Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Carroll County Fair and Winner of the Charm Pack

Today I was a judge for the Carroll County Fair here in Tennessee.  It is held every year in August in a small town of Huntington.  I was very proud that I was called to judge in their fair for I have not lived in Tennessee for that long.  (And we sure do love it here!)  

I was surprised there were so many quilters around.  And their work was just plain beautiful.  Anyone who was ever a judge knows what I was going through today.  It was just plain HARD to have to pick just one!!!

Pictured below is the one who got the Grand Prize.  It was amazing how it was carefully pieced together.  Each face was embroidered on, the names of the machines, etc.  There was a lot of thought when into this piece.  (my photography skills just don't do it any justice)

Runner up was a quilt with an appliqued Kitty in the corner of  a Log Cabin block.  This woman did the most daintiest hand quilting I had ever seen and she had quilted it in the ditch of the log cabin and around the kitty!  


I had so much fun today, I can't wait until next year to do it all over again.  I had learned so much and met so many wonderful ladies.

OK, now for the winner.......Is everyone ready????          

THE WINNER IS.............
JULIE  from WA    you will be receiving an e-mail from me today. 

 CONGRATULATIONS on winning 30,  5 inch Charms.

Till next time....



Check my website gallery for more selections:

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