Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dresden Daisy Topper

This fabric is so Spring and eye catching that I just had to make another special topper with it. But this time I used the Dresden pattern.   I am sure it will make the whole room look good.  (Anyway, I just love Daisy's)

I made 3 different Dresden blocks.  When first shown how to make these (years ago), I was told to cut them out, sew them all together, then turn the tops under to applique onto the block.  Well, I found an easier way.  Instead of cutting the tops pointing to turn under.  I cut the tops square, then fold in half and sew along the top.  Then turn then around and carefully push the point out and press in place.

OK, here is one of my Dresden’s.  I machine appliqued  these onto the block since they are made for a table and will be machine washed.

I made 3 different blocks and sewed them together, put a boarder on and machine quilted with an all over stipple pattern.  I also quilted carefully around the center of the Dresden.

Finished size is 15 ½” X 37”         Gee, this would look good on my table, I may keep this one. 


Check my website gallery for more selections:

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