Saturday, May 31, 2014

Me, May and my Buzzsaw

I want to appoligize to to my followers.  I know it has been a long time since I posted and I am very sorry.   May was a rough but happy month.

I had to let my Web site go.   :(     That also ment that my email address was lost.   I had to get a new one.  Well that was the easy part.  I had to change Google, e-bay, etc.  So I sat with my coffee and I notified all the different sites and programs, I was google eyed to say the least.


My new email:

But, I did get some quilting in.   I purchased these green and tan prints  (I even found one that matched in that had a little red in) at a really good price, having in mind the "Buzzsaw" block.  Ah, my next project.

With them I made 2 1/2" X 6 1/2" strips.  (half of white and half of printed fabrics)  I also cut 2 1/2" squares.  These I sewed diagonal on the top corner.

From these:  I sewed 4 together,

Now I have lots of 6 1/2" squares, so it was time to sew two of them together:

Then I sewed two of those together to make my 12 1/2 inch block:

I made a total of 42 - 12 1/2 inch blocks.  (Buzzsaw)

I carefully sewed all the  blocks together
trying not to have two the same fabrics close.
I then quilted it in an all over feathered pattern.  

Total size is:  71" X  83"

This is a very busy month, not only loosing my email but then there was Mothers Day,my Brother's Anniversary, then my Nephew's Birthday, then OUR ANNIVERSARY (oh my, it was our 39th ...hard to believe how time flies)  Then MY Birthday,  (guess I can't say I am 29 anymore)  Plus, we got company from PA for a week and was helping my future daughter-in-law hunt for that special wedding gown.  WHEW!!!   (We did find a beautiful gown which is now being altered.  Can't you tell, I am all excited?)

REMINDER....don't forget "A Perfect Picnic"  hop starts on June 2nd.   There will be lots of fun going on.


 So till then.....

To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:

1 comment:

  1. I just love your Buzzsaw quilt! (So now I've added another quilt to my "must make" list.)


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