Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pin - It...Hop...& Giveaway

Well, today is my day to post and show what I had made.  I was checking out all the other pin cushion, oh such creativity I seen.  So many great ideas and beautiful projects.  I am in total ahhhh reading them.

Lets give a BIG thanks to   Kristen King and Madame Samm for all their hard work.  It was very much appreciated, believe me!!!

I made a few different projects.  First, I got this pattern from Connecting Threads.  I thought it was sooo cute.  I not only got the pattern, but this time I actually broke down and got the fabric also.  I had a gift certificate and figured, why not.  The fabrics were great prints.  And I got extra so can easily make another


The pattern was sooo easy to read and it was a lot of fun to make.  My only difference was that I did not have Walnut shells for stuffing.  I had to go with sand.

Is't it cute?   This is going to be its home, for now.  I have been using it and it really has come in handy already.

Pin Cushions are so much fun to make.  I had to make some more.  I seen a picture in a magazine, but someone stole the full article and instructions :(    But I took a picture of the picture with my phone and decided to make my own pattern.  It was easier than I though, course I am not sure if I got the measurements correct, but did it anyway.  So I made my own pattern and this is what I ended up with:

They work perfectly on the wrist and have pins handy at all times.  They make great Christmas presents.  So I made enough for my nieces and a few cousins.  

Then I drew cats and dogs......OH YEAH!  I couldn't resist.

I just couldn't resist with a little fabric paint and some buttons and a bow.

Oh, now that you have seen mine....lets all go and check out the rest the the beautiful creations of Pin Cushions that also posted today:
September 16

Oh so sorry to say, but only one more day   :(  

OK, I know everyone is wound up making pin cushions...I know I am.  I have seen so many beautiful designs that I feel I just must make.  Well, I have a giveaway for you....

This is "The Abbey Bag"  pattern.  When I got mine, I got a second just for you.  I  am giving away this  pattern by Abbey Lane Quilts.  It is an easy fun pattern to make.  And ANYONE  can enter as long as I can contact you.  All you need to do is leave me a comment.  I will continue taking comments (entries) thru Friday.  Saturday, September 21st, I will announce my winner.  I do go to and let them pick my winner.  

So, good luck to you all and till Saturday,


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:


  1. Great pincushion(s)!


  2. Such a great variety of pin cushions, love the dog and cat ones! Thank you for sharing.

  3. I absolutely love the doggie and the kitty! Your pincushions are great.

  4. Just too cute - oh, just need a kitty pin cushion.

  5. I love your animal creations. The Abby bag might b a great Christmas gift for my sewing friends! Thanks for sharing your lovely pin cushions!

  6. I love your pincushion and the bag! maybe it would help keep threads off my cat since he usually lays beside me while sewing!And I love the kitty cat.
    too cute!
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  7. Jane you are very clever. I love the wrist pincushions and the cat and dog are just too funny. Two thumbs up!!!

  8. that's a lot of pincushions! great job

  9. I just love the dog and cat pin cushions! I'm going to try to make a kitty cushion! I would love to make an Abby bag for my mother-in-law. She got me interested in quilting! Thanks for sharing & for the chance to win!

  10. That looks lovely! I am in awe of you designing your own too! How cool is that...The dog and the cat, I am sorry, but those are just to cute to be sticking pins in them! Thanks for you post, I really enjoyed it.

  11. They are all adorable. Thanks for the give away.

    Warm regards from Holland,

  12. Great pincushions! The first is great, and very handy too. The cat and dog are too cute!

  13. Your cat and dog pincushions are my favourites for sure.

  14. The cats and dogs are just adorable, and I just realised how much I need a wristband pin cushion.

  15. Fantatic pincusions! My favorite is the cat :) Thank you!

  16. I love the pincushion and thread catcher but it seems to be raining cats and dogs. Wonderful.. I love them both more.

  17. Very cute cushions - all of them! The wrist pin cushions are so perfect. Why didn't I think of that? But of course, I'm going to go with that idea! Thanks for the inspiration. (But I would have a hard time sticking pins in those dogs and cats. I would hate to see the fur fly)

  18. I've been wanting to make one like your Abby bag, your dog and cat are too cute (I'll have to figure out how you did that) and the wristlets will be great gifts.

  19. You made some very cute pin cushions. The dog and cat made me say awwwww. So cute!

  20. Love your pin cushions, especially the dog & cat. Thanks.

  21. Loving that cat and dog pincushion! Great showing!

  22. Love them all, but that cat... such a cutie!!

  23. Great projects - cute, cute cat. blessings, marlene

  24. Amazing pin cushions by you, so pleased you were among us pin made our hop extra special.

  25. Great pin cushions! But the whiskers on the dog and cats...perfect!

  26. Your pincushions are darling! The CT one is lovely with the thread snips bag added, but the dog and cat are soooo cute and creative.

  27. Hi Jane. Your pincushions are so adorable, especially the cat. How cute! Thank you for the giveaway. I have been wanting to make one of these so thank you for the chance to win the pattern.

  28. The pincushions are so cute! I've made the cat and dog for my grandkids but I love the thread catcher one.

  29. Love your creations. Thanks for the chance to win.

  30. Adorable pin cushions, the Abbey Lane bag is beautiful, but will be a great item to use with the thread catcher attached. Your wristh pin cushions are cute and your dog and cat are super sweet! Thanks for sharing!

  31. Love your dog & cat pincushions... very cute!

  32. You went above and beyond! Wonderful work and than you so much for sharing!! :)

  33. Oh my! Love your pincushions! I have to have that dog and cat. They are just adorable! Thanks for sharing!

  34. All are so cute. Those pincushions/thread catchers are a great thing to have around the studio. Yours came out great. Love the dog and so cute. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway chance.

  35. Lovely pincushions but I particularly like the dog and cat.

  36. Ooo, I love that thread catcher and pincushion...I need one of those! Oh, and I need the puppy, too. He's so cute! You did a great job with all of these!

  37. I like pincushions with thread catchers, they are sew cute. I love your kitty and puppy cushions too.

  38. Awww, I adore your cat and dog! And thank you very much for offering the pattern, that would come in handy for sure!
    brandizzle7133 at yahoo dot com

  39. I just love your dog and you have a pattern for them? SO CUTE!!! thanks for sharing and thanks for the giveaway!

  40. I love the cat and dog pin cushions! Where did you get that pattern? I also like the pin cushion with the thread catcher on it. That would be so handy!
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  41. Cute pincushions especially the little dog and cat, thanks for sharing!

  42. Oh my gosh, those are just too cute. Love the animals too!

  43. I love your cushions! The pins as "whiskers" made me laugh - how perfect!

  44. Love your kitty and doggie cushions and the pattern looks like it would be easy enough, thanks.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  45. Your pin cushions are really sweet, especially the dog and cat. Who wouldn't feel content with pets like them in the sewing room. No pet hair and no scraps or tools skittering across the floor. Pin cushions with a thread catcher are always a good. Thanks for sharing.

  46. I really enjoyed seeing all the pincushions during this hop. Your post reminds me that I need to take the time to make a wristie version.

  47. Great pincushions, love the dog and cat! Thanks for the giveaway. vickise at gmail dot com

  48. All are cute! I am extra fond of the cat pincushion:)
    Great job!

  49. Jane the Abbey pincushion Thread catcher looks great. I made that same thread catcher too and used a felted wool ball instead of stuffing the flower center. I glued the bottom of the flower pincushion to a ceramic tile to weigh it down and glued some rubber gripper shelf liner to the bottom of the tile so it stays in place. Your idea of sand works too. So since I don't need that pattern because I have it already, please choose someone else in case I were to win.

    The cat and dog pincushions are darling and the pins act as whiskers, so cute.

  50. I love that abby bag with pin cushion. Sew cute but then so are the wrist cushions and the cat and dog. I don't know if I would have the heart to stick those little faces though.

    I would be thrilled if I am the lucky gal that wins your giveaway pattern. I know I have looked at it several times in the past but did not order it.

  51. Your pin cushions are all just fantastic. The pattern is great! I really need to try one of those wrist cushions, and the cat and dog are so much fun! This hop is a real inspiration!

  52. They are all fabulous - I love the cat and dog.

  53. Love your wrist pincushions, so cute and so handy. And please count me in for the giveaway.

  54. Such a great variety of pin cushions, love the dog and cat ones! Cheers

  55. What fun the dog and kitty!! Thanks for sharing :)

  56. Your bag is stunning! Thanks for sharing!

  57. You made some terrific pincushions! Love the little pincushion with the little thread catcher. I need to figure out how to make one. Especially since Baby Finn seems to think my sewing trash cans are great fun.

  58. You've done it again with more amazing projects. I adore the pin cushion thread catcher. What a great combo! I think sand might be a better choice than walnut shells for the project. The added weight might do a better job of helping to keep it on the table after all. The flower wrist pin cushions are cute, cute, cute. I get irritated when someone "ganks" the pattern and directions. I picked up a copy of a freebie at guild and a pattern from the cover along with the directions were missing. It wasn't something I thought I could easily reconstruct as it had to very exacting and I was able to obtain a copy of the old magazine online. Of course, I haven't used it YET! It is on my long to-do list. It will be perfect for leftovers from my Grandmother's Flower Garden. And the cat and dog pin cushions are adorable. I love that the pins are the whiskas. And as always you are very generous with your giveaway. Thanks for participating in the hop and the inspiration. God Bless You today and always.

  59. Awesome pin cushions!! I really like the cat...So cute and the fabrics are just right. Thank you for sharing and giving me the chance to win the pattern.

  60. Your pincushions are lovely, and I especially love your cat and dog!


  61. Adorable pin cushions and my favorite is the kitty--meow! The pin cushion/thread catcher is too cute. Thanks for sharing.

  62. Nice. I order from connecting threads all the time. If I don't win I will have to check that out. Yours turned out so nice. Thanks for having a give away.

  63. Your pincushions are fabulous. I'd love to make the Abbey Bag...I've always wanted one of these!

  64. Those wrist pincushions are adorable.

  65. Lovely cushion and thread catcher. Yourown animal designs are delightful.

  66. Wonderful pincushions, thank you for sharing!

  67. Love your cushions. The dog and cat are wonderful.

  68. Love the pincushions! The kitty is so sweet.

  69. Cute pin cushions. Since we have a cat, I think that is my favorite!

  70. Thank you for sharing your wonderful pincushions. I love that kitty and would love to make that Abby bag.

  71. Love your projects. Especially the thread catcher and pin cushion combo..would love to make one of those for my sewing table.

  72. Hi!!! I love all of them!!!! I need a thread catcher!!! Love the bracelets and the little puppy and kitty are adorable!!!

  73. Your fall flower cushion and thread catcher are really cute; great pattern. I'm really fond of the sassy looking kitty!!

  74. Your pincushions are wonderful. I adore your clever kitty and dog ready to comfort needles and pins. Creative Bliss and Fabulous Hop...

  75. Love your pincushion and thread catcher. The cat and dog heads are adorable.

  76. What a cute assortment of pincushions!

  77. Love all your pincushions - but the little critters stole my heart!

  78. What a wonderful pin cushion/thread catcher!!! Great design and colors. The dog and cat are also adorable!

  79. Haha, I love that poochie! Great job on all your projects!

  80. Your cat and dog is precious! I love the caddie also. Thanks for sharing with us.

  81. Love your puppy and kitty pinnies. I would love to make an abby bag/pinnie for my fall quilting retreat gift exchange!


LIFE is short, break the RULES. FORGIVE quickly, KISS slowly, LOVE truly, LAUGH uncontrollably, and NEVER REGENT anything that made you smile. Your comments are one thing that makes me smile.