Friday, June 20, 2014

Busy, Busy, Summrer

What a BUSY summer so far.  We not only are getting ready for our sons wedding in August, but have been busy with our dear Amish friends.  See, we drive them where they need to go.

My husband drove 6 adults and 10 children to up state WI.  As you can imagine there was not enough room for me.   What a cool place he was in.  It reminded him of were we are from in PA.  They went to a wedding.  Unfortunately, he could not take any pictures.  But he sure learned a lot.  

Unfurtunately, a week later "grandma" passed away and he had to take them all to a funeral in MI.  At least she got to see her youngest granddaughter get married.

Me, well, I was as busy as a bee.  I have been going with my future daughter-in-law to find a gown.  (Oh, she found a beautiful one)  since then we have been going to the lady that is altering it for her.  Tomorrow we pick it up.  Oh I also found a dress for myself.  YEAH!!   I think that was harder than finding her gown. 

I also got some beautiful fabric to make 30 little table toppers for her and one large one for the bridal's table.  

So off I go to get them done.  I never knew there were so many things to think of and do.

So till later....



  1. It sounds like it has been an exciting summer so far and still so much fun to come with the wedding.

  2. It sounds like your summer is definitely off to a busy start. Making all those table toppers will keep you very busy and so will all the wedding planning. Fun times!


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