Monday, September 3, 2012

School Daze Winner Announced

School days, school days
Dear old golden rule days
Readin' and 'ritin' and 'rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hickory stick...................

I can't believe that it is September 3rd already and out Blog Hop is now over.  I want to thank Michele for hosting such a GREAT Blog Hop Party.  I know I enjoyed it very much.  I read some really wonderful tutorials, seen beautiful quilts, and entered many giveaways.  (I am hoping I have luck with one of them).

Since this this blog hop as started, I designed and made a special quilt for the Dot's on Dot's  blog hop.


I can't wait for you to see what I made,  AND you guessed it.  I am having another giveaway.  This one is going to be BIG!!!   For it is being sponsored by Fat Quarter Shop.


This is the best place to go and get fabric.  They have such a great selection of fabric for what ever designed quilt you have in mind.   And their service is to be commended.  I hope you check the Fat Quarter Shop too.


Here we go, I went to,  I had a total of  194  comments (or entries) for my giveaway.  I will be giving the book, "Bits and Pieces" by Karen Costello Soltys to the first number picked.  Then I will pick a second number and they will win the beautiful Perennial Stack by Eleanor Burns line.

HERE GOES.......................

First winner is number:    114  -  LINDA      

Second winner is number:   10  -  TERESA

CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU BOTH!!!   I will be e-mailing you shortly to confirm you winnings.  If I do not hear from you in 4 days, I will pick another number.

Thank you all so much for stopping by and entering my giveaway.  Please come back again for the Dot's to Dot;s blog hop, you won't want to miss that one.

Until then, you will find me in my room quilting.  There are a lot of Holidays coming up that I must prepare for.


Check my website gallery for more selections:


  1. congrats guys...thanks for the giveaway...great hop

  2. Congratulations to the winners!!.
    Thanks for the giveaway.I`ll be back to see you dot project.Happy sewing.

  3. Thank you so very very much for Karen Costello Soltys' book. I teach Students with Disabilities in grades 3-6 in a small rural school in northern Wisconsin. This year in addition to SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities) students, mild CD (Cognitive Disabilities) students, and a student with Downs' Syndrome, I will also have two students with Autism. My quilting is my way of relaxing at night to take my mind off of school.

  4. Congrats winners and thanks for the giveaway

  5. Thank You! I love Eleanor Burns and love her Perennials. They are right down my alley. Thank you!


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