Monday, September 5, 2011

Favorite Hand Sewing Spot

Everyone has a desired place where they do their hand sewing.  Such as in front of the TV, while watching a good movie.  I do that  too but.......

Most of the time I like to sit on my swing on my porch.  Here is where I sew on my appliqués on my quilts, or embroidery on them.  I can spread my quilt out beside me and prop my back with the pillow I had earlier. On my swing is my Crazy Scrappy, Reversible quilt. (Right now I am starting to sew Hexy's together)

The scenery is beautiful.  My husband put a fountain in our pond and I have flowers everywhere.  I enjoy seeing the flowers, watching the birds.

While swinging and sewing, the birds come right up to the porch and take baths, eat the sunflowers I put out for them.

I think they finally learned that I will not harm them.  They are such a joy to watch.  As long as I don’t make any sudden moves.

I have Cardinals, Finch, Wrens, Blue Jays, 3 different kinds of woodpeckers, Red Breasted Goosebeak, Doves, Hummingbirds, etc.  Maybe it is just me, but they are fascinating to watch.

One day while sitting and embroidering, a flock of geese came to visit.  It was like I wasn’t even there.  

How cool was that!  I tip toed into the house and got my camera.

My quilting partner, well, she will not come outside.  She is very scared, but she loves watching the birds, and will sit and wait patiently until I come back in.  She keeps me in her site at all times, she is buddy.

With Fall approaching, it is the perfect weather to sit out on my swing.  Hopefully I can get a lot of my Hexy's done.

So where is your favorite spot to quilt??    I would love to hear....

Happy Quilting.......and Have A Great Day!

Check my website gallery for more selections:

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