Friday, August 22, 2014

Stop and Smell the Roses

Here it is, mid-August already.  I can't believe how time goes so fast and you don't realize it till its gone.

We had such a busy summer this year.   Preparing for our son and daught-in-law's wedding, traveling to PA, seeing family we didn't see for years, our Nephew's wedding, etc.  Well, this past week I just sat back and said Ahhhhhh!

Tamo and I just enjoyed sitting on our porch and enjoying nature. 

Sometimes I tend to do too much and well, my body said "Knock it off".  So this week I spent time outside, enjoying my flowers, watching the birds, etc.

I am glad they survived while we were gone.  I placed water bottles in each pot before leaving.  The bottles were all dry, ground was dry but flowers were okay. 

I got a lot of my hand sewing caught up while relaxing on my swing.  (Something for "See you in September")  It was the perfect spot, that is early morning and evening.  

These last few weeks have been really hot.  In fact this week is to be the hottest so far this year.  (Time to get caught up with wash, unpacking and get back in my sewing  room, lol)

Oh, and our son and his wife got in some fishing in our pond this week.

Yeah, we do have some fish left.  My husband was afraid the neighbors would fish us out while we were in PA.  We ask that no one fish without our premission.  Ever since we were broken into, my husband does not like anyone on our property while we are not home.  (some people just don't understand or care.)  Anyway, all is well and we have fish.

I sure hope you are all enjoying your summer also.  It is going fast, so stop and smell those roses....and have fun!

Next hop,  "See you in September".
Starts September 3rd

There are going to be sooo many 
GREAT projects, plus

Hope to see you all there!

Till then,



  1. Your garden is the perfect place to kick back and enjoy nature while doing some hand sewing! And Tamo looks like the perfect companion!!! After weddings, you really do need to take a break and just learn to breathe again.

    1. Thank you, yes, my body definitely needed a break. I was stuck on my chair for a week. Tamo kept me company. Unfortunately I think my comments or blog also rested. I am no o longer getting an email of my coments. So I am sorry I didn't get back to you. If I don't go back and read my comments, I don't know I had any. Ugh! Gotta find out what's wrong. I am happy to see you dropped by.


LIFE is short, break the RULES. FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollably, and NEVER REGENT anything that made you smile. Your comments are one thing that makes me smile.