mickie Mouse quilts are also really great!

  22. Wow, busy,busy!! That is a lot of projects!

  23. It is a good thing you told us that you would sit and relax on at least some evenings.....even if I can't see which evenings that would have been.... Did you get any sleep this summer? I love all your projects. Thank you for the story. I didn't know Minnie or Heehaw (I'm Dutch) so I really enjoyed that! You did a great job!

  24. Just gorgeous!! I enjoyed everything, but love the baby quilt and your story of Minnie Pearl...she certainly was a legend

  25. I loved Minnie Pearl...sweet post about her! Looks like your summer was amazing and busy with the wedding and all you put in to it. Your gingham baby quilt is adorable!

  26. It sounds like you had an outstanding summer. Your gingham quilt is adorable. Love all of your wonderful projects.

  27. Oh my goodness...the talent and ideas that drip from this page!!!! I LOVED your Summer and your projects! We have had three weddings this year too of our I know what you made for them was extra special! Minnie Pearl...a favorite...
    I am so inspired...thank you for sharing!

  28. Love your gingham quilt. What wonderful projects you have kept yourself busy with!

  29. What a busy bee you've been! Everything is just marvelous, I really like the school quilt. It's the dog lover in me ;D

  30. What a great summer for you! I love your gingham stars around the bear. Great job on your summer projects.

  31. What a wonderful Summer you have had! Thank~you for the story of Minnie Pearl, such a loveable Character she was. All of your Quilting is just Beautiful! Thank~you so much for sharing it with all of us!!

    Huggs, Nancy

  32. I always loved Minnie Pearl. You had me thinking you would sew a gorgeous Gingham dress. The teddy bear is adorable with all the gingham stars. Very busy summer you had. Thank you sew very much for sharing and hopping. Creative Gingham Bliss...

  33. I Love Minnie Pearl too. With the hat and price tag hanging from it and her gingham dresses. You worked on a lot of project and they are just great.

  34. Goodness, Jane, you have been a very busy lady. Beautiful projects! I love the baby quilt. The little bear is precious.
    Thanks for all the info about Minny Pearl. I really loved to watch her perform. She always made me laugh. I didn't remember how she passed away, but she will not be forgotten. She had a wonderful sense of humor.

  35. Congrats on the new DIL!! You have most definitley been working hard in your sewing room as well as everywhere else. I adore the baby quilt and fall placemats. The beautiful stitching in your wall hanging is nicley done. I wish I could see it in person to catch all the details.
    Gmama Jane

  36. What pretty project Jane! I especially like your flower placemat/runner and the Fall ones too. Great job!

  37. What a nice chat about Minnie. She was unique. I can't believe all you made over the summer with a wedding and all. Beautiful projects.

  38. Yowsers! That's a lot of sewing you did!!! I need a nap just reading about it all! LOL!! The quilt is just adorable.

  39. Geez Jane, you're making us all look bad! That's a lot of projects! You're making me tired just thinking about them! On the other hand, they are all fabulous. I love them all. I think my favorite is the fall placemats though. Very simple but cute!

  40. Holy carp, you sure have been a busy little bee this past summer. All of your projects are great and I especially love the bear gingham quilt.

    Hee hee hee hee hee hawwwwwwwwwww. Yep I remember Hee Haw.

  41. OMG Jane you have been very busy and productive!! I enjoyed the history lesson about Minnie Pearl. All the quilts and table toppers for the wedding...awesome. I think I have that embroidery pattern...perfect for autumn!! Thanks for sharing your summer sewinng.

  42. Lots of lovely sewing! Busy, busy! The wedding looks great!

  43. Hi Jane you have been so busy with your projects as well as the wedding. Love the story of a fantastic lady and your Gingham project is great. Susie x

  44. Wow, you made a lot of quilts the summer. They all are so lovely.

  45. Great job on all your projects! I really like the runner you made for your son's wedding. Thank you for sharing about Minnie, she was a very impressive woman. Have a wonderful day!

  46. Beautiful projects, and what lovely settings for the wedding!

  47. You are a marvel with all things you create even with a wedding in a busy summer. Love the quilt - I love the variety of gingham colors. I certainly enjoyed the info on Minnie Pearl. I immediately looked for the price tag in the first picture and didn't see it so I knew it was an early picture. She was a hoot and her humor was 'clean'; so refreshing!

  48. All of your projects are lovely, but your fall stitchery wall hanging is my favorite.

  49. What a busy lady you are Jane. Congrats on new DIL. What a great trip down memory lane-Minnie Pearl and Hee Haw. I love all your projects, but the teddy bear and gingham stars quilt is my fave.

  50. Wow, Jane! Both a wedding and all this sewing. You have truly outdone yourself. Certainly working rings around me. I adore the baby quilt you came up with.

    Interesting reading about Minnie Pearl especially since I have been watching "Nashville" episodes on Amazon all week while I struggled to get even one thing done on MY hop list.

  51. Wonderful post Jane,
    thanks for telling us about Minnie Pearl, great lady!
    Your Gingham quilt is gorgeous und all you projects are stunning, you have been so busy.

  52. Whoa! You were really busy this summer. This was a great post. Not only did we get to see all your lovely sewing projects we got a little lesson on the unforgettable Minnie Pearl. Thanks for sharing.

  53. Your story about Minnie Pearl also took me back to my childhood. You have had a very productive summer. I love your table toppers for the wedding.

  54. You have an impressive list of finished projects! Thanks for the history of Minnie Pearl. The first picture sure is old...before the price tag!

  55. Awww! I too loved Minnie Pearl! I actually made the pilgrimage to see her hat last time I was in Nashville! Your projects are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them with us!


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