Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Card Holders

Are you one to get lots of Christmas cards and hang them above a door so everyone can see them?  Or do you sit them on tables so you can enjoy the pictures and read the sayings inside.  Or perhaps you tape them going down a door way.  Then after Christmas you have problems with the tape making marks or even just picking them off.  (very time consuming when you would rather be quilting) 

Well............How about a Card holder?  I had seen these around a lot of different places.  So I had to give them a try.    This is sooooo easy to make.
All you need is a pile of scrap Christmas fabrics,
1 3/4 inch Craft Size pincher pins

Gold paint
Fabric glue
Batting and batting

First is what I do is take all my pincher pins and set them on a piece of old newspaper and paint them gold on the top and two sides.  I do this first, so that they can dry while I make my holder. You want to make sure that they are good and dry before attaching them to your holder. (they will need 2 coats of paint)

Now while they are drying, I made 8 log cabin blocks.  Each block is a 10 inch square.  So that meant I needed 8 center (red) 1 1/2" X 1 1/2".  Light and a dark 1 1/4" X 1 1/2 " to either side.  Then proceeded to make my log cabin block.  Next I sewed a light and dark 1 1/4" X 3" then, a light and dark 1 1/4" X  3" and just continued with 1 1/4" inch strips keeping light on one side and dark on the other till it measured 10".

When all 8 blocks are completed, sew them together, put a 2 inch boarder on and quilt.  I quilted all in the ditch in all my blocks and the boarder seam.  Then put the binding on.

I attached my pincher pins with fabric glue to either side of the blocks.  

You can place them in the center on either side or along the seams on either side.  There is no wrong place.  It is up to you, your making it.

Here are two more that I made....I made a total of 6.

Oh, and here is mine.  Total size of the holders are:   10 1/2" X 38 1/2"

OK, time for some Egg Nogg and TV.  Cards were sent, got my packages all wrapped.  I made 13 batches of cookies, tomorrow I will pass them out.  For now it is time to sit and watch a Christmas Movie.  My favorite is the National Lampoons Christmas Vacation....What's yours??  

"I am so pleased I got everything done....hope you did too.   

Christmas is coming,  how joyful it will be...
The family will gather round the Christmas Tree.
With silver tinsel shining bright, the room is all aglow,
There's a kiss for you and me beneath the mistletoe. 


To get special designed quilts or to see my gallery, check out my site at:


  1. That is really a cute idea. I spent the day doing my Christmas cooking also. Four dozen Cherry balls, eight dozen Peanut butter balls i batch of almond bark, one batch of sugar cookies and one batch of gingerbread cookies, Christmas gifts mostly wrapped and I am ready. Christmas can come anytime.

  2. I would love to go with your design. you said it is soooo easy to make..but it's not looking so easy at all..:-)
    thanks for sharing such good idea here.
    card holders


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