Monday, August 4, 2014

To Have and To Hold

Such a busy month.  I ended up making 27 small toppers, 9 each of yellow, pink and blue.  These were the colors that my son's fiancĂ© picked for their wedding.

Then I made a special one for the bride & groom's table. 

(Please excuse my picture,  I forgot to take one till it was all packed away)

Then instead of a bag to carry and put envelopes in, she wanted a basket for on their table..  So I made a liner to match her dress.

But this past week was exhausting, fun, exciting, well I think I actually had all emotions hit me at one time or another.

Well, we packed everything up and we had a full truck full headed to PA.  We left on Tuesday evening and drove straight through.  Took us 15 hours but we had so much to do.  Wednesday we picked up the rest of what we needed,  paper plates, table cloths, etc.  Then visited my mom & dad and my husband's mother.   It was another long day but that's okay.  (Oh, our little neices came over and wanted to fix my husband and make him look good for the wedding.)  

Then Thursday the rental company came with the 30' X30' tent with sides, tables, chairs, and the port pottys.  We were having the wedding in her father's back yard.   So we needed to set it up, make our centerpieces,  decorate, etc.  But by 7 pm a lot of their friends started coming.  See, my son did a lot of DJ gigs and singing up there and met a lot of people.

Need less to say it was another long night.  

Next day we worked on food all morning, then went to get out hair, nails and makeup done,

We got back and wouldn't you know started pouring down raining.  That got us all scrambling to get everything under the tent.  I told Missy to stay inside so her hair wouldn't go straight again.  Which is just what mine did!  All in all it ended up fine.  It stopped raining but most all the people were tgere.  So I grabbed every man I could and had them caring food out.  It all ended up fine, we were about a half hour behind schedule but that didn't matter.  One thing, the rain cooled things off for us.

Didn't they look good?

(Guess you can tell I am a proud mom)

See, due to time, cost, and their wishes, they were married the Friday before.
So they wrote their whole wedding ceramony with their vows.
They were together for a little over 13 years so they had a lot of time to plan this out.  It was Beautiful!  I was never the type who cried, but they sure did get me.

(from the left)
My oldest son Wes, my daughter Cyndy, then my oldest grandson on the far right, Matthew.

Her bouquet. 

Another long night, we went to bed and I looked out the window...gee, the sun was coming up.  

The next day we had lots to put away but also another wedding to attend   our nephew was getting married.  I was never at a Mennonite wedding,  so this was going to be a first for all of us.  

After the bride walked up the isle there were 3 people come out and a screen came down.  We sang 5 "long" songs,  then an elder from their church spoke on how women should submit to their husband.  (My husband said it was enough for them all to turn an run, lol)  Next the paste gave his sermon,  then 3 more songs.  Then another pastor came out to do the ceramony.  It lasted almost an hour.  

It was very nice.  I gave them the green "Buzz Saw" quilt.  They did not open their gifts at their reception, so I hope they like it.  Oh, their reception,  that was really different also.

My parents

Our nephew and his daughter.

We are now on our way home, I can't believe it is over already.  Our oldest son lives in the state of Washington.  We put him on the plane before we left.  It was so good seeing him again.  Our daughter and her husband live in York, PA.   Goodbye can be so hard.  Especially to my parents.  Neither are good health wise.  My dad just turned 87 and my mother will be 89.  I miss them already.

Ahhh, but on the other hand, there is nothing like your own bed.

So on that note,  

(you can tell I am tired) I am saying goodbye. 



  1. heavenly everything....what a delightful celebration...your runner is beautiful too

  2. What totally different weddings. Love the runner and the bride's dress with the blue accent.
    Family time is certainly precious.

  3. Oh wow, what a busy time for you. Everything you made looked great and the colors matched perfectly! Congrats to both sets of newlyweds! Now you can rest up some!

  4. So glad your weddings went well!! My daughter's wedding on Friday was lovely too - the rain held off until Monday so the beach was perfect!! I don't know how you did two weddings in 2 days! One wedding was exhausting!!!

  5. It made me tired just reading your post! You have certainly been busy! Looks like you gave the kids a very special day to remember forever.
    Your nephew and his new wife should love the quilt you chose!


LIFE is short, break the RULES. FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollably, and NEVER REGENT anything that made you smile. Your comments are one thing that makes me smile.