Thursday, July 11, 2013

June Brides

June Brides... Ahh, June seemed to be the romantic month.  Doves are flying everywhere spreading the love.  But, that is not the only month.....

In the beginning of April I was asked to make a Wedding Wall hanging for a friend of mine.  Her grandson and his fiance were getting married.  She wanted it to be in Red, White and Black.  I had the perfect fabric for the job.

 I drew my outside boarder to look like this:

Then I drew a bride and groom for in the center.  From this I made my template for my applique.

My next step was to cut my center (off white) piece and then the squares and rectangles for the boarder:

Well, to make a long story short (due to time to get this in the mail to PA) I had to concentrate mainly on my project.  

I added a bow, then with printer and cotton fabric I added a poem underneath, reading:

Two Hearts
Joined as one
Together Forever

Then the date they were married.  (or to be married)   (sorry about the blurry picture, I cropped it after the large picture was taken)

 I also added two Red Hearts with Doves holding them.  Inside each are the names of the bride and groom.  Oh, also at the last minute I was asked to add a dog.  Seems as they adopted a cute puppy together this week.  The applique was all machine appliqued with monofilament thread so not to be seen.  I did a little embroidery to show off the Bride and Groom a little.  

I machine quilted all around the applique, then did a stipple stitch in the off white back ground.  Then in the boarder I machine quilted in the ditch.  

Total size when completed was 24" X 28"

I want to apologize for this picture though.  I was in such a hurry to finish and get it mailed that I forgot to take a picture.  So my friend took it for me and sent it too me when it arrived at her house.  

My friend as been very close to my heart for a long time.  She is one that is always there when you need a shoulder to learn on.  One to lend an ear and listen.  She is the best!   

So......Are you, or were you a June Bride????  I was a May Bride myself.  We were married just before my birthday.  That way my dear hubby will not forget either days, LOL.   He never has, every anniversary (which we were married 38 years) I get a dozen Red Roses.   What a guy, so proud he is mine!  

Now, I am off and much to do, so little time.  My machine is a waiting.......


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:


  1. Wow! That is so pretty! You did a wonderful job.

  2. That is so beautiful. It will be treasured forever.


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