Monday, May 6, 2013

My Quilt Room - Makeover

What can a few shelves, screws and touch up paint do for you?  Well, it did a lot for me this past weekend.  My wonderful husband got me FOUR new shelves for my quilt room.  (It is also considered our office but I prefer quilt room)  I just had to share with everyone.

This month we are having our 38th Anniversary, plus my birthday.  So the first thing he wanted to get me was something special that I really needed.  

Anyway, I had a book shelf, small plastic shelves for my things.  Then we have a large corner desk.  Half the desk was for writing, computer, etc.  The other half is my cutting table.  Then above it I had one shelf on each side in the corner.   This is what my corner use to look like:

Well, he put up two more shelves above the  one side where I cut my fabrics.  Each are eight foot long.  On the other side he hung two five foot long shelves.  Then he touched up the paint on the walls (I had pictures, etc. so there were many little holes.)

Don't it look good?   I love it!!    I spent all day yesterday organizing my shelves.  I got to spread things out and put everything in it's proper place to find easily.

I even took each piece of my fabric out and refolded and put them all back in stacks of 1/4 yard, 1/2 yard, etc.  all the way up to 5 yards.  Then separated my Bali and my Batiks.  Stacked my totes with strips, scraps, etc on the shelves.  Oh and I now have 4 large totes full of Fat Quarters that I can see easily.  This is that same corner now:

So much neater.......I LOVE IT....I just had to share with everyone.  I don't have a big room but with some organization, it is perfect.

Oh, the small cover on the floor in the corner is my partner's bed.  She was very upset with me yesterday and stayed on the other side of the room.  I guess I was just in her way of her nap. LOL

She was so mad, she didn't even want her picture taken,

But she will get over it.

Oh, I did leave space for the so called office part of this room.  (Not that my hubby comes in to use it, he claims he is afraid he will mess up my stuff)  LOL  He is soo sweet!  He said that this month has just started....I love my life, my dear husband and can't wait to see what is next!

HAY,  New blog hop coming up......Starting tomorrow.....

"It's for the Birds"

 PLEASE go to Mary Winegar's blog or Madame Samm's and see the full schedule.  It is going to be so much fun to see what is flying around.   While you are there, give them a big thanks.    So, I will see you there, right??

Till then....I am heading to my room, it looks to neat.  Time to mess it up and start a new quilt, LOL


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:

1 comment:

  1. Congratualtions on your quilting room makeover. the little simple things that make us so happy. And organization is a great big boost to creativity.


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