Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Triplet Placemats

I did it, I made another set of placemats for Fall.  These are called Triplets because each consists of 2 sets of three different kinds of fabric.

I seen this deign in one in my latest magazine but  they made theirs a little different and different material.  Since mine is a different size, I had to make my own pattern.  They were easy to make, I felt it was the perfect opportunity to use some of my larger printed fall material.  (I used this material for a boarder in other projects that I did earlier.)  I just cut 12 pieces of Sunflower print and 12 pieces of plain light tan that matched my print.  I sewed 2 plain and one print in the middle, then 2 print with a plain in the middle.

Then sewed the two rows together matching the points. After sewing them all together, I used the same plain tan material for the backing.  I layered them and quilted them with my machine using the stipple pattern all over.  Trimmed and added a gold binding with the machine using the blanket stitch and invisible thread.

Placemats are easy to make, but remember whatever you do to one, you must do to all four.  But it is worth it.  (I always do mine by machine, that way they are not only for show but able to be used and washed.)

Happy Quilting Everyone,  Hope everyone is having a Great Day!

Check my website gallery for more selections:

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